How is that even an argument? Because you aren't forced to to do anything in a single player game, and what other people do won't affect you in YOUR game, that means the game should have as many bugs and exploits as possible? And instead of removing those exploits, now you are blaming the gamers for not wanting them in the game?
Choosing to respond to this post from a couple of pages ago, since its the most well thought out and logical argument. I still disagree however.
Lets drop the attitude about it being an exploit. Most rpgs have this thing, where if you min/max a single skill early in the game.. you're walking the game. I min/maxed sneak on my 3rd oblivion character and walked through the game like a shadow. Oh my god.. exploit... or .. I chose to min/max a single skill and be godlike for it.
Blacksmithing is hardly the most entertaining thing to do in the game, I can't imagine what a dull grind it must be to min/max smithing and enchanting and alchemy. True, the game is designed with blacksmithing used in moderation rather than to be grinded. It probably never occurred to bethseda that someone may spend hours and hours watching a "hit with hammer animation".
I can't comprehend what you actually hoped to achieve when you spent this time maxing out the enchanting/smithing/alchemy and making the greatest armour and weapons in the world, killing everything and then... its an exploit? Life and Roleplaying games are there to be exploited. If you min/max a skill to become the best in the world in almost any skill.. guess what, you're probably going to have lots of money and be respected, and life is probably going to be pretty easy from then on.
Blacksmithing costs about 2000 gold per training session to level at higher levels, if you pay the trainer.
Common sense dictates that you shouldn't be able to train it so much cheaper by yourself by crafting iron daggers. If it was meant to be easy, why then is the training so expensive?
Obviously, iron daggers should have diminishing returns at higher levels. Alchemy has that. Heck, even sharpening iron daggers does not increase blacksmithing as much as sharpening dwarven daggers.
So obviously, blacksmithing isn't meant to be leveled so easily with iron daggers. There should have been diminishing returns, the way it is intended. It is meant to be leveled with more difficulty than what it is now.
The diminishing returns idea is very sensible, workable, but I'm not convinced its still necessary. My only main criticism is that the vast majority of players probably don't spend all their time smithing, and do so periodically. You still had to spend your perks to learn how to craft the higher level items, again, not something most players would do, as they are busy playing the game not maxing out smithing early.
Also, where on earth are you getting all this iron from anyway? I certainly haven't found an almost unlimited supply of the stuff... I guess you did, but it always seemed to me, that the smithing was limited by materials.
Blacksmithing, enchanting and alchemy exploit shouldn't be there. If it was meant to be used in this manner, then why do weapons and armor you find do not have grossly powerful enchants like what you can do? Why do fabled daedra lord artifacts not even have such ridiculous power? If the game is meant to be played with ridiculous OP gear, shouldn't it be more abundant?
So again, common sense says that this exploit was an oversight that was not meant to be in the game, and it should be removed.
Hmm, probably because if you could get better equipment in the game, it would make the skill redundant. DUCY?
Stop using the false argument that it is a single player game and so exploits should be in the game. Exploits like this break the immersion that the devs work so hard to put in this game.
Only if you stop using the false argument that its an exploit. Any skill at 100 should have the potential to crush the game, thats the way it should be. If you choose to drop most of your perks, hours of time smithing and obtaining iron (where is all this iron!), into one skill with that, then yes, its exploitable.
Don't get me wrong, I understand WHY you feel aggrieved, its just not the issue you think it is.