heck cut Kajiit and Argonian, I never play lower races anyway.....and for that matter cut Imperials and
Bretons, one human race is enough....just give me one new race.....even if it's Na'vi
Uh, Redguards are human, and Bretons are half-elves.
Last time I looked the beast races were as equal as the rest. Goblins and rieklings are lesser races.
From the lore I've seen most of the other game races are either dead, missing, or merely another name for the races that are in game already.
If people want more races I sugest buying a PC copy of the game, open the construction set, and create your own. Believe me using these tools for stuff like that is pretty straight forward. Either that or wait for some one to do it for you and down load it. (This is assuming that there is a construction set for the game).