
Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:46 am

Hello fellow forum members. Racials are obviously confirmed by Todd himself, and they're going to be a lot more useful from what I hear. Anyways, I decided to make my own list of racials for each race. Feel free to make your own list too! The point of this post is just to get some ideas for racials. (Believe it or not, I looked for a post like this but found none.) Oh, I also decided to give these racials a cooldown instead of used once per day, because I usually forget to use my Greater Powers in Oblivion ;) Also I'd like to point out, some of these racials are similar to Oblivion, I just changed 'em up a bit.

Water Breathing - Breath underwater, constant. (Duh)
Camouflage - 75% Chameleon for 30 seconds, 10 minute cooldown.
Poison Spit - Spit poison for X amount of instant damage, scales with level, 5 minute cooldown.

Night Eye - See in the dark (emphasize shadows more in the blue tinge.) No cooldown.
Cat Instincts - Forify acrobatics/athletics by 30 for 30 seconds, 5 minute cooldown.
Growl - Fears target for 10 seconds, 10 minute cooldown.

Resist Cold - 25% frost resistance, constant
Toughness - 50% shield for 20 seconds, 5 minute cooldown.
Heroic Fury - 10% damage and HP increase,10 minute cooldown.

Resist Magic - 50% magic resistance for 20 seconds, 5 minute cooldown.
Berserk - When you have 10% HP or less, gain 20% damage increase for 20 seconds. This effect has a 10 minute cooldown.
Marathon Madness - Sprint 10% faster, constant. (Have you seen the Orcs run in Lord of the Rings, Twin Towers? They run forever O.o)

Adrenaline Rush - 30% damage increase at the cost of 15% HP for 20 seconds. 10 minute cooldown.
Weapon Throw - Throws weapon at the target, causing 100% of the weapon's damage. 5 minute cooldown.
Weapon Specialist - 5% damage increase for Blade and Blunt weapons, constant.

Silver Tongue - Charms any friendly NPC in game, regardless if they hate you or not, to fight for you for 15 minutes. 30 minute cooldown.
Courageous Rally - Rallies anyone around you including yourself to gain a 5% damage increase. 5 Minute cooldown.
Heavy Armor Specialist - Heavy armor weighs half of what it usually does, constant.

Magical Immunity - 100% magic resistance for 20 seconds, 10 minute cooldown.
Magical Shield - 25% shield for 45 seconds, may be cast on others, 5 minute cooldown.
Enhanced Magicka (Breton) - Fortify Magicka 50 points on self, constant.

The Power of Magic - Gain 50% magic damage increase at the cost of 100% of all damage taken increased. 20 second duration, 10 minute cooldown.
Balefire - Shoots a beam of light, completely annihilating your enemy. Dragons are immune. 60 minute cooldown.
Enhanced Magicka (Altmer) - Fortify Magicka 100 points on self, constant. Also have 25% weakness to magic, constant.

Elven Instincts - All arrows shot will go staight for the head and will do 25% more damage. 45 second duration, 10 minute cooldown.
Sneaky Tactics - Fortify sneak by 30 for 30 seconds, 5 minute cooldown.
Nimble Footing - The weight of your boots won't hinder your ability to sneak, constant.

Ghostly Guardian - Summons the ghost of a recent enemy you killed to fight for you. Sometimes might want revenge. 10 minute duration, 20 minute cooldown.
Fire Resistance - 75% fire resistance for 45 seconds, 5 minute cooldown.
A Love for the Dark - 5% damage increase when in the dark, constant.
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Paula Rose
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:49 am

No, constant fire resistance for Dunmer
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:34 pm

that are some really good ideas!! even if for me as a khajiit the nighteye kills the game balancing by making me a way better assasine
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Abel Vazquez
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 1:37 am

Hello to you as well.
There should be weakness' and strengths... no once a day spells.

Khajiit ( depending on sub types it could be different.)
Low light vision.. base, a version of NV's but not as buggy.
Greater speed base.
Higher jump ability base.
Less breath underwater, less speed under water, weak to shock maybe.

