[Relz] Race Balancing Project

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:28 am

I don't change anything regarding fatigue regeneration, so it looks like a problem of SM's Encumbrance and Fatigue mod, sorry.

Never mind, I've fixed it. I just moved SM Encumbrance and Fatigue to the end of the load order and that seems to have fixed the issue.

BTW, how does the NPC Diversity for Wrye Bash module picks which hair to add to which race? I've tried to use it (without TNR, of course) but found out that http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Hamlof_Red-Tooth was hilarious with one of the Corean hairs. Pity I didn't take a screenshot. Obviously, it was a giant immersion breaker, so I've deactivated it.
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kyle pinchen
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:53 pm

One less important point. I didn't manage to find good description for all options, so some of them have empty description, especially "Optional Fangs", "More Eyes", and the diversity options. It would be great if you could provide it (or point me to it).

Fangs: "Fangs for Ohmes-raht and daedric races." (there really isn't anything more to tell ;))
More Eyes: "Unlocks more playable eye colors and hair styles."
Diversity options: Distributes new hairs and eyes to NPCs. Comes in two versions (normal or for Better Redguards) and three flavors (Vanilla, TNR, Beautification). Additionally there are a few files for other mods as well (e.g. LAME, Kvatch Rebuilt).

BTW, how does the NPC Diversity for Wrye Bash module picks which hair to add to which race?
Manually :mellow:.
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carley moss
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:23 pm

Thanks for the answer, but I yet have another question xD

You said in the readme that the only known mod that edits Skeletonbeast.nif is Realistic Force and Physics. So does that mean that I can't use the Wings with Animation together with that mod? Or are they compatible anyway?
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Miranda Taylor
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:29 pm

Another fan of your good work here.

I've been crunching numbers and I can't see a way to enter in "Fragile Endurance", etc. into the health equations of mods which modify the health equations. I know, I know, that script isn't compatible with mods like Oblivion XP and nGCD. But I thought it was a waste after all that balancing you did with Vanilla Oblivion. Unfortunately, the health equations for OXP and nGCD are pretty solid and give decent values compared to RBP Vanilla (see codeblock below for my tests). The problem is, they're mostly skill-based, so only your initial Endurance values get put into the equations. I feel like I'm cheating a little with "Fragile Endurance" just doing nothing though. Do you think these values are fine?

Race: Bretonsix: FemaleBirthsign: The MageSpecialty: MagicMajors: Blade, Block, Destruction, Illusion, Lightarmor, Marksman, Sneak- Blade 50- Block 50- Destruction 75- Illusion 50- Lightarmor 50- Marksman 50- Sneak 50- Armorer 50 (from training)- etc.OXP Health 220nGCD Health 188RBP (Vanilla)Endurance 85Health: 224

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Julie Ann
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:29 am

Fangs: "Fangs for Ohmes-raht and daedric races." (there really isn't anything more to tell ;))
More Eyes: "Unlocks more playable eye colors and hair styles."
Diversity options: Distributes new hairs and eyes to NPCs. Comes in two versions (normal or for Better Redguards) and three flavors (Vanilla, TNR, Beautification). Additionally there are a few files for other mods as well (e.g. LAME, Kvatch Rebuilt).

Thanks. For the diversity options, I meant to ask about the difference between the different versions. For myself who has a bashed patch, but not TNR, should I use the "For Wrye Bash", or could I use the Beautification version instead, and what is the difference. Also, should it be possible not to install any of them?

And should I have some special handling for the TNR version dependant on TNR? E.g. only listing this option if TNR is detected, alternatively automatically choosing this instead of the two other in this case?

Sorry for all the questions, but then I'll at least make sure to get it 100% correct.
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Danielle Brown
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:15 am

Another fan of your good work here.


The problem is, they're mostly skill-based, so only your initial Endurance values get put into the equations. I feel like I'm cheating a little with "Fragile Endurance" just doing nothing though.

Well, that's the way it is, no need to feel cheating ;).

Do you think these values are fine?

Health 220

Health 188

RBP (Vanilla)
Endurance 85
Health: 224

Level not given, unable to compute.

Note: I do really think that "LessHealth" should be used, because without health is way too high imho. I personally play with LessHealth + Health per level halved (console command available in RBP, though this won't work with OXP or nGCD).

Thanks. For the diversity options, I meant to ask about the difference between the different versions.

Better Redguard: For users of Better Redguards (necessary for Redguards to look right under BR).
Normal: Normal version for those not using BR.

Beautification: Face structure based on ntmodfan's "beautyful NPC" mod.
TNR: Face structure based on Veritas_Secreto's TNR.
Standard ("for Bash"): Face structure based on Vanilla.

