eg. "Help me, my daughter is being held in Sidewinder cave by bandits!"
"Help me, my daughter is being held in Dripwater Grotto by bandits!"
"Help me, my daughter is being held in etc. etc. by necromancers..." you get the picture.
This used to be just one line of dialogue, read by one of 5 voice actors. Now, you can change the location, the enemies involved, and even the quest giver... this is an exponentially higher number of unique recordings!
Do they have some clever way of compressing a billion lines of dialogue so they can fit on a single multilayer DVD alongside all the other goodies? Do they simply leave the details of the quest, or at least the variables, out of the voice acting and just hand you a note with the details written out? Do they have a good computer algorithm that can just splice in the words that need changing without sounding unnatural? Hmmm...
And we're starving for some information here, so maybe a dev can answer this little question just to keep the mobs fed.