the argonians don't really strike me as the blacksmithing type for precious ore. though i do remember reading something about argonian silver, but i don't remember from where. i think though it's just something exported.
Actually, I'm not that sure either, it was in the notes though.
Awesome! I want to see the bark armor and the Argonian Silver! Is the bark armor the same as this one?
That bark armour is looks great, Chachi is it for download somewhere, or do I have to wait for Quorn's?

Well, I do have those wooden armor meshes, but they weren't made by me. I might release them as-is, though I won't maintain this particular set. It currently doesn't have proper icons or ground meshes, actually the icon and ground mesh for all the pieces is just a piece of wood.

However, I do have my own barkwoven armor pieces I'm preparing to release, which follows the whole organic look of the other armors. I just need to clean up the pieces so they look consistent with the rest of the released armors.
hey, your chitin armor looks interesting and may fit well in an ashland-mod, I am currently modding. may I have the permission to use it there and do some changes? (it'll be a german mod, if it doesn't bother you)
Sure! I'll be updating that resource fairly soon, so check back every-so-often to get the updates. ^_^
I'm linking all of my older releases to this thread, as their original threads have all expired. So this thread will be a one-stop for all of my smaller projects and resources. ^_^