thats actually a lie all races have the same everything, that is what is called racist science, it happened around the time of imperialism, everyone thought they were superior and scientists tried to back it up
I think he means that the multiplier would be way to constricting so only certain people would be doing certain things, like a wood elf would never have a warhammer
While true, there are genetics that follow racial patterns, somebody who is white is far less likely to get Sickle-cell Anaemia then somebody who is black. This said, somebody who is white but has some African descent could still get the disease while somebody who has no African descent has almost no chance of being able to develop the disease. There were many occurrences of "racist science", however it can't be ignored that there is common descent that follow racial lines... So yes, Asians do tend to be slightly smaller then Europeans and a guy who is 25% larger then another guy is going to have a lot more strength and endurance, but less agility and speed.... I am for this idea, I would just like it limited to the 10% differences as given. Since it would be a bit over the top to go the other way.
Just to show I am not being biased or racist here, I would also note that while black people are black, white people aren't really white, rather white people are black. Might sound strange but the reason white people (and I am white), appear white is because the epidermis in white people becomes translucent/transparent, conversely it is the collagen and adipose tissue that is white. Darker people have more Melanosome in their skin and thus this covers over the white tissues beneath the epidermis. So the difference in skin color is not even so much color as it is about what part of the skin is most visible. And at the end of the day, racial traits only go so far, environmental traits are also a factor and people are individuals deserving of equal rights.
I would actually like a few more variable options then previous games, I'd like to see a height slider, so that you could have a tall Breton or a short Nord (tho a Tall Breton would probably be about the same height as a short Nord) and actually I am curious why height hasn't been a slider in previous games, given that it has always been possible via setScale.
To finish I must say, I don't believe it's right we should ignore things just because common descent leads to certain aspects being related more generally to people of certain race or ethnicity, thus why I believe this thread is a good idea. Generally a Nord will be stronger then a Breton, however a Breton that trains up will still be able to over come a Nord, if Nord had a 1.10 modifier and Breton a .95 in strength. A Breton that worked up to 80 strength, would end out at 76 strength but if the Nord had not worked at it and was on 60 strength, he'd still only have 66 strength after the modifier, 10 less then the Breton.