I Quit Playing Already

Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 5:10 am

If you were an Oblviion fan, I don't see how this game is worse. I think it might be possible that it's "just more of the same" and that inital charm of not know what you are doing and where you are going has worn off. It's why no MMO will never be as good as EQ to anybody who has played it, despite it being very flawed.

MMO's are like falling in love, nothing can, or will ever compare to your first.
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:42 pm

So the solution is to balance it properl;y, weapons degraded too fast in OB, so instead of making a cleaver system where you either have the perk or pay a smith to do it, they go the lazy route and take it out.................... typical. If done properly you would not be going back every 5 mins.

I wouldn't have complained about weapon/armor degradation if they had put it in and it was done right. But since it probably wouldn't have been done right and they would have just dragged the same system over that they used in Oblivion (as it seems they did with quite a few things) I'm glad they just took it out all together.
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 5:28 am

So yeah, I beat the MQ, Civil war Quests, and the Companions Quest-Line. Hmm got to level 30 with my main character a Nord w/a battleaxe. Got to level 16 with my alt a Khajiit/werewolf archer. Dungeons, dragons, and what not as well. I think I was turned off before I even started. The Create-a-Character svcked imo. No hand to hand svcked big time. The general RPG character sheet got butchered; there is no STR, DEX, AGI, CON, WIS, INT, ECT. Not being able to create a class svcks because now instead of being a custom class named "Ninja Assassin" or even a premade class named "Warrior", you now are just a race with skills. So for me the character development wasn't exactly there.

Umm the quests were fun. I think I enjoyed the civil war quest-line the most although it was pretty lame how the corpses disappeared right away when you invaded an outpost/city. The main quest was kind of bubble-gum and predictable if you ask me and the companions’ quest-line was so so. I was pretty disappointed when my female khajiit turned into a male werewolf. I feel like there were a lot of cut corner in development like when it’s time to ride a dragon and it goes to a loading screen instead of showing me riding on the dragon. That was super lame.

I feel like the environment never changed. Every city looked the same to me. The game was really buggy too. I pretty much couldn't walk outside for more than 20 steps without the game stopping to load (which took 3-8 seconds). That made it annoying to explore. Uh the horses svcked. Let see horses run as fast as my character but has a longer sprint. Wow, ok uhh I wish my horse had a sprint meter but if I really think about it, unrelenting force+sprint = faster than a horse. Anyways all the horses were the same which is another lack of content. In oblivion some of my chars chose the stronger horse, other chars rode the faster, black horses. I also ended up using the same armor and weapon that I got around level 5 (with both chars) for the whole game.

Anyways, I'm sure I'll play it again in about 6 months or so but over all this game was a major disappointment for me. I played Morrowind and Oblivion. Enjoyed them both (oblivion more). But Skyrim wasn't a game where I felt like I could do anything or be anyone I wanted. It felt like a normal single player game vs. a TES game, if that makes any sense. When a sequel to a game comes out it should have everything that the last game had and more. This wasn't the case. This game was a butchered Oblivion with enhanced graphics. No hand to hand just really pisses me off and not having the legendary TES Character sheet was a brutal let down.

So yeah, Bash on trolls but this is my neutral opinion and it is what it is.

The changes to hand to hand did svck, I was dissapointed greatly in that regard.

I have to agree with some of your complaints, such as the cities, but I thought Markarth was done really well.
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:18 am

Exactly. Hand-to-Hand not being an improvable skill = 1 entire less playstyle (monk). Or brusier ect. I know people who only enjoy magic, only enjoy archery, only enjoy swords. I'm not as bad as them but in TES I am a Hand-To-Hand mother [censored]. this game robbed me of that.

Ah, Alright. I see where you are coming from now then.

But to be honest, I never used it so I can't emphasize with you. Though, I also enjoy Skyrim far to much to set it down any time soon.

Sorry it didn't live up to your expectations. Maybe Bethesda will catch you with the next one?
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:18 am

I can understand being dissappointed despite reviews the game is severely flawed, but how can anyone like oblivion more? Oblivion is easily the worst TES game and most overrated RPG this gen.

I like the the leveling much better in Oblivion. The character creation, and attributes system gave us more options. The new system is cookie cutter to say the least. I don't like it.

That being said, I prefer Skyrim, but wish they didn't simplify level based on perks and skills that don't actually do anything other than let you buy more perks.
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:10 pm

I Kind of agree, I enjoyed Skyrim- but i'm already thinking of going back to Morrowind or even Oblivion. Skyrim is just too mainstream for me.
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:21 am

I haven't kept on the news about the release of the CS but hopefully it's soon. We need the talent and imaginations of the community modders to add fixes and more content to keep everyone happy and interested. I think there's a thread that asks, "What mods would you like to see?", if not why not start one down in the modding forum. :)

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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 7:58 am

I like the the leveling much better in Oblivion. The character creation, and attributes system gave us more options. The new system is cookie cutter to say the least. I don't like it.

