Has anyone managed to use function successfully. Is it supposed to dicate how quickly the weather changes?
if ( PCVampire == 2 ) if ( Player.getav vampirism == 0 ) Player.removespell Vampirism25 Player.removespell Vampirism25Att Player.removespell Vampirism25Skills Player.addspell Vampirism50 Player.addspell Vampirism50Att Player.addspell Vampirism50Skills Player.addspell VampireSeduction MessageBox "Having not fed for an entire day, you feel your undead nature pull you farther from the realm of mortals as your strength increases." endif
if (Player.getAV vampirism == 0 && counter == 0) do stuff set counter to counter +1; prevent immediate repeat elseif ( counter > n ); adjust n until it works set counter to 0; reset for next timeendif