[Relz] Race Balancing Project

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:54 am

Just wanted to mention that if my script is used, the script checks if SI is installed, and if not will automatically install bgBalancingEVNoSIVersion_Core_still_required.esp.

I figured you might have done that. My biggest problem with automated scripts, however, is that they make installation even more order-dependent. Maybe you could add options to for manual install, as some people do know what they have to install and may not want that dependency. This is why BAIN works pretty well for me. I can select EVERY mod I want to install, click "Install" and nothing is left to be done. I even have a "Cleaned Plugins" containing folder at the end. :D
- Tomlong75210

P.S. I still use OBMM to install music, menu video replacers and some other INI changing scripted mods.

Edit: Well, afterward, I do run my load order through BOSS (with a masterlist amended tweaked to include my patches) immediately after, rebuild my bashed patch, run TES4LODGen, the usual... None of that has much to do with OBMM though.
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Cameron Garrod
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:32 am

I figured you might have done that. My biggest problem with automated scripts, however, is that they make installation even more order-dependent. Maybe you could add options to for manual install, as some people do know what they have to install and may not want that dependency.
I see little reason to assume that Shivering Isles may be installed after RBP or other mods, as that one is really part of the install and not just another mod.

But you bring up a good and valid point. I try to make my install scripts order-independant by checking if related mods are installed, and if not ask if they want the compatibility. Though when looking at my install scripts I see that I've not been completely consistent with that. So I will take a new look at all the scripts looking for unnecessary order-dependencies.

This is why BAIN works pretty well for me. I can select EVERY mod I want to install, click "Install" and nothing is left to be done.
BAIN is surely very good if you know exactly which files you need, and theres no options to choose from during installation.
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Melissa De Thomasis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:57 am

I'm not sure exactly what I am doing wrong, but I've tried three times to follow that script and every time I get errors.
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Deon Knight
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:54 pm

I see little reason to assume that Shivering Isles may be installed after RBP or other mods, as that one is really part of the install and not just another mod.

But you bring up a good and valid point. I try to make my install scripts order-independant by checking if related mods are installed, and if not ask if they want the compatibility. Though when looking at my install scripts I see that I've not been completely consistent with that. So I will take a new look at all the scripts looking for unnecessary order-dependencies.

BAIN is surely very good if you know exactly which files you need, and theres no options to choose from during installation.

I am not referring to SI. I am talking about installations, basically, FCOM-related. There are all kinds of ways to install MMM, OOO, UOP, COBL that end up overwriting the wrong files. That's all. It is awesome that you wrote an RBP script. I wrote my own script for all of the mods I mentioned, and almost every other mod I had, and RBP was a doozey. I know people really appreciate it.

Keep up the good work!
- Tomlong75210
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Amy Masters
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:27 am

I would like to pitch in and just give my 2 septims about how wonderful this mod is :P Just the sheer variety make it hard to stick w/ one character for very long, lol. That said, I do have a question for you. My current guy is a level 10 Breton under the Mage sign. However, my magicka pool does seem rather high. Upon hitting level 10, I think my magicka topped 400 :blink: Either Mer Heritage or Mer Bonus keeps accumulating. Is this normal, or did I screw up something fierce along the way? Although my health is barely 150, and a lot of the high-end spells from SM and LAME cost several hundred per cast.

Regardless, I just wanted to check in here and make sure. Also, I seem to have lost the effect 'weakness to normal weapons' that comes w/ the Mage sign. Still have 'fragile endurance (sp?)' though. I was going to search out the ruin stones to change signs and see what happens. Anyways, mad props on all of your hard work m8 :) I have a couple side characters that are not mage/stealth types. They're fun now cuz they are actually strong enough to survive, lol. Cheers m8, and thanks again. RBP is a keeper :D
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:31 am

Immortal-D: The whole point of RBP is to balance things and diversify the races, so of course a mage race with a mage birthsign is going to have a lot of magicka :). My level 17 Hidden elf with 105 intelligence, and Atronach birthsign has 1020 Magicka when naked. Defnitely helpful when my little pure mage wants to spam Finger of the Mountain, or use those high Magicka Midas spells. :D
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kyle pinchen
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:17 pm

When discussing Magicka, keep in mind that the "base cost" (which is when your skill reaches 100) is a lot (and I mean *a lot*) higher than in Vanilla Oblivion. The effective magicka progression ("how many spells dealing X can I cast?") is flattened, not inflated. See the math part of the FAQ in RBP's readme.

Additionally there are modules to switch back to Vanilla's Magicka system.

