I quit.

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:13 am

Im level 12, a somewhat pure sword and board warrior.

I leave whiterun after turning saddia in and go around the city and find some smugglers, no big deal, tough fight but win.

Then three more come in, one of which is a caster. In two spells I die. TWO SPELLS.

I know I dont have any magic resistance or lightning resistance but COME ON. Two spells?!?

Even if I equipped my newly gotten fast healing it wouldnt do much, and this mage with his dagger BLOCKED my shield bash twice.

Good job breaking your own game bethesda, Ill go play something else till you figure out you needed the Creation Kit and modders sooner to FINISH YOUR GAME.
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Sian Ennis
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:58 am

Calm down there lad.
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kitten maciver
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:56 am

fair enough, its weird eny spellcasters can pwn but pc spellcasters get rocked
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George PUluse
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:43 pm

Most on here say the game is too easy.
You say its too hard?
Turn the difficulty down?
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:15 am

Run away?
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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:12 pm

You're level 12, and you don't have the "Fade" shout, which is practically a mage's bane?
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:46 am

To the op, thats what it feels like to be oneshot by an arrow as a pure mage... rock meet paper.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:18 am

I used my unrelenting force shout, twice. But the damge output of this guy was beyond stupid.

I had it on adept, and he would just machinegun some sort of bolt then lightning back and forth. I used up all my mana, all my potions.

I did try to run but then just got hit in the back with a lightning bolt.

This is not a PLAYER problem, its a game problem. The AI's spell scale FAR to well.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:09 pm

Turn down the difficulty of the game temporarily? That might help you defeat 'em.
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Jessica Phoenix
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:03 am

You're level 12, go back later.
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Assumptah George
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:17 am

If you're a warrior, frost and fire resistance is essential.

At higher levels, you meet arch-cryomancers, and they basically freeze you to a dead stop without frost resistance, and then proceed to ruin your day.
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Claire Mclaughlin
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:45 am

Im level 12, a somewhat pure sword and board warrior.

I leave whiterun after turning saddia in and go around the city and find some smugglers, no big deal, tough fight but win.

Then three more come in, one of which is a caster. In two spells I die. TWO SPELLS.

I know I dont have any magic resistance or lightning resistance but COME ON. Two spells?!?

Even if I equipped my newly gotten fast healing it wouldnt do much, and this mage with his dagger BLOCKED my shield bash twice.

Good job breaking your own game bethesda, Ill go play something else till you figure out you needed the Creation Kit and modders sooner to FINISH YOUR GAME.

Hey, that happened to me too, and it seem to happen very randomly. Most of the time my pure warrior shrugs magic like ants or something, then some guy throws 2 ice spikes at him and there goes 300 health

It doesn't even happen consistently. One time it would be lighting strikes, another time ice spikes. And we're talking adept here.
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Steve Fallon
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:19 am

To the op, thats what it feels like to be oneshot by an arrow as a pure mage... rock meet paper.

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Bryanna Vacchiano
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:56 pm

I used my unrelenting force shout, twice. But the damge output of this guy was beyond stupid.

I had it on adept, and he would just machinegun some sort of bolt then lightning back and forth. I used up all my mana, all my potions.

I did try to run but then just got hit in the back with a lightning bolt.

This is not a PLAYER problem, its a game problem. The AI's spell scale FAR to well.

Unless you've full Unrelenting Force, that shout is practically useless. In lesser versions, the time it staggers an enemy barely is the time you've to attack him with your weapon, much less to approach an spellcaster and hit him. Even with a full FUS-ROH-DAH!, you've to hurry to slash your enemy with powerattacks while he's in the ground.

But again, against mages (me played on Expert until lvl 21, then Master), your best bet is to Fade, then approach them and finish them as fast as you can.
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Rik Douglas
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:33 pm

The game isn't suppose to be routine and on rails. If you come across something more powerful....especially at level 12,......you run.
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Rob Davidson
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:57 pm

Unless you've full Unrelenting Force, that shout is practically useless. In lesser versions, the time it staggers an enemy barely is the time you've to attack him with your weapon, much less to approach an spellcaster and hit him. Even with a full FUS-ROH-RAH!, you've to hurry to slash your enemy with powerattacks while he's in the ground.

But again, against mages (me played on Expert until lvl 21, then Master), your best bet is to Fade, then approach them and finish them as fast as you can.

My Fus Ro Dah blew a Thalmor Justicar to the other side of river. I don't think I even have to fight her, what with that mudcrab killing her and all.

And no, the last sentence is not a joke.
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:50 am

My Fus Ro Dah blew a Thalmor Justicar to the other side of river. I don't think I even have to fight her, what with that mudcrab killing her and all.

And no, the last sentence is not a joke.

It's another perfectly valid tactic :lol:
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Lakyn Ellery
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:01 pm

Try speccing for 50% spell dmg resist in the Block perk tree. That and some magic resist potions/gear should make you live alot longer. Also, Bretons may be overlooked as Mage killers due to thier 25% innate magic resist and Dragon Skin.
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Charlotte Henderson
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:08 pm

Thankfully, as a Nord, I never had to deal much with the frost spell slowdown problem that Warriors seem to run into. Nevertheless, on Master difficulty, I can very easily find myself cannon fodder to a high level spellcaster or Ancient Dragon's breath weapon.

