ok heres the link:
heres the readme:
ver 3.8
*Fixed some textures i lost or forgot to put in.
ver 3.7
*Added some meshes i forgot.
*fixed the recipe books.
*Jerik now sells some of the ingredients needed for the lower level
ver 3.6
*All fletched arrows now have particles.(varying styles)
*All fletched bolts now hace particles.(olny 2 styles)
*Now whenever the player fletches arrows it is recorded and when
he/she has fletched enough his alchemy and enchant skill will rise.

*There now is olny 1 fletching kit for each marksman type weapon
extra thanks to farrp and reznod.
*More marksman models(16 so far,some never before released)
added to the fletchers friend.
*Added Marksman Recipe Books to the Fletcher's Friend.
*Added a Book that describes the differences between the marksman
*Blue tinge removed from the quivers(lingarn).
*Did some further balancing on the enchantment affects(made em weaker
than they were before).
*Added new marksman models to the fletchers friend.
*Steve Sweitzer
*Added quivers(farrp/snakebitten) to the fletchers friend(these are
just cosmetic things;no scripts attached).
*Now the olny way to get these magical ammo types is to make them yourself.
*Removed all weapons and quests from this mod(not my strong suit).
*No leveled lists are affected by this mod(i like it that way).
*Some fine tuning.
*No Magic Ammo Types can be bought anymore,they must be made or
gotten off of corpses.
*Service Refusal Removed from jerik.
*Beginning And Apprentice kits added to Arrile's.
*Fletching Metal Added for the Beginning Fletching Kit.
*cleaned up a bit by TornNight.
ver 3.1
*monster leveled list altered by the puma man.
ver 3.0
*fixed the devil's greed script.
*Gave Jerik 20,000 barter gold.
Updated (11/16/02)
*tribunal version.
*fixed the journeyman fletcherkits.
*further cleaning in the tesame.
*some fine tuning on the weapons.
ver 2.8
*there are now only 4 fletcher quality types(apprentice,journeyman,master,and
*The fletcher kits quality types icons are color coded for ease of recognition,look at the pockets.
*Dialogue added to Jerik.
*Added the abiltity for the player to fletch steel ammo types.
ver 2.7(final)
*Added more ingredients into the fletcher recipes replacing
ingredients i had doubles or triples of,giving some more value to the ingredients.
*Added a fletcher recipe(script)that will allow you to fletch a marksman weapon of you
your choosen type(bow,x-bow,dart,star,& knife),a quest is involved which begins in
The Fletcher's Friend.
*5 new textures for the above mentioneded recipes.
ver 2.6
*fixed a bug.....jerik now sells the fletcher kits.
*grammar corrections.
*tweaked the marksman,alchemy,and enchant requirements.
*tweaked the lifeforce drain and put in warning boxes.
*made it cost effecient to make the arrows that you can buy.
*did some minor name changes.
*extra thanks to horatio for his aid.
ver 2.5
*the player now has the ability to fletch all the enchanted ammo types in any
of their forms which are arrows,bolts,darts,throwing stars,and throwing knives.
*The fletchery is dependent upon the skills of marksman,alchemy,and enchant(for the
really powerfull items).
*Fletching the items put a drain on your life force dependent on the power of the item.
*Ive implemented Lady E's fletcher kits and the appear in various style(lesser,normal,
superb,master,and grandmaster)for sale at the fletchers friend.
* the creator of the Darliandor's Alchemy Lab web site,i used this
to search for the imgeredients that matched the effects of the items.
******thanks to Horatio for his advice.
Version 2.4
*Toned the damage down to be more balanceable.
*Renamed some of the items.
*added items to another leveled list.
*restructed leveled creature list.
*cleaned with Tesame
****Extra Thanks to Horatio for his suggestions for fine tuning this mod.
Version 2.3
After some urging to make it so that the new ammo and bows
are usable by the monsters as well,ive done that(This has altered the
leveled item list,the level creature list,creature list and has created
a new leveled item list).
Now only the weakest enchanted items can be bought in The fletchers
If other mods that alter the existing leveled items list is used it
is recommended to merge with this one,Horatio has an excellent utility for this
listed on the official forums.
Version 2.2:
1)Added a new pricing system based on number of enchantments,area of effect,and duration.
2)Added 4 new enchantments affecting all missile items.
3)Added(with 8 new textures):
Replenishing Bows And Crossbows.
The Protector Bows and Crossbows.
Eagle Eye Bows And Crossbows.
Bows and Crossbow of Quickness.
It was brought to my attention that the location of The Fletcher's Friend was located the same spot as another mod,therefore I have moved it ....it is now close to the council club by the stairs.
if you like archers you should like this just do me a favor and vote for me ok.