A race editing GECK question..

Post » Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:05 am

Hello, so I am making a new race, in the face data tab where the eye mesh/texture part is, it seems that instead of the left being the mesh and the right being the texture like the rest, the left is the left eye mesh and right is the right eye mesh...I am trying to make the left eye have a different texture than the right and in the eyes list there is no option to check somthing like "left eye only" so obviously both eyes use the same texture...How would I go about changing the Texture of Just one of the eyes? Is it possible?

Thank You

Edit: Also, my custom race's face textures and meshes are fine (except the eye I want of coarse) But for some reason the mouth, tounge, and teeth textures arent working and are those purple models...When I try to change the textures to the vanilla ones (which they should be anyways) I cant see the vannila texture file or teeth and mouth folder in the textures/character folder but the vanilla races are obviously using them...any ideas?

Thanks again
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Melis Hristina
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Post » Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:36 pm

To access those BASE meshes & textures, Can be a job.
Easiest way would be to make a folder on the Desktop open Fallout - Meshes.bsa extract its contents there, do the same with Fallout - Textures.bsa.
Now use FoMM to make it into a FOMOD.
Once done delete the extraction folder on the desktop.
You can use this FOMOD to make those resources available for selection in the geck, when you activate it.
Deactivate it when done to eradicate the clutter expanding these makes on the HDD.

Other option is use FNVEdit and manually enter the mesh or texture names assuming you know them, into each of your customs..
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Jason Wolf
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Post » Sat Sep 10, 2011 7:54 pm

Hmmm, I extracted the texture files I needed for the mouth, tongue, and teeth into a folder on the desktop..and then in GECK tried to just point the textures to those files but it didnt work so I moved them to the meshes/character/ folder into a head folder I made, this time it let me select that path but when I chcked the mouth is still just a purple model.....I dont understand why though because the file is there..

When I tried to activate the FOMOD there is an error..I might be out of my league with this :confused:

But thanks for your help anyways :thumbsup:

P.S. I like your "birthsign" :biggrin:
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Matt Gammond
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