Race and Dialogue Question

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:20 am

So I was making the first female NPC of my new race, and when I went to edit her face the CS crashed. This doesn't happen with the males, so I thought it was just some stupid glitch. I went to open the face generation again and it crashed as soon as I changed the gender. (Also, it doesn't even show the female version of the face before it crashes.) So now I'm wondering, what's wrong? I don't think any changes I've made so far would cause anything like that to happen. Also, is there any way to create new rumors and have only members of one race, faction, npc, etc. say them?

Thanks in advance! :D
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:51 pm

So I was making the first female NPC of my new race, and when I went to edit her face the CS crashed. This doesn't happen with the males, so I thought it was just some stupid glitch. I went to open the face generation again and it crashed as soon as I changed the gender. (Also, it doesn't even show the female version of the face before it crashes.) So now I'm wondering, what's wrong? I don't think any changes I've made so far would cause anything like that to happen. Also, is there any way to create new rumors and have only members of one race, faction, npc, etc. say them?

Thanks in advance! :D

I don't know about the crashing, but making rumors for a specific race/faction/NPC is done the same way as adding other dialogues - You just need to add conditions. Also, rumors are found in the Conversation -tab under the INFOGENERAL -topic. If you want to disable all the Vanilla rumors for the race/faction/NPC, just add a condition to the quest NQDWildernedd which states e.g. GetInFaction YourFaction == 0 and then make a new quest in which conditions you put the opposite, e.g. GetInFaction YourFaction == 1, and then you add the INFOGENERAL -topic and start making rumors. If you don't want anyone else to say these rumors, just add every race to the conditions as e.g. GetInFaction YourFaction != 0. That last statement should work, I still am not sure though :D
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Jimmie Allen
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:23 am

I don't know about the crashing, but making rumors for a specific race/faction/NPC is done the same way as adding other dialogues - You just need to add conditions. Also, rumors are found in the Conversation -tab under the INFOGENERAL -topic. If you want to disable all the Vanilla rumors for the race/faction/NPC, just add a condition to the quest NQDWildernedd which states e.g. GetInFaction YourFaction == 0 and then make a new quest in which conditions you put the opposite, e.g. GetInFaction YourFaction == 1, and then you add the INFOGENERAL -topic and start making rumors. If you don't want anyone else to say these rumors, just add every race to the conditions as e.g. GetInFaction YourFaction != 0. That last statement should work, I still am not sure though :D

Thanks a lot! Now my the people of my race aren't talking about Mubcrabs and whatnot.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:39 pm

The problem with being unable to create females may be due to missing resources for hair, eyes etc. If the missing item is the default, it can fail as soon as you switch. Check in the race definition to see if the females get any choices the males don't and then confirm the meshes, texture they call for are all present.
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