» Fri May 27, 2011 11:45 am
I'm guessing that my question was a little more complicated than I thought. I decided to just go ahead and leave my little fortress in the Tamriel worldspace, but if anybody ever does come up with a solution I'd still be interested in hearing it.
New question: Sometimes when I download a new mod, I'll go through it alongside an active mod of my own, and when I find something I like I'll create a copy of the new thing in my own mod (I've never released, with the exception of the one I made for my brother, and that one didn't go so well; I'm just grabbing stuff I like for my own mods). I've done this so many times with so many different mods that I've decided to just create a library mod, to save the trouble of constantly have to create a whole slew of new objects as I go from mod to mod.
For some reason, with one castle mod I've been working on for a while now, every time I run it in the CS but it's not the active file, even if I do absolutely nothing with it and just alter something in the active file, if I try to save then the CS crashes. I just got the latest patch but it still does it. Any ideas? I can run my castle mod as active and alter it all day long and save just fine. The only thing it freaks out on if I load it is because I accidentally nudged something in somebody else's mod (which was already altering a vanilla object) while browsing the mod, so whenever I load my castle mod without that other one running it tells me I've got a duplicate reference ID and that it's 'form-bashing' (whatever that means) when there's still only one of the things it's talking about. It also doesn't seem to like that there's a ton of pathgrid connections in the hedge-maze I'm building behind my castle.