So bethesda should completely alienate people who have never picked up an elder scrolls game before? How is the series supposed to improve if only the same people keep buying the game while the price of producing the games goes up?
I think that's what some of the "super-hardcoe" fans would say. If they wouldn't say that, they (mostly) do a good job of being massive nerds and whining about every little nit-picking detail that doesn't conform to how they think the game should be. Obviously, some of them have no intention of getting over themselves for even the briefest of moments. That's not to say they are not entitled to their opinion, but expressing an opinion while only bemoaning change is pathetic. Of course, there are those who are pretty level-headed too with whom it's a delight to carry on a conversation. Others, though, not so much...
I, for one, am looking forward to seeing how the racial abilities have been (presumably) overhauled since they have been lacking in previous games.