Oh, and one more thing. 60% that have it still leaves 40% that don't, so telling him to try getting resistances is an entirely viable strategy, since he hasn't done it yet.
I actually have no idea what the percentage is, so I left it modest. Could actually be a lot higher than that. And of course on the flipside the 4 or so people who have the issue could just be voicing their concerns all over the internet.
Either way, there were (and are) still loads of posts consisting of "get resistances" and "just avoid it, you're too low level" before anyone had sense enough to say hang on, this might be because of that bug people have been talking about. But some of us would just like to keep pretending it's okay for difficulty to pull a 180 overnight like that, having been hardcoe old school gamers and all that. Like I (or others like OP) have never beaten Daggerfall or a host of other vastly more difficult games before.
So yes, count yourself lucky. Some of us literally cannot play the game the way it is at the moment.