I Quit Playing Already

Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:48 am

So yeah, I beat the MQ, Civil war Quests, and the Companions Quest-Line. Hmm got to level 30 with my main character a Nord w/a battleaxe. Got to level 16 with my alt a Khajiit/werewolf archer. Dungeons, dragons, and what not as well. I think I was turned off before I even started. The Create-a-Character svcked imo. No hand to hand svcked big time. The general RPG character sheet got butchered; there is no STR, DEX, AGI, CON, WIS, INT, ECT. Not being able to create a class svcks because now instead of being a custom class named "Ninja Assassin" or even a premade class named "Warrior", you now are just a race with skills. So for me the character development wasn't exactly there.

Umm the quests were fun. I think I enjoyed the civil war quest-line the most although it was pretty lame how the corpses disappeared right away when you invaded an outpost/city. The main quest was kind of bubble-gum and predictable if you ask me and the companions’ quest-line was so so. I was pretty disappointed when my female khajiit turned into a male werewolf. I feel like there were a lot of cut corner in development like when it’s time to ride a dragon and it goes to a loading screen instead of showing me riding on the dragon. That was super lame.

I feel like the environment never changed. Every city looked the same to me. The game was really buggy too. I pretty much couldn't walk outside for more than 20 steps without the game stopping to load (which took 3-8 seconds). That made it annoying to explore. Uh the horses svcked. Let see horses run as fast as my character but has a longer sprint. Wow, ok uhh I wish my horse had a sprint meter but if I really think about it, unrelenting force+sprint = faster than a horse. Anyways all the horses were the same which is another lack of content. In oblivion some of my chars chose the stronger horse, other chars rode the faster, black horses. I also ended up using the same armor and weapon that I got around level 5 (with both chars) for the whole game.

Anyways, I'm sure I'll play it again in about 6 months or so but over all this game was a major disappointment for me. I played Morrowind and Oblivion. Enjoyed them both (oblivion more). But Skyrim wasn't a game where I felt like I could do anything or be anyone I wanted. It felt like a normal single player game vs. a TES game, if that makes any sense. When a sequel to a game comes out it should have everything that the last game had and more. This wasn't the case. This game was a butchered Oblivion with enhanced graphics. No hand to hand just really pisses me off and not having the legendary TES Character sheet was a brutal let down.

So yeah, Bash on trolls but this is my neutral opinion and it is what it is.
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sarah simon-rogaume
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:21 am

If you were an Oblviion fan, I don't see how this game is worse. I think it might be possible that it's "just more of the same" and that inital charm of not know what you are doing and where you are going has worn off. It's why no MMO will never be as good as EQ to anybody who has played it, despite it being very flawed.
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Margarita Diaz
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:58 pm

Meanwhile I'm 80 hours in and have completed not one quest line, not even half way through any of them and am only at level 18
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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:29 pm

I played Morrowind and Oblivion. Enjoyed them both (oblivion more)

I stopped reading
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Beth Belcher
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 2:38 am

Don't understand how you could have enjoyed Oblivion more.
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louise fortin
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:46 am

If you were an Oblviion fan, I don't see how this game is worse. I think it might be possible that it's "just more of the same" and that inital charm of not know what you are doing and where you are going has worn off. It's why no MMO will never be as good as EQ to anybody who has played it, despite it being very flawed.

You know what's funny about the EQ statement? As much as I enjoyed playing WoW for six years, I've always felt that EQ was the better game (not on a technical level) and that if not for WoW, I would have continued for many years after I'd left.
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Lady Shocka
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:03 am

I haven't been in the mood to play it myself. I don;t know why though. I enjoy it but...
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A Lo RIkIton'ton
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 3:16 pm

I grew up on EQ, and yes it was the greatest gaming experience i've ever had. The ONLY reason I liked Oblivion a little more than Morrowind is because it was an upgrade. They butchered stuff like unarmored, but the visuals and combat were an upgrade. Morrowind is still bad ass and that's that.
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Taylah Haines
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 5:52 am

If you were an Oblviion fan, I don't see how this game is worse. I think it might be possible that it's "just more of the same" and that inital charm of not know what you are doing and where you are going has worn off. It's why no MMO will never be as good as EQ to anybody who has played it, despite it being very flawed.

The thing is that Skyrim might look a bit better then Oblivion but nearly all quests are worse and the storyline is crap.

