Race Balance Project and Modular Beautiful People 2++ used t

Post » Mon May 07, 2012 9:22 pm

I want to use http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37368 and http://theelderscrolls.info/?go=dlfile&fileid=215 (full version) at the same time because I want to play as a Daedra Seducer but want to use at least one mod that requires Modular Beautiful People 2ch Edition Plus Plus, which requires http://oblivion.forum.jpmod.net/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=130 and maybe http://oblivion.forum.jpmod.net/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=50, too. If I use all four mods together the eyes of the races added by RBP are misplaced and always look in the wrong direction.
I have learned that it happens because BP2 and MBP2 replaces the default eye meshes with Elaborate Eyes meshes, and I can fix this problem by moving the eye meshes of BP2ed and MBP2ed into another folder and then redirect the paths in the corresponding .esm/.esp file. I'm pretty sure I also have to move the eyes texture of those two mods to another folder and then redirect the paths in the .esm/.esp files, correct?

Has someone already made it for him-/herself and would be so kind to share it? If not I'll try to fix it myself and then upload it here if I was successful, but then you might have to bear that I come back more often seeking assistance. :-P
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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 1:09 am

Don't try to use both at once(It doesn't matter if you use RBP for character 1, and MBP for character 2 as long as two do not overwrite default eye meshes and textures each other). If MBP also replaces default eye textures(yeah, Beautiful People does that), delete them, edit the plugin to reassign eye textures(Check Elaborate Eyes plugin to find corresponding eye textures).

And: Check http://narulivion.blog46.fc2.com/blog-entry-151.html. Looks like it rebalances MBP races like RBP(acts like some kind of compatibility patch).
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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Mon May 07, 2012 8:13 pm

I've already found RBP for MBP, sadly the latest version of it seem to be RBP9.0.

I've tried to fix the eyes, though I haven't managed to fix all eye options; some help how to fix those is appreciated:
- The Argonian eye option 'Vermilion'
- The 'Red' eye option for all races expect Seducer
- The 'Gold' eye option for Orcs and Khajiit; I don't find those eyes under 'Characters' -> 'Eyes' in the CS
- Most of the eye options of Aureal and Mazken; I have no idea why they are broken

The file:

"This files uses content of Race Balance Project 10.52, so all credits go to bg2408 and the modders who have created the eye textures I've added in this file."

edit: Just move all files in this .7z file in the data folder, expect for 'bgBalancingEVCore.esp' no files will be overwritten.
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lacy lake
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Post » Tue May 08, 2012 10:38 am

Maybe you have found these links and may have tried them, but this may help.

It's a Japanese post on what looks like making the eyes work between these mods in a more bruteforce manner: changing the eye files. google translate link through:

original link:

I'm not sure how feasible this option is nor have I tried it myself. Seems to require a few downloads in an attempt to better automate the process.

Another possible mod:

Seems like another modification method? Not sure.

Also, how are you using your mod? Like bp/mbp/++ and rbp install order (which should overwrite which), when to put in your current mod, and is there wrye bashing involved (what to check/uncheck)? So far I've mostly just seen a bashed patch nearly strip all eyes from everything to try and remove googlyness, yet some npcs will still be googly. Just assuming it's because of the specific eyes you mentioned. I made omods out of everything I could so messing with it is fast and painless.
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