Example given at Destruction 100 / Intelligence 100 / Level 25 an armored Altmer mage can cast four fireballs dealing 100 damage - in both Vanilla and in RBP. It's just a smoothened progression to that point, so you don't have a "sky-rocketed" moment like in the Vanilla Magicka system.
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Amanda Leis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:46 am

Gotcha. I appreciate the replies, and I'm certainly not complaining :P At level 10, I can summon a pair of Baliwogs, throw on a shield spell, and still have tons left over the smackdown. Course that comes at the expense of not being able to get up close to anything (~150hp). I was doing the Go Fish quest, and a single Mature Slaughterfish snuck up on me. Stupid fish ate me in 2 bites :sad:
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Dalton Greynolds
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:21 am

So.. I read the readme and there was something left unclear for me, sorry.

I've been playing a mage on OOO, and doing just fine without armor. OOO, however adds a bunch of nice armors, of which the coolest looking ones are the heavy armor ones. Also, the mod gives few (not to say none whatsoever) good robes. So I've been training heavy armor but since I have no awesome-looking sets fully together, I haven't worn any of them yet.

In the readme you said something about a mage being able to cast less spells when armored. So does that still apply if I use the Vanilla-armor-penalty-rates thingie?

Because my Spectral warrior summon takes 400 mana (conjuration maxed out, intelligence not yet). Doing the very hard math, I will have 900 mana in the end without enchantments (500 from int + 200 + 200) and when/if I will be wearing armor, I might not have the mana to summon even one. So that's somewhat troubling.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:36 am

So.. I read the readme and there was something left unclear for me, sorry.

I've been playing a mage on OOO, and doing just fine without armor. OOO, however adds a bunch of nice armors, of which the coolest looking ones are the heavy armor ones. Also, the mod gives few (not to say none whatsoever) good robes. So I've been training heavy armor but since I have no awesome-looking sets fully together, I haven't worn any of them yet.

In the readme you said something about a mage being able to cast less spells when armored. So does that still apply if I use the Vanilla-armor-penalty-rates thingie?

Because my Spectral warrior summon takes 400 mana (conjuration maxed out, intelligence not yet). Doing the very hard math, I will have 900 mana in the end without enchantments (500 from int + 200 + 200) and when/if I will be wearing armor, I might not have the mana to summon even one. So that's somewhat troubling.

Umm...no. Wearing armor does NOT increases spell cost nor decrease total magicka. Instead, it hurts spell efficiency. Elemental spells do less damage, summons last shorter duration, etc. In vanilla, maximum spell efficiency while wearing armor is 95%, so the penalty is pretty much nonexistent. Therefore going unarmored mage yielded very little benefit, if any. With RBP's default setting, max efficiency is capped at 80% while wearing armor. Quite significant, but still very much playable.

What the comparison meant is that to deal the same amount of damage compared to unarmored mage's spell, armored mage needs more powerful spell because of less efficiency, hence more spell cost and less total number of spells cast-able.

So you can still summon Spectral Warrior for 400 magicka at Master Conjuration, armored. It just doesn't last as long as unarmored summon.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:43 am

Got a few questions before downloading (havent found them in readme)
1) Do Daedra Seducer have hooves in any form (havent seen any in trailer)?
2) How does those skills work?
->Toggle: Featherfall (while active doesn't take falling damage)
->Toggle: Daedric Leap (requires that Featherfall is active)
->Toggle: Wings (only a visual effect, cancels Featherfall)
Does featherfall activate wings so they start to animate or wth? And "Wings" skill stops it? :)
3) Is that mod comatible with custom body mods? (havent seen tabaxi textures for hgec so thats why im asking)
Thanks in advance and sorry for possibly dumb questions!
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Siobhan Thompson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:42 pm

1: No, I don't think so... they're rather humanoid if you ignore the tail, horns, wings, and skin. :P
2: Daedra Seducers are shape shifters, but only some of them can do it to the point of disguising themselves, flying, and such. Thje player's version of shape shifting is several forms:
Fighter form
Mage form
Stealth form
Feather fall
You can only have one form active at a time and while in a form your fatigue is damaged. After activating Feather fall form you get the spell "Daedric leap". While Daedric leap is active you have damage fatigue 30 so you can only take a few leaps before being knocked out and losing your feather fall form, and as such the Daedric leap spell. When you get up you can cast feather fall and Daedric leap again and repeat the process.

3:Yes, RBP comes with support for all popular body mods.
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Jade Barnes-Mackey
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:24 pm

Ok, guys please help me.
I want to make a warrior-mage but i truly don't know what to choose. I don't like Xivilai design XD, so what may i choose?
And I cant understand well the differences between a pure warrior nord or an orc. It seems that orc have so many useless power and almost not bonus apart from regeneration.... What do i choose to make a pure-warrior?
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D LOpez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:58 pm

Ok, guys please help me.
I want to make a warrior-mage but i truly don't know what to choose. I don't like Xivilai design XD, so what may i choose?
And I cant understand well the differences between a pure warrior nord or an orc. It seems that orc have so many useless power and almost not bonus apart from regeneration.... What do i choose to make a pure-warrior?

