Has anyone looked very closely at the racial bonuses afforded to each race in Skyrim yet? It looks like Beth has been changing some things up, and I don't think for the better.
Some minor things that I disagree with
- Nords have no heavy armor bonus, yet they do have a bonus to smithing, which I consider heavily connotates heavy armor. Yes, I know light armor stuff can be done with smithing, but the actual word -Smithing- has nothing to do with tanning leather on a rack - it means forging things using metal.
- Redguards get a bonus to Alteration and Destruction? What the heck, where did that come from? I understand that by progressively eliminating the amount of skills in successive games you need to find new bonuses to award to races losing those skills, but still. A Redguard is better served with thief-aligned skills like sneak. They also have a Smithing bonus...but no heavy OR light armor bonus.
- Argonians have pickpocketing as their +10 skill, and no weapon skill bonuses. Maybe if we still had spears...
Major things I consider worth including in a patch
- Dunmer Racials: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Dunmer - No. No. No. Alteration, Illusion, and Alchemy? What are they, mages? Dunmer need bonuses to Archery and 1h weapons, like they've always had. They're one of the few races I always considered 'Hybrid' in that it had bonuses to Mage, Thief, and Warrior skills, especially in Morrowind.
- Imperial Racials: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Imperial - Enchanting and Destruction? Really? What happened to the cosmopolitan, high personality, sweet talkers we've always had with bonuses to speech, mercantile, and powers that increased disposition. I know that, with the character creation overhaul, most of those things I just listed were axed, but still. Imperials were always the 'personality' race, and Skyrim gave that a kick in the pants. Now the only two races with even a +5 bonus to speech are Bretons and...Nords...
I love Skyrim, but this was something that irked me for some reason. You've already redone the class system (which you either love or loathe), did you have to screw with racials too? Some of the racial choices, I think, seem to go against lore altogether - especially the Imperial stuff. Bethesda could've put more thought into the racial choices here.