That being said, I prefer Skyrim, but wish they didn't simplify level based on perks and skills that don't actually do anything other than let you buy more perks.

That statement is horribly inaccurate, the perks honestly make huge differences to your character. For example, make a new character, use one-handed, and put a perk into the one-handed damage, then look at the damage of the weapon you were just using compared to what it was before you invested a Perk Point and then tell me they don't make a difference.
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:55 am

The best thing to do now is let a poor friend/younger relative of yours borrow it so he/she can stop crying about Christmas being to far away.
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:54 am

That statement is horribly inaccurate, the perks honestly make huge differences to your character. For example, make a new character, use one-handed, and put a perk into the one-handed damage, then look at the damage of the weapon you were just using compared to what is what before you invested a Perk Point and then tell me they don't make a difference.

Either because you read it wrong, or I just wrote it badly, but that is not what i said. I said the skills make no difference. Seriously you can have 100 skill in lockpicking for example, and it is still just as hard to pick locks as it was when you were skill level 10. The PERKS are the only thing that matters.

That is why i hate the system, because even if you have 100 skill in crafting, it is useless without perks, and if you use perks in crafting then you cant fight as good, it is one or the other, and it is a stupid system.

Skills should mean something! if i have 100 skill in something it should be a huge increase over 0 skill, at the moment it means basically nothing.
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Marcia Renton
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:23 am

That statement is horribly inaccurate, the perks honestly make huge differences to your character. For example, make a new character, use one-handed, and put a perk into the one-handed damage, then look at the damage of the weapon you were just using compared to what is what before you invested a Perk Point and then tell me they don't make a difference.

The attribute system was more intricate however.

For instance when you gained levels through raising a certain number of skills, that raised other skills by raising attributes, you could essentially raise one skill and then place attributes into the opposite thing if you wished.

If they wanted to add perks, they could have just given those to us at leveling roadmarks within skills, Journey man, etc.

I preferred that.

And they removed backflip! And where is the levitation spell I thought they were going to add!
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:57 am

Either because you read it wrong, or I just wrote it badly, but that is not what i said. I said the skills make no difference. Seriously you can have 100 skill in lockpicking for example, and it is still just as hard to pick locks as it was when you were skill level 10. The PERKS are the only thing that matters.

This is completely untrue. I'm a thief with no perks in the lockpick skill tree. Picking higher level locks has become considerably easier as I leveled this skill - and I'm only at about level 50-60.

ETA: Having said that, I would have preferred Oblivions leveling system + perks more than what we got. Still love the game, though.
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 3:40 pm

Every city looked the same to me.

You were drinking heavily while playing again, weren't you? I told you, you needed to stop.

The cities couldn't have been more different if they put tella tubbies in Markath and Leprachauns in Whiterun. Oblivion's cities were the ones that looked too similiar (and even they are different if you have a single eye ball).

this is my neutral opinion

Any opinion made by any person is, in and of itself, biased and therefore not neutral. Maybe, just maybe if you were a rock, you could have a neutral opinion.

Then again we all know rocks hate bears. And so any opinion from a rock in regards to bears would be completely bearcist.

All in all, I hate to say it, but either you're a troll or you really, really need to slow down when you're playing the game. It has only been out a WEEK and you've beaten all those questlines? With TWO different characters? Good grief. How many hours did you play a day? Take it slower mate. Enjoy all the distraction and side quests. Look UP when in a city. Then you'll notice the architecture is completely different. And that it ALWAYS snows in Winterhold and NEVER snows in Riften and sunsents are absolutely GORGEOUS in Whiterun.

You've missed a lot of content to your own displeasure.
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 5:33 am

COme on its just a bunch of numerical points ... perk = +10% in this , - 25 % in that , what that means??? that's what you call rpg system ?

Its missing totally the point you cannot develope any figure out of that ... the strenght factor shoudl be represented by the image of the character , sliders ...
want to make something original ???

make the appearence work as character determination ...

mae a slender figure = better at sneaking or save points for intelligence ... make a bulkier guy heavy and slow , make it better at fights and less at stamina etc....

Morrowind was more about numerical points than Skyrim is - I can perk into things that stagger my opponents, let me knock them down, keep two summons out at once, etc. In Morrowind, everything skills and attributes did was numerical. There's pretty much nothing to support your argument at all when you look at what both games offer.