I would go as far as this and say that it was a lie when Todd Howard said that the Skyrim engine is a complete new development. I don't believe this from what I've seen and this together with the above mentioned failures makes it a disappointment for those who are used to the complexity and finesse of Skyrim's predecessors.
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Racheal Robertson
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:48 am

I have to agree about the horse, at times it looks pasted onto the screen rather being "in the game" its animation is poor. Assassins Creed , now there was a horse(s) in skyrim in the forrest and up onto the hills near rocks it disappears and your sitting in mid air. The animation going over rocks really poor, I love the game but the horse no other words than utter gash.
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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:38 am

Can I have your stuff?
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Taylor Thompson
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:06 am

The Create-a-Character svcked imo. No hand to hand svcked big time. The general RPG character sheet got butchered; there is no STR, DEX, AGI, CON, WIS, INT, ECT. Not being able to create a class svcks because now instead of being a custom class named "Ninja Assassin" or even a premade class named "Warrior", you now are just a race with skills. So for me the character development wasn't exactly there.

I agree to an extent , the character creation is awesome graphically and definetly an improvement .... the rest is not as is missing all the features you say ...

Umm the quests were fun. I think I enjoyed the civil war quest-line the most although it was pretty lame how the corpses disappeared right away when you invaded an outpost/city. The main quest was kind of bubble-gum and predictable if you ask me and the companions’ quest-line was so so. I was pretty disappointed when my female khajiit turned into a male werewolf. I feel like there were a lot of cut corner in development like when it’s time to ride a dragon and it goes to a loading screen instead of showing me riding on the dragon. That was super lame.

Well I didnt read much of that couse I dont want to be spoiled as I am still playing the quests but I agree with what you say that the quests are good ....

I feel like the environment never changed. Every city looked the same to me. The game was really buggy too. I pretty much couldn't walk outside for more than 20 steps without the game stopping to load (which took 3-8 seconds). That made it annoying to explore. Uh the horses svcked. Let see horses run as fast as my character but has a longer sprint. Wow, ok uhh I wish my horse had a sprint meter but if I really think about it, unrelenting force+sprint = faster than a horse. Anyways all the horses were the same which is another lack of content. In oblivion some of my chars chose the stronger horse, other chars rode the faster, black horses. I also ended up using the same armor and weapon that I got around level 5 (with both chars) for the whole game.

Yes the overall design of the cities is all pretty much similar but we are in a Northern region with less influence by outsiders so I think coudl be justified , as for the enviroment I jkust noticed it had lot less grass , dunno if this is a technical solution or a art decision , Oblivion forests where much more dense fitted with vegetation ... but I love the new streams and waterfalls ....

as for the horse yeh it is really not well done , not graphically , that looks great but how it works , its a superheavy tank immortal all charging and all climbing thing ... pretty unrealistic , then you can't fight from horseback , and you are the only one in the whole skyrim having and riding a horse...

as for bugs I did not have any aprat the random once in a time crash to descktop without any error message but this didn't penalize my game couse happened not so often and anyway I just reloaded , some other times the game minimized to desktop and when I reentered the water looks transparent , I guess it can be something with drivers compatibility , anyway I just reloaded and all was fine ... I was actually impressed instead by the fastness of the loading time between the ambients so much that I do not make in time to read the sentences on the loading screens ...

Anyways, I'm sure I'll play it again in about 6 months or so but over all this game was a major disappointment for me. I played Morrowind and Oblivion. Enjoyed them both (oblivion more). But Skyrim wasn't a game where I felt like I could do anything or be anyone I wanted. It felt like a normal single player game vs. a TES game, if that makes any sense. When a sequel to a game comes out it should have everything that the last game had and more. This wasn't the case. This game was a butchered Oblivion with enhanced graphics. No hand to hand just really pisses me off and not having the legendary TES Character sheet was a brutal let down.

So yeah, Bash on trolls but this is my neutral opinion and it is what it is.

