Quit whining about how OP smithing and enchanting is

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:26 am

If you level it normally, there are few issues...if any. I'm level 35 and use it when I want to make new weapons, when I have ingots, want to make and sell weapons for RP value etc etc...I don't go around buying hundreds of iron ingots and leather strips.

You whine about RPing, but treat it like a powerleveling exercise. Don't use a potion, then make an alchemical item, then use that to make a better alchemical item etc...just use a potion to make your item better, or use an item to make a potion better, and leave it at that.

Don't whine about something that you're purposefully trying to exploit. Treat it like an RPG and try to immerse yourself and you'll find that everything tends to balance itself out.
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Annick Charron
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:20 pm

I think it's better if the exploits were removed instead.
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Dan Scott
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:48 pm

Um, I don't even know you can exploit enchanting, because I just use it as a mage and put enchantments on my armor and weapons that I need to play my character better. I don't try to build the most bass ass character I can (I hate playing a character that makes the game too easy). So, as far as I'm concerned there is no problem. It's only players who look for these things that find them.
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Beulah Bell
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:56 pm

I think it's better if the exploits were removed instead.

:facepalm: Some of us actually like having good equipment.
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Vincent Joe
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:44 pm

Yeah I think its weird that most complain that enchanting, alchemy and blacksmithing is easy to lvl because I am lvl 20 and all those skills are still lower than 30.

If you buy what you need from the stores, skip time and then buy them again yes thats just exploiting to make it easy but I dont do that so its not easy at all to lvl those skills.

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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:23 pm

I agree completely, only total fools have this trouble.
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Symone Velez
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:45 pm

If you level it normally, there are few issues...if any. I'm level 35 and use it when I want to make new weapons, when I have ingots, want to make and sell weapons for RP value etc etc...I don't go around buying hundreds of iron ingots and leather strips.

You whine about RPing, but treat it like a powerleveling exercise. Don't use a potion, then make an alchemical item, then use that to make a better alchemical item etc...just use a potion to make your item better, or use an item to make a potion better, and leave it at that.

Don't whine about something that you're purposefully trying to exploit. Treat it like an RPG and try to immerse yourself and you'll find that everything tends to balance itself out.

YES. As one that did exploit the skill, I do not really have a problem with it. However you bring up a good point. It's like these morons complaining about fast-travel. It's all optional people, the only person you can blame for it is yourself.
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AnDres MeZa
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:10 pm

It's a single player game. If you don't want to be overpowered, don't use the exploits. If you do, go right ahead. This isn't WoW where balance is critical.
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Becky Cox
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:04 pm

:facepalm: Some of us actually like having good equipment.

So the equipment isn't good without the exploits?

News to me.
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Laura Shipley
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:36 am

simple solution - only 10 smithings / enchantings a day count towards skill progress or something like that....
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:26 pm

I see no "exploits" in smithing. I am level 30 with my smithing at ~72. I got there by making a lot of items from materials I mostly acquired on my own. (Stealing is a valid method!) And as a result of my hard work, I made me some Glass armor.
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Julie Ann
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 7:52 pm

So the equipment isn't good without the exploits?

News to me.

No, it isn't good, and they aren't "exploits". They are skills put into the game for a reason. I want the best equipment possible in every game I play, and Skyrim is no exception. You are given the choice to enhance these skills, and it's all up to you whether or not you use them.

Why settle for a sword that only does 50 damage when I can use enchanting/alchemy/smithing to make a sword that does over 600 damage?
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Gavin Roberts
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:55 am

I leveled it normally and I still find it OP. My enchanting just hit level 100 at level 44 with 70 hours played and my blacksmithing hit level 100 at around 40. I didn't powerlevel them or spend a dime buying mats. I'm a hoarder though and collected every animal hide/ore/soul gem I could find and I would use them all up each time I went back to town to sell my loot. I haven't touched alchemy yet but I'v been storing up every ingredient I'v found in a storage chest. I like leveling this stuff, I like using what I'v worked so hard to build up, it's a huge part of the game I enjoy and I don't want to cut it out because it's OP but I hate how OP it is though. You see the problem here?

What exploits are you people talking about? My bow has 320 damage without exploiting anything. That's just how smithing/enchanting work. You make higher tier bows, then you upgrade the bows so they do more damage and add enchants onto them to do even more damage. Explain to me how that's exploiting? lol. Are you talking about the +enchanting gear? Because i'm pretty sure that's what they had in mind when they made it..... lol. Omg! +smithing gear makes gear better when you smith **shocked** :o That's what the description means!
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:25 pm

Personally I would like to see them cap weapon enhancement at 100 smithing Legendary, meaning that an alchemy potion that improves smithing when you can already craft legendary would do nothing unless you lack the perk specialization, therefore allowing you to craft legendary items that you otherwise could not - but couldn't make UBER beyond legendary items.

Or to put it more simply, just cap legendary at some reasonable and balanced level.
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Michelle Smith
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:55 pm

I still going to whine about it. Cas its overpowered
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David Chambers
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:49 am

Do all of you who think it's completely OP have four pieces of equipment making your preferred weapon/armor better due to enchanting? Because that's not realistic - if I was actually doing this, I would try to be balanced, as balanced as I could. I'd have a piece of gear helping out my sneaking and some for stamina, some for resistnances and magic regeneration, some for health and some for other skill fortifications - and yet, I doubt that's the way you min/maxers play. Oh, and I wouldn't craft potions to craft enchantments, and vice versa, over and freaking over to the point of being OP.

