Race Multipliers

Post » Sun May 22, 2011 2:46 pm

I like the idea of race modifiers given a few qualifiers: First, the races should probably start out fairly close to each other so that your Nord mage isn't a more fit fighter than your Breton warrior. As well, the skill, attribute and level advancement system should be developed in such a way that, sure, if a Nord focused everything into strength, he'd always be stronger than the Bosmer that focused on strength (given, say, equal level), but a Nord that split attribute advancements between strength and agility or intelligence may not be as strong as whatever other race that really focused on that. In other words, there should be a noticeable difference that makes each race unique in a way that will still matter when developing your fiftieth character (and when all those are at max level), but won't be such a large factor that, say, a Redguard mage is completely ridiculous (but maybe should require more focus on those skills/attributes to get the same results, meaning greater sacrifices in the non-mage skills). People may complain about race limitations, but it's those limitations combined with advantages that make a fantasy race feel like it is worth having in the story (and worth choosing). Hobbits were never known to be great warriors in LOTR. That is a better reference for TES races than real life is.

If you're worried that you'll feel like you have a choose a race to be good in a particular class type, well, that is a risk. But it is important to honestly assess whether you are a min/max type player. If you are not, you will probably be fine in a single player game if your non-optimized warrior-mage is powerful enough to have fun and not die every 20 minutes, even if it can't zerg every dungeon you come across.
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Nathan Risch
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 4:17 pm

I like the idea of race modifiers given a few qualifiers: First, the races should probably start out fairly close to each other so that your Nord mage isn't a more fit fighter than your Breton warrior. As well, the skill, attribute and level advancement system should be developed in such a way that, sure, if a Nord focused everything into strength, he'd always be stronger than the Bosmer that focused on strength (given, say, equal level), but a Nord that split attribute advancements between strength and agility or intelligence may not be as strong as whatever other race that really focused on that. In other words, there should be a noticeable difference that makes each race unique in a way that will still matter when developing your fiftieth character (and when all those are at max level), but won't be such a large factor that, say, a Redguard mage is completely ridiculous (but maybe should require more focus on those skills/attributes to get the same results, meaning greater sacrifices in the non-mage skills). People may complain about race limitations, but it's those limitations combined with advantages that make a fantasy race feel like it is worth having in the story (and worth choosing). Hobbits were never known to be great warriors in LOTR. That is a better reference for TES races than real life is.

If you're worried that you'll feel like you have a choose a race to be good in a particular class type, well, that is a risk. But it is important to honestly assess whether you are a min/max type player. If you are not, you will probably be fine in a single player game if your non-optimized warrior-mage is powerful enough to have fun and not die every 20 minutes, even if it can't zerg every dungeon you come across.

A reasonable assertion. I would have to say, however, that it would really never be an issue if one race just had a higher potential maximum than another. Because how does that affect what race you decide to play at all? It doesn't, because you can still max out all your skills, and have the benefit of being able to do whatever you want playstyle-wise for that character. Then, when you make another character, be it for roleplay, or the stat bonuses, you'll know you can succeed as that character as a mage, warrior, thief, etc.. The key reason this will work in Skyrim is the removal of the class system. With that out of the way, we no longer have to worry about making power-leveling characters that avoid using their preferred stats a part of their class so that we can get the maximum bang for our buck and reach a higher total level.. Not to mention that apparently attributes may or may not be out (confirmation?), meaning only special racial bonuses to skills and powers will come into play anyway.
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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 1:35 pm

thats all based on the presumption that there is no such thing as a very strong bosmer or a very intellegent Orc. I don't think it would be much fun if you could only have a strong character if they were a nord. it would just be one more thing that gets in my way of Role playing.
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Emma Pennington
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 2:31 pm

thats all based on the presumption that there is no such thing as a very strong bosmer or a very intellegent Orc. I don't think it would be much fun if you could only have a strong character if they were a nord. it would just be one more thing that gets in my way of Role playing.

What/Whose presumption are you referring to? I don't believe that any of those statements have been made.

Because based on what I've been saying here, it's fairly obvious that be it a 1.10 modifier or a +10 maximum potential to a skill or attribute, the difference is only beneficial, and never negative. The only difference between this suggestion and the way we already have the system in Oblivion is that the power for skills, attributes, and race powers will level up with you.
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 6:30 pm

I am not sure about this. While racial distinctions will improve the game, end game attribute differences type cast races into certain roles too much IMO. Currently unless you want to play something off base there are only 2 mage races, any other race is a flat out bad choice. I don''t think that is a good design. In the other 2 primary roles any race can be about as good as any other race except for a few minor bonuses here and there. The races still feel different than each other, but you don't feel forced into playing a particular race. I think that is a better game design. I don;t want to feel penalized for not wanting to play a pointy eared bastard altmer when I make a mage, I don;t want to feel handicapped for wanting to play a altmer fighter. Minor perks here and there that help in one way or the other is fine, but large changes like the significant magicka bonuses altmer get don't seem fine to me. If I were ti use a multiplier system it would effect the rate of increase but not the end potential. This would allow more overall stats because you would hit 100 strength faster and then be free to put points in other attributes next for example. But a Altmer fighter would still be able to roughly match any other race as a fighter, he just might end up with a weaker personality for example.
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 4:47 pm

Do love both ideas, I mean, I always hated that feeling that everyone was the same once they hit the top. And I found myself using the racial skills less and less as I leveled up, except for certain useful ones.
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Marcia Renton
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 8:43 am

wouldn;t this limti people in the way they choose theitr characters? What if I want to be a legendary dark elf warrior whos skill with thb lade makes his enemies quake with fear? It seems to me that if I would be forced to choose the class that would go better with the warrior style I want. Why not just say what you mean, all wood elves must be archers, all mages must be altmer or breton and all warrior must be nords otherwise people will not be able to make the most of their characters.

I say, screw the system, thats why I stiuck weith my blood elf prot paladin even though tauren are much better at it.
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