» Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:20 pm
That's the sad reason we have dumbed down games these days. Good games butchered due to compromises done for the sake of console ports.
It's true. The reason we have "checkpoints" is because of consoles and when they were coming out they had a limited amount of save memory and so it became a standard practice to limit these saves to a map change or transition. They do it still because console manufacturers still require it. It doesn't matter if we can have a hdd now or not, they limit the size and the amount of saves to say they are being fair to every one. Is it true? Not always, some games get to have bigger save files and space for patches when others don't, I would say it's about 90% true. The problem is that PC's have always given gamers choices above and beyond the limitations of consoles like freq saving, dedicated servers, mod tools, gfx, audio (the amount processed), multiplayer modes and on and on I could go but the fact is that Developers are being told by Publishers to make one uniform format to stamp out to save money and time on development, this is nothing more then a cookie cutter approach to save money. Now with that in mind because Publishers say piracy is the root of all evil on the PC their idea of giving choice is saying you can remap your keys in the game unlike the console, because they want the legit customers to put the pressure on the pirates so bad they buy it, I'm not buying that BS either. Piracy is rampant on consoles granted not to the extent of the PC but publishers and developers a like are painting all PC gamers as criminals and to punish us they put the money towards consoles and cut and paste that into the PC as cost saving measure and behind closed doors they are saying "**** them all". There is no reason for the PC ver to be this blatantly bad and until we can prove what is said behind those closed doors unfortunately nothing will change and if we can it will open the door to major lawsuit so there keeping a watchful eye on those who do go through their doors. I can't wait for the day that happens because we as consumers need to be protected by a law that guarantees we can return said product and hurt them in the wallet, which is the only language they understand. Some one said in another post well it can change it says that in the EULA but Crytek went on CAMERA and said it wouldn't abandon the PC community but there is no legal recourse for us to hold them to it, why can we do that to ppl we vote into office or on an advertisemant and not Crytek? The problem is because there is no legal president and nothing will change until a gamer with deep pockets can afford to pay the ppl who are trained to deal with this crap and set the bar.