For myself who has a bashed patch, but not TNR, should I use the "For Wrye Bash", or could I use the Beautification version instead, and what is the difference.
You can use whichever you wish. Depends on which face structure you like most :).

Also, should it be possible not to install any of them?
They're optional, and it should be possible to skip them - unless someone is using Better Redguards, because BR compatibility requires one of them for the Redguards to look right.

And should I have some special handling for the TNR version dependant on TNR? E.g. only listing this option if TNR is detected, alternatively automatically choosing this instead of the two other in this case?
The file is independent of TNR. TNR can be used instead. TNR is not required.

Sorry for all the questions, but then I'll at least make sure to get it 100% correct.
No problem :).

Sorry for short answer, been up for fifteen hours now, thanks to an idiot beginning to hammer nails into his wall at 3 AM :swear: .
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Phillip Brunyee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:02 pm

I am having an odd issue with the mod. I just installed it, and loaded it up and when I create a new character (for example a bosmer) I don't get the craft arrows power, instead I get a command creature one. Also the starting attributes aren't quite the same. I have tested this with the kajit as well and it doesn't have the constant effect night eye, just one for 30 sec. Do I have a conflict with another mod do you think?

thanks :)
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JR Cash
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:43 am

Try startquest bgbupdate. If for some reason your powers/stats are wrong that command should run a script to set RBP powers and stats if they aren't currently there.

Oh, and....

I forget if http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=911214&hl coversation was ever brought your way bg..... The mod in the link won't work on new races at all, and it won't work on most default races unless it's loaded after RBP. Someone stated that they had issues with RBP spells not being there when the mod was loaded after RBP, but I never had the problem. Is there any problems that the mod does, or might cause with RBP that you can see?

The reason is I told the BOSS people to load it after RBP, but they placed it with all the other persuasion overhaul mods... If I know for sure that it causes no problems with RBP (and hopefully other race mods) I'll go ahead and bring it up in the BOSS topic again, and if it does cause problems I guess it's best left earlier in the load order for the general populace.

If nothing else, I'd like to know what I'm sacrificing for having the mod work correctly.( if anything...)
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Kelvin Diaz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:07 am

Sounds like it. What other mods do you use? If only a few, you could try to deactivate most of them but RBP and start a game with it, just to make sure it works allright and you did install it well. You'll probably have to use Wrye Bash or OBMM to sort your load order anyway, and load RBP near the bottom of your mods list.
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Eileen Müller
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:25 am

What's it with the NPC Diversity Lame Adittion Esp? Should this be used along with another NPC Diversity plugin? Or can I use the LAME plugin without any other NPC diversity plugins?

And another thing. Can I use multiple Body Mod Support files at once? Because I use HGEC and Robert's Male. Can I support both of them? And for the Alternative Ohmes Raht texture, should I always install Base? Or should I only install the one that's compatible with the body mod I use?
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Lucky Boy
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:08 am

thanks for the help. I ran that console command and it worked to update the abilities, and I think the stats as well. I don't know why it wasn't doing it automatically, but I'm glad it works.
Not sure what mod it might be that is causing this weirdness. I do use OBMM and have RBP loading almost at the end, with no race adj mods after it. I don't have wyre bash though.
Well at least its now working yay - hope it keeps working :)
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Manuela Ribeiro Pereira
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:27 am

Ok, I got a little problem with Race Balancing Project. I extracted the core file into the oblivion data folder, some races like Golden Saint seems to be working well , but someothers like Xivilai got missing purp textures.
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DAVId MArtInez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:57 am


And.... how come I can't even find the RBP file in that load order?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:42 am


And.... how come I can't even find the RBP file in that load order?

omg, but the archive i dled was 30 mb!And now this is 300!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:27 am

So, i think i have understood what was the problem.
IN fact , before I just dled this.

The problem is that the core file got just one .esp with no meshes and textures, so,I think this is the why nothing was working well.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:54 pm

Indeed, the main files are just for those who already got all the meshes, textures, hairs, eyes, etc. and are updating.
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Sabrina Schwarz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:16 am

The whole package will take a looooong time to download if you're on a slow connection, but, believe me... it is worth it. :)
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Trey Johnson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:50 pm

Many thanks to all who are helping new users :)! Greatly appreciated :)!

Currently it's a bit like "no news are good news". I'm working on Integration, wait to see if anything comes out of the voicing project (doesn't look like it. At least the female Ohmes-raht set seems to become reality, though), so RBP is in some kind of "low priority - glad it's 'finished'" state of being.

