Alright, so I've been playing Skyrim for about 55+ hours now (30+ on my Breton jack of all trades destruction Mage, and 25+ on my Imperial stealth Rouge) and I have been noticing that racial bonuses don't have much of an effect without attributes as in Oblivion. At first I liked this for the sole fact that I could choose any character and make them perfect in any particular 'class'. (Have you ever seen an Orc be good at Stealth styled play?) I figured this was to make the game more fun with role-playing, so you could make an effective Wood Elf Mage or a High Elf Warrior and play them without worrying about your character having a severe crutch in their attributes. You can easily make up not having +5 in a stat at the start in this game, but now I found myself only looking at Powers, Looks, and Stones I will use as the only choice in characters, which I feel made the game lose some of the touch about having different races in the game.
Not sure if I am the only one seeing this, or if anyone else has a similar opinion. Races might have been better if there were racial background quests or even settlements/ or city communities were primarily one race (besides Nords, even though I know it is Skyrim, I see the possibility of a group of Argonians or Redguards having a specific settlement in the province); however, it could just be me.
Sorry if this comes off a more of a rant, even though I was hoping not to write that way. So, yeah, just let me know what you think!