Quicking question

Post » Wed May 18, 2011 8:38 pm

i just started a new game,(Xbox) and i'm boosting most of my skills, sneak, block, heavy armour ect. my question is, will they be reset when i create my class and pick my birthsign then leave sewers?? Don't want to be wasting my time, aha.

Thanks in advance! :wavey:
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 7:11 pm

You'll get full credit for all the stuff you did in the tutorial, but some of your skill levels may change slightly once your class is set. This is because the game will adjust the rate of skill growth to things like whether you end up picking the skill in question as a major, and whether you take the specialization that hosts that skill. Those things cause skills to level at differing rates and the game will factor all that in. The game will 'tweak' your skills to where they would have been if your class had been fully set at the beginning of the game. Hope that makes sense. :foodndrink:
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Kitana Lucas
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:36 am

i just started a new game,(Xbox) and i'm boosting most of my skills, sneak, block, heavy armour ect. my question is, will they be reset when i create my class and pick my birthsign then leave sewers?? Don't want to be wasting my time, aha.

Thanks in advance! :wavey:

If you don't want to be "wasting your time" with this, then make sure that the skills you boost in the tutorial are set as Minor skills when you define your class. That way you won't be uselessly driving up your level before you even get started.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 6:56 pm

OR... OR you could just use alchemy and max out whatever skill you want whenever you want...

(I have silly ideas like that from time to time)
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Eric Hayes
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