I've been playing for a week, barely touched the main quest line and still enjoying myself immensely. And that doesn't happen often anymore, I've been playing PC games since '87 so I very rarely get interested enough in a game anymore to play it more than a few times. There's this gamer psychology test called the Bartle test which rates you between explorer, socializer, killer and achiever. My guess is you are an Achiever mostly and burn through games fast. It's not a bad thing, not trying to offend you or anything. It's just about how people perceive RP games and therefore how much entertainment they can get from them. Achievers and killers are the top players in pretty much anything. People like me just wander around, getting very little done.
I agree that Skyrim seems half finished in many places. Perhaps Bethesda knows that modders will go crazy the moment the CK is released and fix the details. Still, I'm enjoying Skyrim way more than previous TES games (I know, blasphemy). I'm sick of almost every RPG ever since pen & paper times having the same kind of stat system, the one in Skyrim is refreshing. I hated how you could make epic characters who could do everything in Oblivion if you leveled right. It always felt like I'm missing out on something if I didn't level that way. In Skyrim it's pretty intuitive and in a sense realistic, you have to choose what you want to do well. I get the most enjoyment out of hardcoe rules where everything is scarce, opponents are more powerful than you and it's a constant battle against impossible odds. Like the small cave in ADOM or permadeath MUDs. I hope Martigen makes his wonderful spawn mod for Skyrim, that can really make the world a lot more fun. Give it another go when there are mods and perhaps DLCs, hope you find something fun to do then. =)
My only worry is will I enjoy playing the game again when the modders have turned it into perfection? Obviously there'll be a ton of new quests and things, and new aspects to the game, but sometimes I think should I put it down for a year and come back to it when it's better even than it is now? I'm not really one for replaying stuff I've already done.
There's a simple test that tells me when I'm enjoying a TES game. If I find myself reading all the books in the game carefully from start to finish, then I'm properly immersed, and in no hurry to get through the game. The books are a great addition actually, they're not only an interesting read, and learn important lore, they also create a more real and vibrant world. The day they take them away we can safely say TES is dumbed down.