I can't figure out how to use SetNthEffectItemScriptNameEX. I have a float variable called dstotal, and I want to set the 2nd effectitem on my apparel enchantment called dsench to say "dstotal magicka/sec". So I tried this line:
setntheffectitemscriptnameex "%g magicka/sec" dstotal dsench 1
but the script won't compile and save. Any suggestions?
Also: do I need to change dstotal to an integer (like using by using ceil)? Or can I somehow make it so that only one decimal place shows?
Pass the enchantment in a ref variable. Or, better, pass the scriptname as a string variable to SetNthEIScriptName.
string_var namelet name := $dstotal + " magicka/sec"SetNthEIScriptName $name dsench 1
92% chance I missed this, but I couldn't find detailed documentation about this with my searching. Any method of time-specific script effects? OBSE or no, how to make undead spawn only after midnight but die at dawn.
Point me in the right direction if I did miss this

Depends on how you are spawning them. If they are spawned from leveled lists and the list only contains undead, put a marker script on the leveled list like:
if (gamehour > 5); if it's between midnight and 5am disable; don't spawn stuffelse; at night enable; spawn stuffendif
This should prevent the list from spawning anything from 5am until midnight. A script would be needed on the undead creatures spawned by the list to make them die at dawn. Something like
if (getDead == 0) if (gamehour > 5 && getparentworldspace); it's after dawn and the creature is outside kill; maybe add a shader effect or something to show it burning in the sun endifendif
If the leveled list also spawns other (non-undead) things, you wouldn't be able to use a marker script; you'd have to put everything in the creature script.