This reminds me of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Benjamin Sisko doesn't want to go to a holoprogram based on an old fashioned casino because in the time period it depicts black people would never be allowed in. Kasidy Yates, his girlfriend, tells him not to let that bother him, that the program depicts how it should have been.
well having things how they "should" be is just being idealistic and, according to my own philosophy, ideal=unreal.
Most races in Tamriel hate each other, yet there are no organizations that are race-specific. it doens't mean everyone has to be blatently racist though.
My father's boss belongs to a "no black no jew" and probably "no asian no mexican" private club in santa barbara California, but i know him very well, and he is most definitely not racist himself. these kind of organization really do exist however, and they always have and somewhere in the world they always will.