Install and watch the cinematic. I'm grinning ear to ear. Play the intro sub level and I'm beyond excited. Then I get the suit and go to walk outside for the first time... the sun assaults my eyes as I open the door. It's blinding. Flashing. Cool, right?
Except after a few minutes it doesn't stop.
I play a little more. I'm back in doors. Everythings good. Walk outside.E pilepsy inducing flashes return. This is not normal. So I do what anybody does, I google it. Apparently, I'm not alone.
Are there any plans to fix this? Apparently it's a pretty widespread problem w/ dual gpu graphics cards and people in SLI / Crossfire configurations. The game is unplayable and I'm beyond dissapointed. Especially because I purchased Crysis 1 off of steam and well, I couldn't play that either because the CD keys provided were invalid. Thankfully that was solved within a few days. On the other hand, Crysis 2 has been out since March 25, 2011 and I haven't even seen an official response. Honestly, if I can't play it, I'd like a refund. This is highly... highly dissapointing. And no, I will not play the game in windowed mode. The boarder is incredibly irritating and it disables one of the GPUs.
Any response would be appreciated.