» Tue May 03, 2011 8:32 am
Yeah, everyone who visits these forums with any frequency should take it upon themselves to leave a post in threads like these whenever they pop up, because in all honesty, a little positive feedback never hurts, especially when the people behind the game have spent years putting together a product that is shaping up to be spectacular. We all have to remember that despite the fact that yes we pay for their games and that yes they, in turn, get paid to make 'em, the devs do pour a huge amount of their time, effort, creativity and ingenuity into designing these imaginative, fantastical, wonderful worlds for us to roam, explore and find countless hours of entertainment in. In places like these forums that appreciation for the product and for their hard work is often drowned out by the community's overly critical moans, groans and collective chants of 'make it better' :whistling: , but despite all of that, and despite what gets said, deep down we all love what you do and most of us love what we've seen so far and some of us shudder at the thought of a world without TES -- so thanks and keep up the good work.