This is what irks me so much too. I'd be okay with enchanting/smithing being pretty powerful, but most of the best gear and items in the game shouldn't be able to be created by the player. It's so lame everything you loot is only an absurdly tiny fraction as powerful as the created stuff, and you have to actually go out and fight and do dungeons for it instead of sitting in one spot spamming the E key. At the very least make the enchanted loot more comparable. There should be an option to have high level level armor and enchantments created by someone else, like by that master smith in the Companions. He's clearly spent his lifetime perfecting his trade and it makes a whole lot more sense. Same with enchanting, have powerful enchanted gear able to be created by a powerful mage in Winterhold or something. To balance this, you'd have to pay them a fortune and wait a long period of time.
Agree 100%. Before the game shipped I said that I hoped Smithing and then Smithing + Enchanting was worthwhile enough that you would be able to tailor make your own gear that would be better than the majority of anything you can find, but not so overpowered that it's better than the best out of a select few drops. Hell, even being "equal" in every way to the best possible gear would have been an improvement. This means that there is a damage cap hardcoded, but it also means that if you choose not to level up those perks, you have something to look forward to while picking up item drops.
I don't want to be able to have the best possible gear by level 30 with nothing more to look forward to. I also don't want to know that even if I choose to not bother with those perks and find everything on my own, that everything I find is going to be yesterday's garbage compared to what I could have actually had ten levels ago.
One of the biggest improvements would be making it so that none of the enchants stack. You can only have one +%smithing item or one -%cost item at a time. That would not remove the problem entirely (Smithing by itself is just too good for the effort required), but it would make things "better". This should not be applied to mana/stamina/health regen enchants though...not that those actually matter in combat anyway right now, and it's better to just add the raw stat itself...which improves regen.
exploits harm player, they are screwing fun
Im sure Bethesda gone fix most of them in next Skyrim patches.
With blacksmiting and enchanting game becomes too easy even on master difficulty.
If some one want to use cheats he can use console commands,but other players deserve balanced gameplay.
You don't have to use Smithing and Enchanting. Those that say doing so harms no one are correct. It doesn't harm anyone, it just trivializes the game. If you want your game trivialized, then you should be able to do so. You are not hurting anyone else by yourself. The issue is that it's obviously not working as intended and those who have the biggest problem with it are Mages who play Destruction. Destruction has no way to make life easier for themselves. It's not a matter of "the grass is greener" syndrome either. I don't care if a Warrior can one-shot a dragon with a power attack. That does not affect my own personal enjoyment of the game. What does affect me is the fact that I have no ability to improve my output as Destruction and I feel infinitely weaker in everything that I do compared to a same level melee (who doesn't even use smithing gear). The problem is not the crafting trees, it's the fact that Destruction is just terribly underpowered in every way imaginable. And it cannot be improved with gear, and the spells actually get worse as you pick up each new tier.
Really, anyone complaining about how high you can craft weapons needs to stop at think for a moment. On the PC you've always been able to type "TGM" if you really wanted to. I don't remember anyone having such a huge fit with that.