Is there any way to view a full list of changes made by an .esp file?
Is there any way to view a full list of changes made by an .esp file?
In wrye bash you can right click on a mod and select the appropiate option and it will list everything.
Tes5edit also lists everything.
I tried that and it said I didn't have permission to make a thread. I tried again today and it still says I don't have permission.
Thank you, tried Wrye Bash, got all the information I needed.
Thanks, i've set the wrong one as parent
Next question: is there a way to preview the VisualEffects effects? RFCT Form Type.
depends on if what.
bool: == false
int == 0
float == 0.0
anything that holds a string == None
edit: or for false or none also simply: if !Bool or if !String
How can I get another object's state? GetState() shows just the state of the script it's running in..
Any idea how to get a DwarvenSphere to unfold from its ball form? The little guy doesn't seem to respond to anything from SendAnimationEvent until after I go attack him. Then he unfolds on his own and responds to the trigger box, as well as murdering me even though he's set up to be my ally. I can't even find any Anim Event that sounds like it refers to the needed animation, which is MT_unfold.
Edit - whoops, looks like weapForceEquip gets him up. Now I need to figure out how to get him to stay up.
How can I find out the cell location of an object or the area for that matter?
If you are referring to getting the state of an other object's script state from your current script, then you would have to make that other script a filled property of the current script then use the GetState function on the script property, like: MyOtherScript.Getstate. Still, I've never tried that myself and the wiki doesn't indicate that GetState can be used on an exterior script. But you could always set a variable in the other script, follow the same steps I listed and check the value of that variable in the other script instead of using GetState.
Is there a definitive answer to getting animations in game? I did look through a thread on here, but can't find it again, i believe someone said that you can do it, but there were things you couldn't do.
I'm really looking to animate some first person arms and hand things for my mod. Just a few of them at key times. I also wanted to do some on statics. Any info, hit a brotha up
Tyvm pkleiss, that really hepled me out.
Getting to another script:
Event OnBeginState()
Here i want to run the script when the State of the object the script is applied to changes, there is no information in the wiki how to do that..
Is it okay to fill multiple reference aliases in a single quest with the PlayerRef? I need to utilize incompatible sets of OnItemAdded/Removed functions.
Its been a bit since i was working on the questing side of it, but i know i used multiple instances of aliases in my quest.
I can't remember if you have to tick a certain box to allow it though. but i believe you do
Ah, perhaps "Allow Reuse in Quest," from the looks of it? Thanks, will give it a go.
Every time I try to make a new script or edit any custom script or anything, the creation kit spits out an error saying it can't find the script. I've been trying to google this but am having absolutely no luck. Do you know what caused this? I would very much like to know so I could continue modding. This is going to make me rip my hair out.
In the objects list right click on the object and then on "use info".
I found this in the Bethesda Help forum:
That pretty much indicates that once you've verified your account, you should be able to start a new thread as easily as post to an existing one. Since you have posted, it seems as though your account HAS been verified, yet you claim you cannot create new threads. I would send a message off to the moderators. Here is what the help section says about that:
(NOTE: while your at it, maybe let them know that they misspelled receive in the I Just Registered My Account But Can't Post subsection of the Help Forum, lol)
If you find that you can't send a PM to a moderator and you are sure you have verified your account, post back here and I'll do it for you.
How do I set the PCs Level via Papyrus? "SetLevel" and "ModLevel" are not working...
Thanks for your help man. I contacted a Mod and he sent a message to the tech guy so hopefully they figure out a solution for me.
Until then, I'll use this place for my questions and hope people see em who know how to answer them.
Such as, I have made a script that works great on a WETempActivator but when I apply the same script to a type of water it will not work. Anyone of have any idea why? I'm using the OnHit Event, does that simply not work with water?
There are water types and there are water activators that use water types. I am assuming that you put your script on the water activator, not the type, right? I've not tried that myself, so others may have better input than I, but the OnHit event looks as though it should work with a water activator. Did you fill your properties? Why not post your script?