I mostly agree on it altough I am less harsh the game I hopw will get a major retought over as this simplification "streamlining" , you are what you play , press the button kill the monster , easy easy easy play it is not suited for such a game it just ruins and flattens ...

also most of the items where not pickable not touchable , great variation in the alchemy , but few on the junk ....

now will arrive all the all aloving trolls ...
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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:25 am

I know the storyline is short but it can't POSSIBLY...be worse than Oblivions, you know what skyrim needs? more fluff missions, they pulled off the "craps going down, people are hurting" and genuine worry of the situation, BUT TIS OVER TO QUICK D:, needs more learning and more development...thing is...you know...worlds gonna end right?
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:35 am

What exactly do you mean by "no hand to hand"? Because if you mean you can't brawl with your fists then you have to be doing something wrong because I do it all the time.
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Chad Holloway
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:29 am

Could you please place the fact that you ride a dragon in spoilertabs? I have not even begun the mainquest yet and that was a painful spoiler to me...

The quests do seem like they take way less time to complete but they seem higher quality than oblivions GTFO amulet quests...
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SWagg KId
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:50 am

Im lvl 24, played god knows how many hours, completed civil war quest and maybe 1/3 go MQ..no other quest lines yet. Just exploring, doing misc quests or side quests, buying and decorating my house, collecting things.. I have just scratched the surface of this game and have played non stop. Love better than both oblivion and Morrowind tbh. And the problems with loading outside? Never had it... All the cries the same? Do u really mean Markarth and Riften looks anything alike? or whiterun and Windhelm?

To bad for u if u won't play anymore... I on the other hand will continue to enjoy every little detail of this game..
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Katie Samuel
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 1:39 am

The thing is that Skyrim might look a bit better then Oblivion but nearly all quests are worse and the storyline is crap.

I would go as far as this and say that it was a lie when Todd Howard said that the Skyrim engine is a complete new development. I don't believe this from what I've seen and this together with the above mentioned failures makes it a disappointment for those who are used to the complexity and finesse of Skyrim's predecessors.

No one knows if it was added for a future project, but there is a screenshot of the debug menu showing that VATS is in the current engine. So either it was added for the future, or the current engine is definitely NOT new.

What exactly do you mean by "no hand to hand"? Because if you mean you can't brawl with your fists then you have to be doing something wrong because I do it all the time.

He keeps whining that there is no hand to hand skill that levels up and does not want to wear Heavy Armored gauntlets (which raise the damage of hand to hand). Imagine how the game would be if there was hand to hand and you combined it with the Heavy Armor perks. It would be as broken as Smithing + Enchanting. Oh wait, it would be worse because they all stack!
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Iain Lamb
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:54 am

All I can say is, svcks to be you. For me, Skyrim is the holy grail of RPGs. Enjoy your Oblivion.
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 9:29 am

If you were an Oblviion fan, I don't see how this game is worse. I think it might be possible that it's "just more of the same" and that inital charm of not know what you are doing and where you are going has worn off.

Skyrim plays more like an elaborate expansion pack for Oblivion rather than feeling like a brand new game.

It's still a fun game, but I think Bethesda really should consider rebooting the series at some point in the future. Fallout 3, for example, had a lot of really great ideas, and I'm a bit disappointed that a lot of them didn't make their way into Skyrim.
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Louise Lowe
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:03 pm

i actually like and totally dont miss any "stupid" attributes and "armor weapons repairs".. there are no real issues that bugs me, only few minorities..
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Kay O'Hara
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:35 am

Meanwhile I'm 80 hours in and have completed not one quest line, not even half way through any of them and am only at level 18

THIS. Lol. :)
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Setal Vara
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:57 pm

He keeps whining that there is no hand to hand skill that levels up and does not want to wear Heavy Armored gauntlets (which raise the damage of hand to hand). Imagine how the game would be if there was hand to hand and you combined it with the Heavy Armor perks. It would be as broken as Smithing + Enchanting. Oh wait, it would be worse because they all stack!

Ah okay, I didn't see the part about leveling.
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Jennifer Munroe
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:45 am

The general RPG character sheet got butchered; there is no STR, DEX, AGI, CON, WIS, INT, ECT. Not being able to create a class svcks because now instead of being a custom class named "Ninja Assassin" or even a premade class named "Warrior", you now are just a race with skills. So for me the character development wasn't exactly there.

Actually this means there's more character development not less. Your initial decisions matter less, while how you develop as you play matters more. It'd be more accurate to say "the character creation wasn't exactly there.", or something along those lines.
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 10:24 am

Double post
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Mimi BC
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:57 am

THIS. Lol. :)

How do you manage to play this game for 2/3 the entire time its been released and get NO WHERE?

There isn't that much nothing to do...
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john page
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