A fast solution for you would be to switch your sigil to that of the Lord Stone's. It's a free 25% magic resistance, and something like 50 damage resistance as well; ideal for any melee warrior, if you ask me.

Another good idea is to take up enchanting, if you haven't already. A necklace, amulet, and shield (if you have one) enchanted with magic resist will really increase your chances of survival. Also, if using a shield, check out the talent that increases elemental resistances while blocking. It can be a life saver.

On a final note, once you start stacking magic/elemental resists, keep in mind that the resist cap is set at 85%.
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jessica robson
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:34 am

Im level 12, a somewhat pure sword and board warrior.

I leave whiterun after turning saddia in and go around the city and find some smugglers, no big deal, tough fight but win.

Then three more come in, one of which is a caster. In two spells I die. TWO SPELLS.

I know I dont have any magic resistance or lightning resistance but COME ON. Two spells?!?

Even if I equipped my newly gotten fast healing it wouldnt do much, and this mage with his dagger BLOCKED my shield bash twice.

Good job breaking your own game bethesda, Ill go play something else till you figure out you needed the Creation Kit and modders sooner to FINISH YOUR GAME.

Maybe is a strange thing to do, but if you try to go back , kill the melee enemy and then go to kill the mage , with impact perk and shout?
Or is more simple say the game have problem?(This game have some problem on spell but the game is playable)
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Prisca Lacour
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:12 am

what I have found works with pure warriors, those without the use of magic, is that they become very powerful as fighters. Especially against melee guys. But this is why I gave up on pure warriors unless you use resto. Throw in alteration and you get an added armor bonus. With resto you can use wards. The idea of a pure warrior is to get in close and use bash and drain magicka poisons. If you can get your block up in perks you can actually block the spells with your shield no problem. The thing I didn't like is relying purely on potions for healing. I found this got difficult in expert level. This is the reason I went spell blade. Now I'm using restoration but also alteration to add armor. As well as going heavy armor. Sword in one hand and spells in the other. I use a few destruction spells, before the fight I throw on a flesh spell. I found this adds strength to your defense against these ranged attacks. Another thing I noticed with the so called pure warrior is that oftentimes when I was fighting I rarely needed the shield except when to bash. I learned how to time my attacks against the AI so I know how to set up an opposition and in a sense get them to swing at me (or cast), then I can go in for an attack. The problem is that I get to good at this strategy to where my heavy armor doesn't raise as fast. I also found it more enjoyable to use spells along with a blade. With a pure warrior your so much limited to combat skills and this will work to a certain extent. But on the harder level settings I would at least try to incorporate restoration into your character. Alteration is great as well. This is why I prefer the free hand for spells over a shield. For me the warrior was a good way to get the combat down. However into the game I realized that when it comes down to the final battle having that resto would really help. For the really powerful mages what you want to do is place yourself behind a column or a wall and hold opposition until you see which direction or when they will approach and then a nicely planned shout will throw a caster off his feet. Go in with a magicka poison, or if you have lightning even better. The trick is to get in close. The tactic is called slicing the pie. If you search for that you will see how to use the surroundings and doorways to your advantage. shouts are great for disrupting a powerful mages spell casting.
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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:02 am

1) That is one of the more difficult encounters in the game that I've ever found (strange but true).

2) You're level 12 and from the sounds of it maybe playing on a high difficulty? You also didn't say how much health you had.

3) Get magic resistance. Would you have any sympathy for someone who comes on here saying "So I was level 12, buck naked and a guy runs at me with a two handed hammer, smacks me twice and I died!!"

This isn't Oblivion. You will encounter big mean enemies you can't hope to beat at low levels. I found a Wisp Mother at around level 10, I ran away really fast. I came back later and butchered it.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:57 am

Fus ro dah, when used correctly is the most powerful shout I've got. The fire breath is a very close second.

Unrelenting force makes this game for me, nothing better then watching a foe back flip off a cliff.
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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:26 am

Maybe is a strange thing to do, but if you try to go back find a wall or something , kill the melee enemy and then go to kill the mage , with impact perk and shout?
Or is more simple say the game have problem?(This game have some problem on spell but the game is playable)
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KIng James
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:39 am

Thankfully, as a Nord, I never had to deal much with the frost spell slowdown problem that Warriors seem to run into. Nevertheless, on Master difficulty, I can very easily find myself cannon fodder to a high level spellcaster or Ancient Dragon's breath weapon.

A fast solution for you would be to switch your sigil to that of the Lord Stone's. It's a free 25% magic resistance, and something like 50 damage resistance as well; ideal for any melee warrior, if you ask me.

Another good idea is to take up enchanting, if you haven't already. A necklace, amulet, and shield (if you have one) enchanted with magic resist will really increase your chances of survival. Also, if using a shield, check out the talent that increases elemental resistances while blocking. It can be a life saver.

On a final note, once you start stacking magic/elemental resists, keep in mind that the resist cap is set at 85%.

Yesterday I found a bosmer bandit that slowed me down to the point I can't sprint, even with my stamina bar still not empty. I can jog, but can't sprint :confused:

And I'm a Nord.
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