I never play as Orcs, Woodelves, Redguards, Argonians, or Khajiits.
Orcs: Too brutish. They also look naturally aggressive. I know its an action adventure RPG, but I want maintain a level of pacification.
Woodelves: Too short. They seem to be known for being light and agile, making them ideal scouts and thieves...I don't play as those classes.
Redgaurds: I see enough of redgaurds when I look in the mirror.

Argonians + Khajiits: Not exactly cool looking to me. http://www.videogamesblogger.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/lizardman-aeon-calcos-in-soul-calibur-4.jpg http://www.wizards.com/magic/images/cardart/LRW/Ajani_Goldmane_640.jpg Their current looks seem too tame for me to take seriously.
Mind you, if they looked that animalistic and epic some people may not take them seriously at all.