Fire resist as normal.
Summon ancestral spirit, a two tiered spell costing magicka for a summon, or a shield vs spell / damage.
Weak to cold and beast races have much lower dispositions towards them.

Altmer: a power house.
High boost to base magicka.
Lower cost to spells.
More power to the effects of spells.
Weak vs every element and magic as well.

Resist Magic.
Small boost to base magicka.
Less physical by nature?, and start with less health or stats?

Resist both frost and shock.
Weak to magic effects.

High endurance.
Physically fit.
High stamina.
Weak to frost and or magic.

Resist magic.
Higher regeneration.
Weak to fire.
And suffer bad disposition.

Breath water.
Posion immunity.
Fast under water, very fast.
All rounders.
weak to frost.

Higher dispositions to all races.
Great all rounders.
Not strong in anything at start.

Faster attacks with bows.
Better control beast effect.
Weaker physically than most races.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:11 pm

that are some really good ideas!! even if for me as a khajiit the nighteye kills the game balancing by making me a way better assasine

but the Khajiit have been able to see in the dark since... ever. so, it has to be in there.

i'd like the Nighteye effect to be constant and the spell toggles it.
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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:49 am

Those are some rather good ideas, especially since they get rid of the one major gripe that I had with greater powers in Oblivion - that a good amount of them were quite useless at higher levels, not to mention the whole 'once per in-game day' thing. (How many people really used Greater Powers in Oblivion, anyways? I know for sure that just about everyone valued Constant Effects over Greater Powers, which is the reason why Bretons were considered to be overpowered while Imperials, Bosmer, and Khajiit were considered to be underpowered.)

I think the cooldowns are too long, though. Cooldowns of 10 minutes or more would just bring us back to the problem of the Greater Powers being limited too much to the point where people don't use them at all. And unlike the 'once per in-game day' system, you can't shorten the cooldown time by waiting 24 hours in almost an instant. I say 5 minutes max.

I'm going to try my hand at making my own racial perks/greater powers.

- Water Breathing: Breathe underwater. Constant Effect.
- Resist Poison: 100% Resist Poison. Constant Effect.
- Call of the Hist: 30% increase to speed along with immunity to being staggered for 30 seconds, at the cost of 10% increased fatigue and magicka use. 3 minute cooldown.
(Personally, I'd reduce the poison resistance to 50%, especially if poisons actually become a threat in Skyrim, when compared to their (lack of) use by enemies in Oblivion... But is their Poison immunity something that is already deeply rooted in the lore?)

Altmer/High Elf:
- Enhanced Magicka (Altmer): Increase Total Magicka by +x%. Constant Effect.
- Elemental Weakness: 20% Weakness to Elemental Magic. Constant Effect.
- Magister's Fury: All magic used over the next 30 seconds pierces through targets' magic defenses by 20%, as well as reducing the targets' activation rate (if any) of Reflect Spell and Spell Absorption by 10%. 3 minute cooldown.
(Even though I generally play Bretons, I do have to admit that Altmer were more or less shafted in Oblivion. They get only 50 Magicka over a Breton at the cost of gaining weaknesses to elemental magic? That's why the magicka increase should be far more significant than just a measly 100/50 points over every other race.)
(For Enhanced Magicka, the "x" is dependant on the player's level, starting at +20% and adding +1% every level. It caps at level 30, in which total Magicka would be increased by +50%)
(There's also a reason why I defined Magister's Fury as using 'magic' instead of 'spell' - in theory, 'magic' would include weapon enchantments as well. Same line of thinking for 'defenses' instead of 'resistances' - 'defenses' means that targets would gain a weakness to magic if they didn't have any resistance to begin with.)

- Enhanced Magicka (Breton): Increases Total Magicka by +x%. Constant Effect.
- Resist Magic (Breton): 30% Resist Magic. Constant Effect.
- Divine Blessing: For 30 seconds, the effectivness and duration of all Restoration and Alteraton spells is increased by 20%. 3 minute cooldown.
(For Enhanced Magicka, the "x" is dependant on the player's level, starting at +15% and adding +1% every 2 levels. It caps at level 30, in which total Magicka would be increased by +30%.)

