Quick selling of items

Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:11 am

Here's my idea of barganing, nothing more, and nothing less, would satisfy me: http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1174264-a-better-bargain/page__p__17337683#entry17337683
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Lifee Mccaslin
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:12 am

No, because I hope there's going to be some sort of mechanic for haggling. Which might mean going to different shops to get prices for different items.

In fact we know it's going to be in the game that prices will differ between towns, and that if the arrow maker dies then arrows will become a rare commodity in that town.

So there's no way I'd want to "Sell All Junk" because I'm fully intending to shop around! No point selling spare arrows, gems, and swords in one shop when you might get a better price for the sword at a different shop in a different town. Since there's going to be a dynamic economy, it would be daft for the devs to put in a feature that discourages you from noticing it!

ETA: I do though want to be able to use shift+LMB or similar to sell all of a stack of items at once though without any dialogue boxes asking me how many, that's fairly basic.
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:57 pm

No, because I hope there's going to be some sort of mechanic for haggling. Which might mean going to different shops to get prices for different items.

In fact we know it's going to be in the game that prices will differ between towns, and that if the arrow maker dies then arrows will become a rare commodity in that town.

So there's no way I'd want to "Sell All Junk" because I'm fully intending to shop around! No point selling spare arrows, gems, and swords in one shop when you might get a better price for the sword at a different shop in a different town. Since there's going to be a dynamic economy, it would be daft for the devs to put in a feature that discourages you from noticing it!

ETA: I do though want to be able to use shift+LMB or similar to sell all of a stack of items at once though without any dialogue boxes asking me how many, that's fairly basic.

I guess when you put it like that does make sense not to have it, but its not like you cant just put all the stuff your gunna sell into junk
and haggle from the junk tab.

I guess its just a way to keep the stuff you wanna sell away from the stuff you wanna keep so you dont sell something on accident.
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Lory Da Costa
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:52 am

I don't see why not. It's not really a big deal though. If the barter system of OB returned, I would be fine with that too. As long as it involves me looting treasure from a massive fortress built into the side of a mountain, then I'm happy.
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Joe Bonney
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:00 am

I guess its just a way to keep the stuff you wanna sell away from the stuff you wanna keep so you dont sell something on accident.

I suppose, but I can't see myself being any less likely to make a mistake when labeling items as junk than when I'm in the haggle screen. If I'm going to sell something by mistake I could just as easily move something to a junk folder by mistake and then "sell all" without double-checking.
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Sarah Knight
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:44 am

I don't like this idea... What happens when you get to the vendor and she only has 800 coins and the bag is worth 1,000 coins so you only can receive 800 of the 1,000..
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Mr. Allen
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:48 am

I don't like this idea... What happens when you get to the vendor and she only has 800 coins and the bag is worth 1,000 coins so you only can receive 800 of the 1,000..

You can sell it piece by piece. You don't have to sell the entire bag of loot. It's more so for separating things you want to keep and things you don't.
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stevie critchley
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:36 am

Yes I think quick selling should be there, but not from the start. It should be based on your mercantile skill or equivalent (perk?).
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louise hamilton
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:32 am

I quite like how it is done in Torchlight, just get your pet to run to the store for you.

Perhaps if you get a new adoring fan you could go get them to go sell or buy stuff from the store for you.
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louise hamilton
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:00 pm

No, no, no, no, no.
I loved to go to all stores in the Imperial City Market Place to clean my 'bag', it was another feature to extend the playtime. I don't want it to be simplified.

This. And I want to increase my speechcraft via my bargaining acumen. I would mind a "stuff to sell" category being added to inventory, but TES doesn't have junk in the sense that DA II does. TES has "treasures I don't plan to use." :D
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:22 pm

No, because I hope there's going to be some sort of mechanic for haggling. Which might mean going to different shops to get prices for different items.

In fact we know it's going to be in the game that prices will differ between towns, and that if the arrow maker dies then arrows will become a rare commodity in that town.

So there's no way I'd want to "Sell All Junk" because I'm fully intending to shop around! No point selling spare arrows, gems, and swords in one shop when you might get a better price for the sword at a different shop in a different town. Since there's going to be a dynamic economy, it would be daft for the devs to put in a feature that discourages you from noticing it!

ETA: I do though want to be able to use shift+LMB or similar to sell all of a stack of items at once though without any dialogue boxes asking me how many, that's fairly basic.


I was going to agree with the OP, but if you put in what amounts to a auto sell, you basically take out the meta game of selling. I don't have an example from an elder scrolls game, but in fallout3/NV selling your loot was kind of a game. You would get a big hual of items and have to shop around for a place to sell it to. It actually was kind of fun moving items to and from the deal. They never had the caps to pay for everything in your haul, so you had to make choices trying to balance your encumbrance with not getting less then the item is worth.

They can include something like that in Skyrim. Maybe the shop can't pay the full cash value, for your sword, but they can pay half of it in trade items and the rest in cash. Now the player gets to ask themselves some questions. "Maybe I should just wait till they have the cash?" "Maybe I can sell my sword here then sell the trade items to another store at a slight loss?" "Maybe I can craft something with these trade items?"
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Manuel rivera
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:24 am

This. And I want to increase my speechcraft via my bargaining acumen. I would mind a "stuff to sell" category being added to inventory, but TES doesn't have junk in the sense that DA II does. TES has "treasures I don't plan to use." :D

Well put. :trophy:
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Setal Vara
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:08 am

I find it highly amusing that half the people saying "no" in this thread are saying it just because they hate BioWare and blindly bash anything to do with that company.

In my case, I've actually suggested this a few times on these forums. Being able to sort your inventory is an excellent thing for a packrat like me. If I don't need an item and I don't want it to use it as a house decoration, I just hit a button and poof, it's no longer cluttering my inventory screen, yet it's still in my inventory and when the time comes to sell the loot I can go to a merchant and hit a single button to sell it all instead of meticulously clicking each and every junk item for 15 minutes.

Explain to me how that's a bad thing?
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rolanda h
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:19 pm

Im hoping theres a dragon age: Origins type system where you can move items to a junk section, then when you get to a vendor
You can quick sell all the stuff with one press of a button.

Keeps your good stuff separated from the useless junk, and not having to sort though a list of crap to find that
one herb to make a potion will be good too.

I don't see the point of "junks," they are just a waste of inventory space or weight (or whatever Skyrim is using), all items that can be put into inventory should be useful, one way or another.
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:00 pm

I don't see the point of "junks," they are just a waste of inventory space or weight (or whatever Skyrim is using), all items that can be put into inventory should be useful, one way or another.

In TES they're actually useful for roleplay purposes since each item has a model. Want to turn your empty house into a posh estate? Fill it with otherwise-useless silver cutlery and maybe some gems here and there.

Those of us who don't care as much about roleplay or end up with more clutter than is needed can make use of the junk tab. Also, the junk tab wouldn't be restricted to useless items like silverware. Equipment that you don't have any use for could be moved there as well.
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Andrew Lang
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Post » Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:55 pm

And that is relevant, how?

Anyway. There was a system like this in DAO? The hell? Did I miss something during my like six playthroughs? None the less, it sounds really practical, so why not.

:lol: I missed it too
I'd have no objection but can't say it bothers me much one way or the other
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