Yes, it's one I created. The branch itself is marked as blocking (so it has top priority when the player talks to the NPC). The topics related to it are all fine and the last one has the Goodbye flag checked.
Yes, it's one I created. The branch itself is marked as blocking (so it has top priority when the player talks to the NPC). The topics related to it are all fine and the last one has the Goodbye flag checked.
Did you test your dialogue with an old save or by using coc to your cell on the menu page, the one with "continue", "new", etc.?
resource count is how many ore it gives out per, well, ore-give-out
resource count total is after how many ore given it will be depleted
as far as i've figured out the priorities, they're like this (and somebody PLS CORRECT IF WRONG as that'd be info i'd like to have myself :
value on ref > overrides value on base item > overrides initial script value.
changing value in script during runtime overrides all of these.
i just happen to know this cause i've had to dissect this very script to the last letter for a scene in my lund + lambda mod where you'd pickaxe a hole in the floor
(took me about a month, i could have brushed a hole through every darn floor in the world with a soft toothbrush in the time
with problems like this with, say, the weapon plague script, you'd be on your own for what i'm concerned...
*all possibilities total try out time exceeding total life time* (game booting time not even counting)
check if you have linked this dialogue piece to any further topics!!
also check if "force subtitles" is checked, it woudn't go away before subtitles have finished then
did it ever not work? never had problems with this actually (never used it in skyrim though, only fnv)
do package fragments store variables as expected?
like, if i set a bool in start-fragment and look for it in end-fragment, will it still be what i set it to?
(i'm asking because i read this'd not go as expected for topic infos, got me worrying)
Not sure what you mean here but it doesn't matter where I am or which branch I'm at, it always does it.
I don't think the goodbye flag has ever worked right for me. The last line just stays up and greyed out. Force subtitles isn't checked. Just has lip file and goodbye.
Force subtitles is notorious for not working in Skyrim.
To test your mod, you don't need to create a character. Once you're on the loading page, the one with "continue, new, load" etc., open the console and enter
coc name of your cell
Your character will be the dummy that we can see in the Bethesda videos. It's a fast and safe way of testing anything new in the game.
I found the issue. It's because it's a blocking type branch. If I change it to top level or normal the goodbye flag works properly.
The other problem is after the latest CK update by force greets no longer work so I had to change everything to use blocking type branches so she would speak first.
Hopefully the last question for my Mod...
Is it possible to reference DLC ArmorAddons, without actually having the DLC as a Master?
I want the Player to be able to select and use DLC items, but don't want to force them to need the DLC; because of how it is designed, it would be a quite problematic to make multiple versions of the Mod taking each into account, especially as this is only the Beta version, and there'll be (hopefully) a lot more to add...
I'm guessing I could just copy the ArmorAddons into my mod, but obviously this would be a big issue in terms of being clean and what not, so... :/
oh, i had no idea about that (odd, worked perfectly in fallout)
but anyway, since iirc my advise to the op was to _de_activate it, it doesn't necessarily need to anyhow.
see, goodbye flag perfectly works...
you don't necessarily need a blocking branch for this (i'm actually not even sure if you even need top level for a force greet, but i figure rather yes),
you can also set the topic's priority to one million and condition it to IsCurrentPackage (or was the item GetIsCurrentPackage, stg like that) yourForceGreetPackage -
or you could just make your force greeting an own (branch if force greet is necessary, and) topic, so it wouldn't collide with your other greetings.
GetFormFromFile is what you want. point it to the armors in the dlc (or better like a form list that contains them all), reference this in a property, there you go.
I've gone through and changed all 82 stages so that the player initiates the conversation and now everything works right. I'd rather do it this way because now the player has the power to talk or not to talk. Also, she won't interrupt at odd or weird times and locations.
Oh and I got a summon spell working for her, all on my own. I'm so proud! *sniff*
Is there somewhere an overview about ObjectReference all the different actor and reference values, like ReferenceAlias, actor, actorBase, ObjectReference? Like, which value its which other values parent/child, how the code looks like to get the child value out of the parent value and etc.
Currently I'm trying to get the actor value from a referenceAlias and have no idea how to do that and the CK wiki is no help regarding these matters.
The CK wiki in general is the best resource for these kinds of things, particularly if you look up anything's script page (i.e. "objectReference script", "referenceAlias script"). These pages will tell you what parent script each script extends and provide you with functions like the one above. Good luck!
Int Property iAlchemySkill AutoReferenceAlias Property kSomeReferenceAlias Auto... Actor kActor = kSomeReferenceAlias.GetReference() As Actor iAlchemySkill = kActor.GetActorValue("Alchemy")......or, as a one-liner (if there's no need to retain the actor)...
Int iAlchemySkill = (kSomeReferenceAlias.GetReference() As Actor).GetActorValue("Alchemy")GetActorReference is literally 'GetReference() As Actor', but is slower/more expensive as it's not native.
Yeah, because you'd be casting a referencealias to a actor. You can only cast between object types if one extends the other, which is not the case for these two.
Well, I think it's time I took the plunge...
Say I wanted to use assets from the official plugins; I'm guessing to do that I'd need to start up the Creation Kit, select Skyrim.ESM and Update.ESM, along with my .ESP as usual, but this time, also select the plugin, wait for it to load, save, and now I can use the assets, but my mod will now be dependent on the plugin to work...
Is this correct?