Race Balancing Project; Disk Errors again

Post » Sun Jun 12, 2011 3:11 pm

I recently decided to replace COBL Races with the Race Balancing Project, and am suffering from the http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1194949-cobl-conondrum/ from installed the COBL Races Cosmetics:
I downloaded the Cosmetics pack in http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1051762-relz-cobl-races-relz/page__view__findpost__p__16853049, and replaced the saram files with the ones in that pack, and that fixed the problem for Saram 1 through 22, but Saram 23 through 26 still suffer from the same error, and all the sulhwa hairstyles have the same error as well.

Given I did not find any hard disk errors, and the problem was fixed for some of the files when they were replaced, in two different installs, I'm inclined to believe that the files are the problem, not my hard disk.

On further examination, it seems Ren's women's hairstyles seem to be suffering from the same error.

Tried downloading Saram pack separately, and replacing the offending hairstyles. Reinstated errors fixed by replacing them with the ones in the cosmetics patch. What the hell?

Replaced Saram and Ren resources with modified resources from Cobl Races Cosmetics. Noticed that the post I linked referred to errors in the NIF file, with bad texture paths. Downloading NifSkope to see if I can see the difference between corrected and uncorrected file, and more importantly, fix the problem if I possibly can.

Seems that this is in fact the problem. Why the hairstyles even work with this error in place, I don't know. As an example,
01.nif from original Saram pack has the following under NiSourceTexture
And my f drive only shows up when I insert removable media, such as a flash drive or media card.
01.nif from the fixed texture pack has the following under NiSourceTexture

Seeing as the former causes an error and the latter does not, and these are the biggest differences I can spot(other than the number order on the NiNode, which I am not sure as to the significance), I think that's the primary cause of my hairstyle headache.

Changed offending Saram hairstyle texture source references. Disk Error no longer shows up, problem solved. Now I just have to go through all the NIF files and change them to refer to the appropriate directory. Only one issue remains; Some of the source textures are actually missing from the Race Balancing Project, namely the SulHwa source textures. Will go and seek out the proper textures once I finish altering the NIF files.

Thank you for all the help; I'm not being sarcastic. If it wasn't for the help I got the last time I had this Disk Error issue, I would have had no idea where to check for the problem, or have figured out how to fix it myself.
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Chloe Mayo
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