Lets hear any suggestions you guys have for some of these race specific perks.
Khajiits - Sharp Claws Perk - Changes battle animation when fighting hand to hand without gloves and increases hand to hand power.
Argonians - Cold-Blooded Perk - Increases movement speed in sunlight.
Bretons - Magic Eater Perk - Absorbs small amounts of magicka from enemy magicka attacks.
Imperials - Silver Tongue Perk - Lowers prices of all goods by 5%.
Redguards - Battle Adrenalin Perk - Restores HP slowly during combat.
Nords - Ice Mastery Perk - Nords are unencumbered when walking through snow/ice.
Altmer - Ayleid Herritage Perk - Grants small automatic increases to magicka at each level up.
Dunmer - Affinity for Destruction Perk - Levels up destruction magic faster.
Bosmer - Call of the Wild Perk - When engaging a NPC enemy, if a wild animal is in the area, it will attack them instead of you. (Until they are defeated when it will decide to eat you) (High level perk)
Orcs - Mountain Forge Perk - Orcs can repair their armor 10% higher than other races.
Just some thoughts.