- Natural Resistance: The effects of Diseases and 'Damage Attribute' magic is reduced by 50%. Constant Effect.
- Backtracking: Backwards movement speed penalty reduced by 30%. Constant Effect.
- Perfect Aim: For 30 seconds, all ranged sneak attacks use the melee 6x modifier instead of the usual ranged 3x modifier. 3 minute cooldown.
(I designed Natural Resistance this way because diseases other than Vampirism were more or less a minor hinderance at best in Oblivion. I'm assuming Skyrim makes their effects more noticable, in which reducing their effects on your stats would be more helpful than a chance to prevent being diseased. Because disease prevention in the TES series is outright useless unless it's outright immunity or you're trying to become a vampire. If it's the latter case, disease prevention is more of a hinderance rather than a helpful effect.)
(Backtracking could be quite broken or not noticable enough, depending on how much of a penalty there is to backwards movement...)
(Perfect Aim assumes that Sneak works exactly the same as it did in Oblivion.)

Dunmer/Dark Elf:
- Volcanic Resistance: 50% Resist Fire. Constant Effect.
- Soul Blade: The charge depletion rate for enchanted weapons is reduced by 20%. Constant Effect.
- Ancestor Guardian: Summons an Ancestor Guardian to fight alongside you for 1 minute. 5 minute cooldown.
(The Ancestor Guardian should have scaled stats, weapons, and spells this time around. Its appearance should be changed too... At least to something like a Wraith-type guardian, instead of that lame green ghost in Oblivion.)

- Hardened Spirit: 10% damage reduction from all weapon attacks. Constant Effect.
- Reserved Stance: The rate of weapon-based fatigue depletion and magicka cost of spells is reduced by 10%. Constant Effect.
- Silver Tongue: Charms any NPC whose level is equal to or lower than your level to fight for you for 1 minute. 4 minute cooldown.
(Yeah, I really, -really- liked your Silver Tongue idea. You can also probably tell that I had a rough time thinking of constant effects for Imperials... I hope Fatigue has a more noticable role in combat this time around.)

- Wild Sprint: The rate of fatigue depletion when sprinting is reduced by 30%. Constant Effect.
- Shadow Strike: All successful melee sneak attacks gain a +20% damage bonus. Constant Effect.
- Eye of Night: Night-Eye for 1 minute. 3 minute cooldown.
(I had trouble thinking of constant effects for Khajiit too.)

- Frost Resistance: 50% Resist Frost. Constant Effect.
- Ice Wall: Immunity to being staggered or knocked down while blocking. Constant Effect.
- Blizzard Aura: For 30 seconds, all weapon attacks inflict an additional +x Frost Damage effect. 4 minute cooldown.
(For Blizzard Aura, "x" is dependant on the player's level, starting at +5 and adding +1 every 2 levels. It caps at Level 30, in which it adds +20 Frost Damage.)

- Resist Magic (Orsimer): 20% Resist Magic. Constant Effect.
- Smashing Strike: 20% of melee-based damage that is inflicted on enemies also damages their Fatigue. Constant Effect.
- Berserker Fury: For 30 seconds, melee-based damage and speed is increased by 30%, at the cost of your armor rating being halved. 3 minute cooldown.

- Enhanced Vitality: Resists Poison and reduces the effectiveness of diseases by 50%. Constant Effect.
- Sure Footing: 50% resistance to being staggered. Constant effect.
- Precise Strikes: For 30 seconds, all melee attacks ignore the targets' armor rating. 3 minute cooldown.
(Sure Footing only triggers when you are struck by an attack that would normally stagger you, forcing the attack to go through another check to see if the stagger effect gets past Sure Footing.)
(The reason why I didn't go with Oblivion's Adrenaline Rush is because it was basically Berserk with no drawbacks.)
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