I have been two shot killed,but not while armored up.What's worse is that I've pumped a full clip into someone only to have them two shot me.Then on the killcam,it looks like I never hit him,when I know I did and hit markers were registering.
I do with that the connection was better,but I have found that with P2P,lag happens match to match and not at certain times of the day,like it does for MAG.There are times that that game is totally unplayable because of lag,so you either play through it and get slaughtered,or leave and come back when the lag isn't so bad.
I've never really gotten into games that are on P2P servers,but I'm starting so see some of the advantages to it.With this game,it really doesn't make too much sense to have dedicated servers if it's only 6 vs 6,and to be quite honest,I really wouldn't like the MP to be much bigger. 8 vs 8 at most,but that's it.