Hello, I have been really enjoying your game, thank you it has been really interesting so far I am looking forward to see where my vault will go. Anyways, I havent been able to figure out why get a radio station, most of the dwellers that show up are mediocre, I am currently leveling 2 characters to max charisma and luck to see if that improves the coming dweller stats. Also the happiness is not worth the increase in invasions either. But what bothers me is that dwellers don't gain xp, to me it makes a lot of sense that they are working at a Radio Station and gain XP just like the dwelers at the Power Plant. It svcks to just have to enslave dwleres to a place that they wont gain nor XP nor SPECIAL skills. Well, thanks for reading and I am sure the coming patches will address most of our complaints, also looking forward to Fallout 4 will there be a way to interact between the two games?