As for the appearance thing, think I'd pass on it if it were a mod personally, we can already chose to make a heavier character high higher health and use big weapons, all your suggestion does is remove the choice not to do such. Plus, being bulky doesn't necessarily mean someone has less stamina, nor does being thin make someone necessarily sneaky or smart. You can be a clumsy, stupid thin person, just as you can be an agile, intelligent large person.
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 7:58 am

Don't understand how you could have enjoyed Oblivion more.

Pretty easy. Once you mod away the badness (and yes, that was a whole lot of modding) Oblivion offered much more than MW in terms of AI, quests, etc.
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Esther Fernandez
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:36 am

Skyrim plays more like an elaborate expansion pack for Oblivion rather than feeling like a brand new game.

It's still a fun game, but I think Bethesda really should consider rebooting the series at some point in the future. Fallout 3, for example, had a lot of really great ideas, and I'm a bit disappointed that a lot of them didn't make their way into Skyrim.

I'm just the opposite: I'm disappointed that so much was copied over to TES from Bethesda's Fallout games that it's like Fallout with swords!
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:55 pm

This is completely untrue. I'm a thief with no perks in the lockpick skill tree. Picking higher level locks has become considerably easier as I leveled this skill - and I'm only at about level 50-60.

ETA: Having said that, I would have preferred Oblivions leveling system + perks more than what we got. Still love the game, though.

Your just getting better, it is not easier.

I don't have the numbers with me, but I have read other posts by some people that did tests. I think the difference between 1 H damage at 0 skill and 100 skill was 4 points. It went from 8 damage at 0 skill to 12 damage at 100 skill. That is meaningless.
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Mario Alcantar
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:36 am

Yeah there was way too much fallout in this game.
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Justin Hankins
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:36 am

You create your character as you play the game, not before you play the game.

You want to be a "NINJA ASSASSIN", then do the skills required to become one.

People are so used hand holding, if you give them a more pure sandbox experience, they can't figure it out.

"How do I become a master warrior!?!?!" By playing as one. Its really simple.

If you don't want to do something, don't do it, if you want to do something...do it.

Skyrim is probably the best designed RPG I've ever played.
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:21 am

I'm just the opposite: I'm disappointed that so much was copied over to TES from Bethesda's Fallout games that it's like Fallout with swords!

Did you notice that the sound when it makes the final moves and the camera makes this action capture is the same in fallout?
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:46 pm

Yeah there was way too much fallout in this game.

People called Fallout "Oblivion with guns"...and people are calling Skyrim, "Fallout with Swords".

Its comical really. Yes, we know, its the same game engine...outside of that, let it go.
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 3:20 pm

Mixed bag. Much better AI, much more seamless voice, quests seem pretty good so far, dungeons less generic, and love the landscape. Leveling and weapon scaling is much improved. Perks are a good thing.

Miss attributes. It is absolutely not the case that they are properly represented in health/stamina/magicka.

Weapon balancing, loot, and level scaling still need work, but much less than Oblivion.

Overall, a pretty good thing likely to get much better when the CK comes out. Without the heavily modded version of Oblivion that I played I would have put that game down much more quickly than I did.
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:30 pm

So if you knew you'd be flamed, why even post it? Attention [censored]?

Nope, just wanted to make a point that this game was a total [censored] let down. I put in over 500+ hours into Morrowind and well over 800+ hours into Oblivion. The fact that I was bored with Skyrim after a few days is my way of saying that Skyrim doesn't stand ground with the other TES games. And no matter what you post on any fourm you're going to get trolled, that was just me putting up my finger before [censored]s like you started talking [censored].
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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:04 pm

Your just getting better, it is not easier.

I don't have the numbers with me, but I have read other posts by some people that did tests. I think the difference between 1 H damage at 0 skill and 100 skill was 4 points. It went from 8 damage at 0 skill to 12 damage at 100 skill. That is meaningless.

1H weapon skill is NOT the same as Lockpicking.

Lockpicking does get easier as your skill up.
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Dominic Vaughan
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:52 am

Your just getting better, it is not easier.

I don't have the numbers with me, but I have read other posts by some people that did tests. I think the difference between 1 H damage at 0 skill and 100 skill was 4 points. It went from 8 damage at 0 skill to 12 damage at 100 skill. That is meaningless.

The thing is, though, I'm not really getting better. I'm pretty accustomed to this system from the Fallout games, and I think my actual real-life skills have peaked. As you progress in lockpicking level, the "range" of space on the lock that results in a successful pick expands.
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