It's that simple.
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:30 pm

I don't see why people are up are upset about this. There are no leader board there is no multiplayer no pvp. If a person decides they want to be a master crafter and perfect the makeing of iron daggers in what way does it effect you. You can't see them doing it its not gonna have any change to your own game what so ever. If this was a multiplayer game it be different as it all single player who cares. If u don't like it then don't do it. There is no one forcing u to max your armor and enchanting or use those skills at all.

I find much pleasure in coming across mines duringy travels mining the ore found there and smelting it down to make new arms and armor. Spending a hour or two staulking prey in the woods and tundra to gather pelts for leather working pride my self in making excellent weapons and armor for me
And my companions and fillin the stores with my merchandise.

If some one wants to do what people are calling exploiteing or breaking the system how does it effect your game. There can be a million people doing the it in no way changes how I do my smithing and leather working.
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Killah Bee
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:27 am

Completely agree. The only way for any of these things to be OP is for the user to make them that way, so it should be a non-issue. I have chosen ignore enchantment for this very reason, as it would make me virtually unstoppable on the master difficulty. If someone else enjoys running around Skyrim as a walking apocalypse, more power to him (figuratively and literally). What someone else chooses to do with their game has no bearing on mine.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:43 am

simple solution - only 10 smithings / enchantings a day count towards skill progress or something like that....

Limit reached -> wait 24 hours (1 minute) -> limit reached -> wait 24 hours -> it does not end.
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Brentleah Jeffs
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:27 am

I think it's better if the exploits were removed instead.

Look up the definition of "self-control."

Try that.
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Tamika Jett
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:11 am

I see all 1 & 1/2 sides of the argument, but honestly, it is our job as the player to play to the best of our ability (or to the funnest of our ability) and this simply shouldn't be a chore. Even if you say it isn't a chore, we shouldn't have to consciously gimp our characters per level to attempt to make the game challenging (which still, really, doesn't). If they can't utilize a challenge out of FIVE difficulty levels, that is simply their problem, and they need to fix it.

Smithing is OP.
Enchanting is OP.

You don't have to "grind" to see this.
Grinding isn't leveling up after every TWO iron daggers are created.
Grinding is supposed to take forever. You can kill 1/10th the wildlife encountered on the way to do 2 quests located in iron mines, returning to town with 1/3rd inventory capacity filled, and level smithing 10+ levels. 20 if you buy materials for smithing. This isn't grinding, its over-exploitation of what should be classed as a bug.

If you guys want to play the game, spending most of your points on the worst skills possible on purpose just so that there can exist a facade of challenge, so be it. I for one will not defend this potentially awesome game from its obvious slacked and cut-corner "effort" on behalf of the devs.
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Courtney Foren
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:46 pm

If some one wants to do what people are calling exploiteing or breaking the system how does it effect your game. There can be a million people doing the it in no way changes how I do my smithing and leather working.

This. It's a single player game. There are no losers. If someone is exploiting something it doesn't hurt you and if you can't control yourself...too bad. I want Beth to work on stuff that needs fixing, not helping you with self control issues.
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Sweet Blighty
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:55 pm

I’ve never understood why people even care what others do in Skyrim anyway? There aren’t any leaderboards nor is it even remotely competitive. Nothing forces you to run out and smith 1,000 daggers. If someone else wants to do it, it’s they’re choice. Still we have people whining about things being OP like this were a FPS. The days of someone saying “That’s cool” are gone, now someone has to give a speech about how “OP” something is
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Marina Leigh
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:43 am

I’ve never understood why people even care what others do in Skyrim anyway? There aren’t any leaderboards nor is it even remotely competitive. Nothing forces you to run out and smith 1,000 daggers. If someone else wants to do it, it’s they’re choice. Still we have people whining about things being OP like this were a FPS. The days of someone saying “That’s cool” are gone, now someone has to give a speech about how “OP” something is

Because they complain about how broken the game is after they 'sploit, and then the rest of us who aren't minmaxers get to deal with whatever they complained about getting nerfed in the next game.
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Stacey Mason
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:42 pm

If you level it normally, there are few issues...if any. I'm level 35 and use it when I want to make new weapons, when I have ingots, want to make and sell weapons for RP value etc etc...I don't go around buying hundreds of iron ingots and leather strips.

You whine about RPing, but treat it like a powerleveling exercise. Don't use a potion, then make an alchemical item, then use that to make a better alchemical item etc...just use a potion to make your item better, or use an item to make a potion better, and leave it at that.

Don't whine about something that you're purposefully trying to exploit. Treat it like an RPG and try to immerse yourself and you'll find that everything tends to balance itself out.

Pretty much all of this. Kind of like how people would say Oblivion was too easy when they'd also point out that they maxed out their skills at level 5 and just avoided sleeping to level up beyond that.

If you powerlevel your character, yeah, you're diminishing the experience as a whole for yourself and you should be complaining more about the way you play the game, not how the game is set up. Playing normally, the leveling system and the way the skills grow is excellent, and feels very much like a perfect compromise between Morrowind and Oblivion's leveling systems, especially with scaling the enemies.

Not everyone just maxes out their smithing immediately after starting. Some of us just play the game and enjoy the adventure as it happens, instead of wasting time with powerleveling characters.

You should try just playing the game instead of obsessing over maximizing levels and so on. Just let things happen and go with the flow.

If anything, just being decent at playing the game and knowing how to spec your character is more overpowered than anything else one could suggest.
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