» Sat May 28, 2011 11:01 pm
I've tried each race at least once in both TES3 and TES4. In most fantasy games I actually like magic-using races/classes, but the way they did magic in the series really turns me off. It's more of a hassle than anything. Maybe one day I will try to make a really great magic-based character but until then I stick with a warrior character. And I absolutely hate stealth characters. So with that said, the only races I actually play as are Nords and Argonians (the latter mostly because they're awesome, even though they're considered stealthy). I like Imperials,Redguards, and Orcs in the game, but I really don't play as them. Bretons are okay, but I really dislike all 3 elf races. I don't mind seeing them in the game as NPC's but I do not play as them. Over the last 10 yrs there have been elves in almost every fantasy game and quite frankly I'm sick of them. Most of all though, I HATE the Khajiits. I hate the way they look, the way they move, and they seem so scummy and untrustworthy. I hate them. They make the ideal thief...and I have always hated thief-like characters in games. I usually tend to love "beast" races moreso than ones that resemble humans, but the Khajiit I cannot stand. Come to think of it, I really hate the Wood Elves just as much for pretty much the same reasons. But Argonians are amazing and Nords are great because they're the ideal barbarian race.