Alrighty. The main thing I'm trying to do is build something very similar to the IC Prison, but right around the cell 2, 19 and a few adjoining ones. Creating the new worldspace is simple. It's actually getting it to do what I want that's hard. I noticed that the IC Prison is its own separate worldspace, and I also noticed that it overlays with the parent Tamriel worldspace. I'm guessing that this is what's known as 'LOD,' but I'm not sure. As I look around in the ICPrisonWorld, its terrain and height map are identical (or at least pretty dang close) to what it looks like in Tamriel, and I wanted to do the same thing with my little walled-in worldspace.
I may be over-explaining it because I don't know the right words to use and I don't even know what I'm looking for, but I want the cell 2, 19 to be the center of my little ICJusticeHallWorld, and I guess I'm wondering how I copy-paste all the height/depth/landscaping/terrain painting/general geography stuff from that area in Tamriel to my worldspace, how I make ICJusticeHallWorld do for its spot on the map what the ICPrisonWorld does for its own spot on the map, make sure it's all generated properly and linked and such, and how I make sure it works so I can get on with the architectural object placing (because that I have experience with and can do all day long).
Like I said, I looked on the CSwiki but all it had was a tutorial for starting a new landscape from scratch. I've accessed the heightmap maybe three times since I've started playing around with the CS and the one time it didn't crash was because I didn't actually do anything. Heck, I can make it zoom in and out but I don't even know how to scroll up or down because I can't even see a scroll-bar on the side, and the last time I tried left-clicking in that area just to see what would happen, a lot of colors on the map changed and then the CS crashed.
Stupid question? Easy question and easy solution, hopefully? I'm at a roadblock here.