No quicksave, no money for C3

Post » Tue Oct 16, 2012 7:09 pm

Crysis was great. Crysis warhead, was good. Crysis 2 with focus more on console-type play , cut scenes that can't be skipped (similar to the over-hyped COD: Black Ops), and more importantly, blatant cost-cutting by NOT providing quick save for FPS PC, worse than Crysis by an order of magnitude. I recently went thru Crysis again. Nostalgia drove me to go thru Crysis Warhead. Then I was searching for Crysis 2. I owned it, but couldn't find the media. I had a shortcut on my desktop, but the game wasn't installed. I coughed up ANOTHER FORTY DOLLARS, to repurchase this game that had been out for over a year, then started playing again. After the un-skippable intro,and the warehouse scene, I began to feel dismay. Then, when I got to the end of the park scene and I wanted to quicksave so I could get some sleep after waiting for the hour long download/intro, I finally realized why I had been feeling an impending sense of doom.
The shortcut was on my desktop because I HAD purchased the game already. The game was no longer installed because it wasn't worth the price I paid. When blatant corporate greed takes over a ground-breaking First-person shooter, which had a sequel that was "ported" to all possible platforms, leading to cost-cutting, feature reduction, and arbitrary, over-hyped cut scenes at the expense of REAL gameplay; when saving and free-roaming is removed in order to cut expenses and drive the plot along so it resembles the old-style rail games, mitigated only by mediocre graphics, I see no reason to buy Crysis 3. I'm sure it's too late, that Crytek has moved too far down the road to Craptek. I will NOT uninstall this verson of C2 that I just re-purchased, but only so I can remind myself why I shouldn't purchase C3. And for those fanboys/sychophants who don't remember what gameplay SHOULD be, and are merely content to plop mommy's credit card down to buy the latest 60-minute distraction aimed at those with the mythical A.D.D, come talk to me 10 years from now, when gaming has devolved to whack-a-mole with a lot of pretty colors.
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Marine x
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Post » Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:51 pm

I feel your pain, when I first played Crysis I knew it was something different and unique, they took everything away with Crysis 2, and even when I'm looking forward to Crysis 3 I don't think it deserves carrying the Crysis name
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Quick Draw III
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Post » Tue Oct 16, 2012 10:56 am

So quicksave is the only thing that stands between you buying C3 and not buying it?

Edit: I asked because of the headline, I read your post and your reasons (that is why the headline was odd to me). Nevermind anyway :). /End edit

I actually agree with most of the stuff you've said...
It bothers me to see so many games that lack creativity lately. It apears simplicity equals money.
I'm not one to criticize games, infact I find many games enjoyable (including c2),
but I agree that the original crysis singleplayer is a lot more fun, creative and had a lot more features... (IMO)

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JUan Martinez
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Post » Tue Oct 16, 2012 8:54 pm

+1 to what Dandelion said.

Honestly they should feel ashamed of calling that game "Crysis" 2. Nothing resembles the original, most gameplay features were removed, the entire style of the game changed and no matter how many patches they put to the story it just wont scape without a thousand plot holes (actually it does even if you don′t tie it with the other games).

I wish Crysis 3 renders 2, the comics and the book all uncannon, because I will never acept Crysis 2 as a true "Crysis" game.

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Kate Norris
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Post » Tue Oct 16, 2012 2:39 pm

I feel your pain, when I first played Crysis I knew it was something different and unique, they took everything away with Crysis 2, and even when I'm looking forward to Crysis 3 I don't think it deserves carrying the Crysis name
From my original post:
. When blatant corporate greed takes over a ground-breaking First-person shooter, which had a sequel that was "ported" to all possible platforms, leading to cost-cutting, feature reduction, and arbitrary, over-hyped cut scenes at the expense of REAL gameplay; when saving and free-roaming is removed in order to cut expenses and drive the plot along so it resembles the old-style rail games, mitigated only by mediocre graphics, I see no reason to buy Crysis 3.
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