Warrior-Mage: Dark Elf is the best choice for this role, bar none. Imperials and Khajiits can do fine too. Warrior mages are difficult to play at the start of the game IMO, but are great later on.

For a pure warrior, it depends on what route you want to take. If you want an offensive, lightly armored, "Rogue" class that dodges attacks, skirts around, and strikes with a Claymore/whatever, use a Redguard. If you want a tank, choose an Orc. Nords are sort of in-between. But either race can do very well at any role. I used a Nord born under the sign of the Lord for my pure warrior playthrough, and it worked well.

The Orc's regeneration should never be underestimated. Imagine being struck by an unblocked attack, retreating, blocking, and having gained all your health back. Orcs are ridiculously easy to play early in the game. Later on, things aren't so fun, because enemies employ magic and enchantments more frequently. Still, the Orcs are a force to be reckoned with, and with fire resistance/absorption rings, you can't lose.

If you want some real fun, use a High Elf born under the sign of the Ritual or the Serpent. I hope you've perfected your dodging skills, because one frost attack will drop you in one hit.:)
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James Hate
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:34 pm

Warrior-Mage: Dark Elf is the best choice for this role, bar none. Imperials and Khajiits can do fine too. Warrior mages are difficult to play at the start of the game IMO, but are great later on.

For a pure warrior, it depends on what route you want to take. If you want an offensive, lightly armored, "Rogue" class that dodges attacks, skirts around, and strikes with a Claymore/whatever, use a Redguard. If you want a tank, choose an Orc. Nords are sort of in-between. But either race can do very well at any role. I used a Nord born under the sign of the Lord for my pure warrior playthrough, and it worked well.

The Orc's regeneration should never be underestimated. Imagine being struck by an unblocked attack, retreating, blocking, and having gained all your health back. Orcs are ridiculously easy to play early in the game. Later on, things aren't so fun, because enemies employ magic and enchantments more frequently. Still, the Orcs are a force to be reckoned with, and with fire resistance/absorption rings, you can't lose.

If you want some real fun, use a High Elf born under the sign of the Ritual or the Serpent. I hope you've perfected your dodging skills, because one frost attack will drop you in one hit.:)

K, Thanks for help ;D
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Allison C
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:22 am

Got a few questions before downloading (havent found them in readme)
1) Do Daedra Seducer have hooves in any form (havent seen any in trailer)?
2) How does those skills work?
->Toggle: Featherfall (while active doesn't take falling damage)
->Toggle: Daedric Leap (requires that Featherfall is active)
->Toggle: Wings (only a visual effect, cancels Featherfall)
Does featherfall activate wings so they start to animate or wth? And "Wings" skill stops it? :)
3) Is that mod comatible with custom body mods? (havent seen tabaxi textures for hgec so thats why im asking)
Thanks in advance and sorry for possibly dumb questions!

Bg and zax, just an update. I am having so much fun as a Daedra Seducer. I am a level 15 "demon knight" trying very hard to become the first "demon paladin" in cryodil history. Some think this is heretical but I am trying to prove to this world that your race does not determine your actions and who you are. Chakkakan's skill set is Blade, block, heavy armor, armorer, destruction, restoration & athletics - no conjurations or any other magic allowed. No cold based skills due to racial background, just cant cast them, so must use enchanted items when cold based spells needed - fame is currently around 45 - no infamy - currently questing knights of the nine. Bg's RBP allows you to really make unique characters and with key mods installed, you can create a world to fit your character - I have as many castle and knightly mods installed as I could find! However, she tends to use her "flame" magics to end conversations instead of simple blades.

Ive already figured out my next character for my next play through. A Sea-elf mage who ventures inland to search for ancient alyead artifacts. No castle mods, more house and village mods and sea/water environment based quests as well. Pure mage who doesnt like enclosed places - open cities - no significant dungeon mods.

Bg just makes great mods in RBP, LAME and now Integration - allows much better and more flexibility while playing oblivion.
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Racheal Robertson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:21 am

Agreed, bg2408 has a winner every time ;) That said, I have a quick about the astral signs. I chose The Mage, and iirc, it is supposed to give a 10% weakness to normal weapons. This went away after the intro dungeon. I found The Thief sign, and changed. Rather than being born under The Thief, I was granted a lesser power that gave me a sustained 50point feather :confused: Did I miss something in the reame, or is this a bug? Any help is much appreciated.
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Verity Hurding
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:27 am

Hey people
I've been experiencing some.. odd crashes since i've installed the race balancing project and I havent been able to find out the cure for it... So i'm hoping someone here knows what the hell is going on!

