I had a character in Oblivion inspired by someone I knew and held several updates with them about their progress and eventually their death.
I had a character in Oblivion inspired by someone I knew and held several updates with them about their progress and eventually their death.
Random question, but how old would ya'll say the two potential protags were? They didn't seem fresh faced but hardly withered either. Early/mid thirties?
Really, this has got to be another one of those "scraping the bottom of the barrel" threads, and can lead no where good in the long run.
With that said, who cares? Just color your guy/woman however you want, nobody is gong to care, since it's a single player game, and can't tell you how to make your character(s). If it's an issue for you, then grow up like the rest of us have.
What reality, that some humans are darker than others? Nobody is ignoring that, just saying who cares, it doesn't change anything. And that is the mature and grownup position, because who really cares? Does it make a difference in how you'll play the game? Does it make a difference how NPCs react to the PC? Does it make a difference other than the player saying, "This is how I want my character to look this play-through."? No, because it doesn't really matter.
Everything is good. Just play around with the character until you get what you want.
I ask again, how is the game not allowing you to customize the character to any race?
You're reading way too much into it. I don't think political or social reasoning had anything to do with the change. It's done for technical reasons. Obviously, as seen in the presentation, you can create different races. I think it was just a matter of reducing UI clutter and making it easier to make the character you want with more options.
And here it is, the post that will get this closed. I said this thread could go no where good in the long run, and this post shows that.
By non distinguishable, you mean you cannot tell the difference in the races of NPCs?
The scientific reality is that there is no white race, black race, brown race, yellow race, etc. Just the Human Race. Period.
I don't know the minute man guy looked pretty black to me. And not in the goofy white person with black skin way you described either. Matter of fact all the racial faces in character creation looked absolutely fine to me.
Finally someone with sense. You win the internet today.
There is no difference in the Fallout world regarding skin colour, most racism seems to be leveled at the different 'races', ghoul and super mutant.....your player's skin colour in no way effects the gameplay and is only remarked upon in one instance in Fallout 3 to describe the person that the hit has been put out on. The only apparent difference between Fallout 3 and 4 appears to be that the different faces are simply called preset faces, rather than a racial description.
I'm really not seeing what the complaint is here, that they are not labeling the faces to state what 'race' they belong to?
Races selection is obviously in the creator. However, will the game react to your race? No and why would I think otherwise with Bethesda. Aside form a few short one liners, they do not incorporate racial influence.
Should they? Absolutely. I feel that every quest should not be completed by every character. Quests and dialog should be exclusive as well as diverse. The fact that some quests are even available should revolve around race, inventory and previous actions.
That is not the case with these games... sadly.
So, you didn't see the black guy in the creator?