In the last couple of weeks I've got some questions if I think about including new races. Truth be told, I do think about it from time to time, but there wasn't anything yet that totally caught my interest and triggered a "must include!!11oneoneone" reaction. Especially since I'm, from a lore perspective, unable to say which more or less known race is missing.

All extinct races aside there are like two known humanoid daedric races left, the Akaviri races, and some more exotic beast races.
The Akaviri races are a big fat ? and I don't want to delve into them (especially since most of them wouldn't be humanoid enough any way). For the beast races, well, there are Lilmothiit (fox people - very likely extinct), Sloads (slug people - impossible) and Imga (ape people), about the first nearly nothing is known and are likely extinct either way, the latter don't catch my interest at all. As for the Daedra, well, there are the Dremora (... texture problems, voice set problem ...) and the Nocturnals. Nocturnals were features in TEL: Battlespire, but they've got their own set of problems (namely that the singular is identical to Nocturnal, and that they last appeared in the "all humanoid look like imperial" phase of the Elder Scrolls games. Back then Seducer, Dremora, Xivilai, Nocturnal, mortal man - they all looked the same. Would need to take some liberties with them either way.

So, uhm, yes, regarding new races today it's the same situation like six months ago: Unlikely ;).
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Taylor Tifany
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:25 pm

Well, there are the additional types of Khajiit - although I don't think the quadruped ones could be practically done. I've been considering doing a RPB version of the Khajiits in the Elsweyr, the Deserts of Anequina mod myself - would there be any problems if I used RPB as a master (so as to get the various racial powers)? Also, the http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Argonian lists several 'tribes' of Argonians with distinct appearances (I suspect for the same 'weasel lore' reasons that led to the introduction of the different types of Khajiit.

On the subject of Khajiit, Ohmes and Ohmes-raht get a +5 reaction mod (between the two types), but react to other khajiit at +10, given that they are all the same race, shouldn't they react to each other the same?

Slightly OT: Given the write up of the Khajiit in the UESP, an ohmes could easily be a close relative of an ohmes-rath, or a suthey-rath, or an alfiq!

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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:52 pm

Having a little bit of trouble with making racial skill benefits stack with the +10 specialization benefit. Made a Nord Spellsword whose Blunt and Heavy Armor are properly receiving the racial benefit, but because I selected Magic specialization, is not properly receiving his Alteration, Alchemy, and Mysticism race skill benefits (but is receiving the +10 from specialization).

I tried "startquest bgbupdate" in the console and it didn't seem to do anything. I have no other problems with RBP, other than the minor annoyance of having to manually adjust starting attributes from Vanilla values. This is confusing to me, as I use no other mods that affect any of these parts of the game.
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Andy durkan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:20 pm

hi everyone,

i am having a problem ajusting mana regen speed.
i use this mod and supreme magic (loaded AFTER this mod)
my thought was that i could controll mana regen using supreme .ini file.
problem is.. it is not working, if i change how much mana i get pr INT it works, but mana regen wont change.
i want mana regen to be very slow ( like 1 mana every 5 sec with 20 WILL and about 20 mana with WILL 100)
i am guessing it is this mod that somehow "overwrite supreme magic settings"
can i get any pointers how to ajust my mana regen,. ( or if some one is feeing friendly make me a .eps patch ) any help would be apriciated.
i hope anyone have an idea for this :)

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Dalley hussain
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:28 am


The http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25266 has now been updated, based on bg2408's comments some time ago. It adds better descriptions for some options, and makes it possible to choose no diversity NPC options.

...and I really love this mod - it makes the races and people I meet so much better and more varied, not to mention my own Ohmes-raht :foodndrink:
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Rudi Carter
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:08 pm

Okay, so I got a little question: is there a way to make the xivilai playable by player with the same looking of the ones you find into oblivion gates?
Thanks for help
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:35 am

I'm having a problem where my Bashed Patch is overwriting the default race records (found out via TES4EDIT), so I'm not getting RBP race records for the default races. startquest bgbupdate doesn't fix the problem even on a saved game. I'm not sure which of the many additions is doing it. Bashed Patch obviously has to load last. BOSS has been used.

Edit: Fixed the problem through trial-and-error. It was Mart's Monster Mod - Resized Races.esp being merged into Bashed. Yeah, that wasn't a good idea.
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Penny Courture
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:05 am

my guess is MMM_Resized_Races is muddling up your RBP race stuff, since you have it loading after RBP.

*edit* oh you already figured it out for yourself. Yeah, any race stuff loading after RBP is a BAD idea unless you specifically intend it!
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