This only occurs when i'm selecting which race i'd like to play, everything else seems stable enough. Often while browsing through the new races I will suddenly get a pop-up from windows saying:
''Exception Proccessing Message 0xc0000013 Parameters 0x760392A0 0x760392A0 0x760392AO'' From this window I can either select 'cancel' 'try Again' or 'Continue''. Pretty crazy, right? Google tells me that its due to registry issues but its not. Pressing any button three times in a row makes the game run again but I sometimes then get an error saying ''The aplication has requested to be terminated in an unusual way'' And I CTD.

I have got both of the downloads and made them into .OMODs. (version 10.5). This occurs even if bgbalancingEVcore.esp is my only active mod along side Oblivion.esm. So its not a compatibility thing. It happens if I launch with OBSE or not, so its not to do with that either.
I'm truly stumped.. Can anyone lend a hand?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:04 pm

Hi, I need t know if Rbp light is compatible with Rbp additional enemies.
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darnell waddington
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:28 am

Bg just makes great mods in RBP, LAME and now Integration - allows much better and more flexibility while playing oblivion.
Many thanks :).

Agreed, bg2408 has a winner every time ;) That said, I have a quick about the astral signs. I chose The Mage, and iirc, it is supposed to give a 10% weakness to normal weapons. This went away after the intro dungeon. I found The Thief sign, and changed. Rather than being born under The Thief, I was granted a lesser power that gave me a sustained 50point feather :confused: Did I miss something in the reame, or is this a bug? Any help is much appreciated.

If that's the only thing you've got, it sounds pretty much like there's mod interaction at work and something overwrite the thief :blink:.

I'm truly stumped.. Can anyone lend a hand?
Extremely odd! Does this crash only happen with RBP active? Does it happen with all custom races, all races, only some races, some hairs / eyes? Do you use an NVidia graphic card (if so, do you have black screen fix running)?

Hi, I need t know if Rbp light is compatible with Rbp additional enemies.
Not compatible, therefore also not included in RBP's light downloads.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:39 am

Extremely odd! Does this crash only happen with RBP active? Does it happen with all custom races, all races, only some races, some hairs / eyes? Do you use an NVidia graphic card (if so, do you have black screen fix running)?

I'm checking through all the different combinations from the resources atm, but thus far it hasnt mattered which things I chose - it always does it. Disabling your mod entirely resolves the issue..
No I dont use NVidia, either - so it couldnt be that.
I'm not using wyre bash.. perhaps thats the issue?

I just realised - its not random when I get the error - its when I am scrolling through the races and the game attempts to load the sea elf. If I click the next arrow when on Redguard it brings up the message and if I click the back arrow when on Wood Elf it also brings up the message.
So obviously the sea elf is screwed up?
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Gaelle Courant
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:15 pm

Have you installed the installation files? Do all other races appear as they should be?

You're the first to report such a bug. Maybe just one of the files associated with them were corrupted in the download / extracting?
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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:51 pm

Have you installed the installation files? Do all other races appear as they should be?

You're the first to report such a bug. Maybe just one of the files associated with them were corrupted in the download / extracting?

Yes I have the instalation files. After I get rid of the message the sea elf loads just fine, I can even click it to play it (provided the apication doesnt attempt to terminate in the next twenty seconds)
I've already tried redownloading and creating an OMOD of the mod.. So I doubt its that either :S.
Is there any way I can just remove that race from the game? I dont intend on playing it anyway.
Thanks for the help BG
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Je suis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:01 am

Howdy - great mod. Loving the new races and especially the powers & abilities seem so much more interesting than in Vanilla.
But I have a quick question - I've already played a chunk of the game with a tattooed Ohmes, but got some corrupted save files, and have had to start again, this time with a Hidden Elf.
And I'm noticing that my Health no longer regenerates. Not sure if this is race-specific in RBP, since I didn't notice it with the Ohmes, or if another mod has done this. Any thoughts from anyone?
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stevie trent
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:43 am

Is there any way I can just remove that race from the game? I dont intend on playing it anyway.
Thanks for the help BG
In theory you can simply toggle the race unplayable. Though I am far from sure that it's really the race causing problems.

My best guess is that it's some wonky script reacting with an allergic reaction to a magic effect - this can cause Oblivion to create similar errors. Example given an unpatched DR5 may cause such a behavior - which will also repeat itself if you're affected by the magic effects in question later.

Howdy - great mod. Loving the new races and especially the powers & abilities seem so much more interesting than in Vanilla.
Glad you like them!

And I'm noticing that my Health no longer regenerates. Not sure if this is race-specific in RBP, since I didn't notice it with the Ohmes, or if another mod has done this. Any thoughts from anyone?
Health doesn't regenerate by default regardless of race (well, RBP gives Orcs and the Lord birthsign some regenerative aspects, but neither Ohmes nor Hidden Elves have auto regeneration).


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