Yep, that was it, thanks!
How do modders make people look like their famous counter parts?
Yep, that was it, thanks!
How do modders make people look like their famous counter parts?
ScriptBName BScript = (thingB as objectReference) as ScriptBNameBScript.callBFunction()
That should do it.
Glad to hear. Just found this out myself, actually, after staring at the script for those soul gem magic trap pedestals for a few hours
It is -sort- of described on the Variables and Properties page, but it's pretty hard to follow, and they focus more on doing this through properties than on-the-fly. I haven't seen it elsewhere on the wiki. I could maybe add a blurb to the Function Reference page.
What helps me is to think about how this is basically the same as working with any other type. You just have to remember that every type (like Actor, Weapon, etc..) is really actually a script.
ScriptBName BScript = (thingB as objectReference) as ScriptBNameBScript.callBFunction()
Event OnItemAdded(form akBaseItem, ....) Weapon BWeapon = (akBaseItem as objectReference) as Weapon BWeapon.Fire() ;(use "Fire" function that is unique to this instance of the Weapon script that is natively attached to the weapon)
A description now added here, hopefully with no errors:
Does anyone know how bethesda made their animations? l read they used 3ds max, I'm wondering if they used the CAT system or if they used standard bones system.
When i imported the skeleton awhile ago, it look alot different than those two bone systems i mentioned above. and also would like to know if you can use any system to export the animations
had that, did two things: empty water's "reflect" list and add "isMovable" keyword to water, now i have that no more, so i figure one of these fixed it
i have a problem getting them fill bucket / pour bucket thingies to work.
my package goes travel to fill > activate fill num1 > travel to pour > activate pour num1, which is just what the vanilla carry-stuff-packages do,
and from where they are used in vanilla game, i don't see the furnitures need to be linked or anything, so why's this not working?
(all before and after this in the package run as should, so i figure it's not the pack. and furnitures are both in a location (ext) owned by the npc that should use them)
edit: ...and being at it, another idle problem i'm currently struggling with, got some play-flute-markers, npc does use them and play his flute, but i get no flute sounds whatsoever, any clues?
Ok i figured out the bones issue, they are using the standard bone system in max, it probably sqaushes the bones from either the havok or the import/export at some point.
I'll make a thread about the animation, but
Has anyone ever figured out the decal system in skyrim? Idk if there was ever any vanilla decals, but there seems to be some hint to it in nifskope,
i ask, because i wanted to put some new blood and such in the game, I figured i would just use a plane in max and throw on an alpha property over it, i just did it, but wondering if there was a better way
Another question. How can I add a magic effect to a projectile in mid air? There seems to be no option in the projectile window so maybe through the magic effect scripts.
I assume they don't, but just to confirm, do skyrim.esm or the DLCs use any of the unnamed slotmasks (higher than 43) for armor items? Cant find a way to check slotmask "use info" in the CK.
Edit: Finding the page answered my question.
Is there a way to detect if the player is starting a new game? I have a bunch of intialization code that wouldn't need to run if they are.
Sorry for having so many questions but I have a third now.
Is it possible to overwright the in game spell description without having to duplicate the magic effects used changing the description of those directly? There has to be a more efficient and resource saving way of doing it.
Aha, that looks promising, I will give it a test. Thanks!
In the spell window, there is a box in the lower left that says "Description". If you fill that in, it will override the description that is set in the Magic Effect.
I'm not sure I understand exactly what you wish to do, but depending on the situation, you may be able to figure out a workaround and calculate the midway point (or other point) between the projectile's starting point and target, and place an exposion with the desired effect at that point. Or if you want to add an effect that will trigger on the target at impact, you could dynamically attach an onHit() event to the target that applys the effect when hit by the projectile if your conditions are met.
I thought that description was for the modder only. I just remade all the effects and did it the inefficient way.
Sorry, by magic effect I meant special effect. For example; A green orb projectile could be on fire while moving through the air.
Is there an ini setting that could force the ck to load the code from the dlcs scripts subfolders, so that we don't have to move the scripts we want to see in the main game source folder?
I am pretty sure the only way to do that is to change the projectile's .nif file (i.e. use a different projectile altogether)
Edit: or you could try using the "Muzzle Flash" option, (I haven't used it before, so not sure how it works) but this would still require using different projectile
I tried it out, na, not really what I'm looking for.
I saw, maybe it can alter the projectile to glow. I know set.alpha will make things transparent. I'm not sure how to do it though. I'll give it a go. If anyone wants to help, my goal is to add a green glow/tail/waves(anything really) effect and to lower the opacity.
How do I use this: ScriptName Projectile extends Form
I was about to add a script from the magic effect box but I take it that won't work.
Hey folks, quick question.
I'm trying to create a quest object, a gem specifically, that has a lighting effect attached to it -- one that will show up if the item is dropped, and go away when picked up. How would i add an effect like this?