I'm thinking about starting a new character on VH/HC that uses Rad Child and other healing gears and perks, but less dependent on healing items like food or stimpaks. He will use mostly melee, thrown, automatics guns as well and grenades, and is about jumping into the fray, getting hurt and dealing more damage while healing. Advices and/or recommendation of new perks, or anything at all would be extremely welcomed.
Starting SPECIAL (note: I want to get as much out of Rad Child as soon as possible, so I would not wait until OWB to get the Special bonuses so I would just go with the implants): 9 Strength, 1 Perception, 9 Endurance, 1 Charisma, 6 Intelligence, 9 Agility, 5 Luck.
Traits: Heavy Handed, Hot Blooded (HURT ME!!!)
Skills: Melee, Unarmed, Guns, Explosives, Survival, Medicine, Science, Barter.
Perks: (note: Perks that I highlighted are the ones I'm not sure about)
1) Heave Ho: I will probably use a lot of spears and grenades, as well as launchers.
2) Educated: Total up to about 15 skill points after bumping Intelligence to 7.
3) Bloody Mess: Extra damage is good. Smashing people into woodchips is better.
4) Demolition Expert: Ka...
5) Demolition Expert: ...Bloo...
6) Demolition Expert: ...Ey!
7) Toughness: Extra DT is always nice for getting into the heat of combat
8) Toughness: Same as above.
9) Strong Back: I would be wearing Power Armor and carrying ammo for automatics, so that means a lot of 5mm for miniguns, 5.56 for Bozar, and 25mm/40mm grenades and other grenades.
10) Super Slam: Being able to temporarily knock down stronger enemies would give me time to heal.
11) Atomic: At Deadly Radiation Poisoning, this perk gives me 1.5x AP Regeneration.
12) Nerd Rage: Is this worth it? The wiki says that the +15 DT during 20% health might not be much, but I hope that the +15 DT might save me from getting one-hit if my health is below 20% by Deathclaws or something similar. The Strength bonus I don't really need.
13) Pyromaniac: I want this perk to use Gehenna and Saturnite Fist Superheated. But I'm not taking the critical route, so it is worth taking anyway, or should I skip this perk and use more damage/less critical melee/unarmed weapons? Also, does Pyromaniac works with the Thermic Lance?
14) Splash Damage: Shagga like boom.
15) Purifier: For the extra 25% Damage against Deathclaws, whom could be my greatest threats.
16) Slayer: Higher speed for Melee and Unarmed is always good.
17) Nerves of Steel: I'm hoping that the 20% AP regen increase stacks with Atomic (Does it?). AP can be very important so that I can keep myself safe in close combat if I'm not healing fast enough.
18) Pack Rat: Essentially DOUBLE my ammunition carrying capacity.
19) Hit the Deck: I'm not sure how much Explosives would hurt me (Both my own and the enemies, but mostly my own). I partially wants to tank the extra damage to quickly get crippled limbs (Eye for Eye perk benefits). But at the same time I don't want Explosive to hurt me because after THREE Demolition Expert perks, I imagine my own Explosives might hurt A LOT, and that is NOT good during close quarter combat.
20) Piercing Strike: Ignore DT for Melee and Unarmed is always nice.
21) Life Giver: 30 more hit points. I will take any extra health.
22) Thought you Died (Level 50): This essentially give me an extra 100 Hit points.
23) Solar Powered: For the +2 Strength and +1 hit point/second during sunlight.
24) Eye for Eye: With each crippled limbs, I'm getting an extra 10% damage. So if I get all of them crippled, theoretically, http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-PrvQzCwG63k/T2Z9fpQ-OOI/AAAAAAAAA1o/iGzc2P7v9MY/s1600/friday-damn-gif.gif
25) Rad Child: I plan to get Deadly Rad Poisoning, with a -3 END, -2 AGL, and -3 STR. The -3 STR will be offset by Solar Powered and Power Armor, and at night I would just drink alcohol. I can't do much about the -3 END but attempting to bump as much health up as possible; though, running around with a 7 Endurance isn't very comfortable. I don't mind the -2 AGL.
Implants: All necessary implants to bump STR, END and AGL to 10. Monocycle breeder to get that [censored] 1 hitpoint/10 second bonus.
Weapons: Oh Baby, Chainsaw (GRA), Throwing Spears, variety of grenades and range Explosives, Minigun (Avenger), Bozar. Hopefully Thermic Lance, Gehenna, and Saturnite Superheated, if I take Pyromaniac.
Apparels: I would stick with the T51-B set for most of the game and get the Scorched Sierra Armor toward the end. I don't like the Enclave set because I would get hurt constantly and it would breaks quickly. Marked Beast Face Helmet because it looks cool with the Scorched Sierra.
So in the end, I would get a total of 8+1+2 = 11 Hit points per second, with 370 Health (after -3 Endurance into 7 total, SS armor, Lifegiver and Thought you died). A normal Deathclaw deal 125 damage per hit, with the DT from perks and armor I can definitely tank the garden-variety Deathclaws. But the Alphas and the Lonesome Road Deathclaws worries me, as I had a similar tank character before, and with 10 Endurance and T51-B, I remembered the LSR Deathclaws casually one hit me. - I guess that's where Explosives come in. If I'm low on health, I might be able to rely on a fast AP regen rate to save me. Though, in absolute emergencies, I would probably just drug up with Weapon Binding Ritual, Rushing Water, Slasher, Daturana and Med-X and quickly kill them.
And I'm pretty sure I won't have any problem with the NCR hitsquads and Legion assassins (or any human gun users, for that matter), because by the time they finish reloading, I would already be at max health and violated their behinds with my chainsaw.
Roboscorpions might give me a bit of sport, but I think their weapons don't hurt me as much as I can heal.
Faction: Probably indie, given that