First question:
How do you make the spoiler tag?
Second question:
I added a very simple line of code to my activemagiceffect script and now the script won't save without freezing the CK:
Event OnEffectStart(actor akTarget, actor akCaster)If playerREF == akCaster OMZstage = 6endIfendEvent
I would put in my entire script if I knew how to make a spoiler tag... but just so you know, I did declare the playerREF and OMZstage properties in the empty state of the script.
I got that one...
1) Highlight the text you want put into the spoiler, then click the 3rd icon from the left in your tools, the one that says Special bbcode, then scroll down and select spoiler.
2) Just put [_spoiler] in front of your text and [/_spoiler] after it without the underscores. I had to put them in to keep them from actually being spoiler markers.
Did you fill your actor properties with valid actors?
Thanks pkleiss, now I need to go edit my huge posts on the other threads
Here is the full code (there is more actually, but I didn't copy the rest into the editor)
This freezes This seems to work... And this seems to work also... So I'm not sure if I am not allowed to declare variable that I don't use or something? Or is it maybe reading errors in my commented out sections? I'm confused why the parts all work separately but don't work together even though they seem to be independent.ScriptName OMZmainScript Extends ActiveMagicEffectImport UtilityImport MathInt OMZkeyInt OMZstageInt UpdateCountActor property playerREF AutoActor targetREF Form formREF Spell spellREF Spell OMZspellMagicEffect OMZeffectEvent OnInit()playerREF = Game.GetPlayer()endEventEvent OnEffectStart(actor akTarget, actor akCaster)If playerREF == akCaster; OMZkey = 0 OMZstage = 6; RegisterForSingleUpdate(2.2); UpdateCount = 0; targetREF = akTarget; If targetREF.isDead() != True; If targetREF.GetSleepState() != 3; Debug.notification("MainKeys..."); OMZkey = 50; formREF = akTarget.GetRace() as form; OMZkey += 10 * playerREF.GetRelationshipRank(akTarget); Debug.notification("OMZkey: " + OMZkey); OMZstage = 7; Else; Debug.notification("DreamKeys…"); DreamKeys(targetREF); GoToState("Dream"); endIf; Else; If playerRef.GetCombatState() == 0; Debug.notification("RitualKeys…"); RitualKeys(targetREF); GoToState("Ritual"); Else; Debug.notification("Combat cancels ritual."); endIf; endIfendIfendEvent
ScriptName OMZmainScript Extends ActiveMagicEffectImport UtilityImport MathInt OMZkeyInt OMZstageInt UpdateCountActor property playerREF AutoActor targetREFForm formREFSpell spellREFSpell OMZspellMagicEffect OMZeffectEvent OnInit()playerREF = Game.GetPlayer()endEvent
ScriptName OMZmainScript Extends ActiveMagicEffectInt OMZkeyInt OMZstageActor property playerREF AutoEvent OnInit()playerREF = Game.GetPlayer()endEventEvent OnEffectStart(actor akTarget, actor akCaster)If playerREF == akCaster OMZkey = 0 OMZstage = 6; RegisterForSingleUpdate(2.2); UpdateCount = 0; targetREF = akTarget; If targetREF.isDead() != True; If targetREF.GetSleepState() != 3; Debug.notification("MainKeys..."); OMZkey = 50; formREF = akTarget.GetRace() as form; OMZkey += 10 * playerREF.GetRelationshipRank(akTarget); Debug.notification("OMZkey: " + OMZkey); OMZstage = 7; Else; Debug.notification("DreamKeys…"); DreamKeys(targetREF); GoToState("Dream"); endIf; Else; If playerRef.GetCombatState() == 0; Debug.notification("RitualKeys…"); RitualKeys(targetREF); GoToState("Ritual"); Else; Debug.notification("Combat cancels ritual."); endIf; endIfendIfendEvent