While running Melchior Dahrk's http://download.fliggerty.com/download-90-703 plugin recently, I ran into a graphical error that caused the forearm sections of all chitin gauntlets to http://i.imgur.com/Huv0mkC.png ingame. After bringing the issue to Melchior Dahrk and Quorn's attention in its http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1412159-relz-quorn-resource-integration/, it was postulated that the error is caused by a compatibility issue stemming from running the module alongside other popular armor mods. I'm not certain which ones conflict in particular, but it's likely to be either one or more of the http://www.ornitocopter.net/mo_wiki/index.php?title=Credits#Misc_objects.2C_weapons_and_armors, or Better Morrowind Armor (as those are the only armor-related mods I use that are likely to affect all armor sets). During my inquiry, I was also able to confirm that the glitch has been reproduced in other players' games under similar conditions.
Regarding what exactly causes the glitch, quorn said:
That chitin forearm issue is due to another mod overwriting the body part assignment in the armor slot. The wrist/bracer needs to be assigned to the gauntlet armor.
This is due to how I split the original gauntlet model into both hand and wrist parts, which now allows both gauntlets and bracers from the same model. It was also going to allow me to make other forearm parts for different kinds of gauntlets/bracer combos at the time for more variation."
If I'm understanding his explanation correctly, that means that the glitch is due to an experimental feature that was designed to allow for more variations on the gauntlet model in a way that would reduce the final file size/resource usage of mods using the armor sets. The feature, while ultimately not utilized as intended, ended up causing conflicts with other plugins.
And when asked that the simplest way to eliminate the conflict would be, Melchior Dahrk responded:
"Sounds like the simplest way to fix it is to undo the way quorn originally set it up: use the old chitin glove model and make a new bracer model."
Like Melchior Dahrk, I've admired quorn's resources for years. Finally seeing them ingame has been an incredible experience, aside from the glitch in question. Implemented as they have been in this plugin, they add a truly impressive sense of depth, variety, and completion to the game in a very natural, lore-friendly way. But If the glitch (which is visually jarring and commonly encountered) can be eliminated, it would make the mod much more accessible to the community at large.
So! Since what has to be altered to allow for compatibility with a modded game seems clear, doable, and not too time-consuming (forgive me if I'm wrong!) I'd like to put out the call for help on this one. Melchior Dahrk has graciously stated that he'll support any patches and would be glad to add them to the main download. And anything that needs testing, I'd be happy test.
for reading/considering! Any misunderstandings/mistakes/inconsistencies are mine.