Rage Post to Crytek - Not a Troll; Speaking as a Consumer

Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:03 pm

I'm simply writing this just to vent somewhere relevant to the situation, whether it affects the outcome or not (which it won't). I will also use offensive language to convey these feelings.

At this point, I'm pretty pissed off as a customer. I never owned the original Crysis, nor Warhead. But this does not mean I don't know a TERRIBLY made game when I play one, as FPS games are the only types of games I play... and I do not play consoles; only PC. And by "terrible," I do not mean graphically. I admit that the graphics are gorgeous, even if it's only in DX9 for right now (which I don't mind). By "terrible," I mean the quality of the game overall. It has been almost 3 weeks since the release date. The price was $60 for a new copy on Steam (the running price for new, FUNCTIONAL, games). A lot of us (including myself) bought the game on Steam or from EA's website in time to get the pre-purchase Limited Edition, yet it will not activate on our accounts... STILL. When we do go to play Multiplayer mode, our information does not consistently save and we end up having to play games over, find new servers, restart the game entirely because of "invalid parameter" errors not letting us switch servers, and ultimately waste our time, honestly.

If you're going to level-lock stronger items and abilities, make sure our GOD DAMN information gets SAVED. There is absolutely nothing more that I hate than my progress not being saved and having to do something (or multiple things) over again, when it comes to gaming, as I am a busy college student that also works 20-25 hours a week. So the time I AM able to relax and play video games, I would wish my progress to be recorded.

Also, when you promote "limited edition" bundles that include "limited edition" items that can only be collected by pre-purchasing, I expect to have those God damn items and bonuses when I log in on day 1. Period. I do not wish to troubleshoot my problems for you by spending hours searching the forums and FAQs to see what the **** is going on, just to find out that it isn't possible because you guys didn't quite think everything through before gladly taking my hard-earned money. This economy is a POS, especially here in MICHIGAN, so the money I do spend I tend to spend conservatively. If you see me spending this much on a video game, it's because I thoroughly believe(d) it would be a great and joyful way to pass my down time. Not...this.

In conclusion: FIX YOUR GOD DAMN ****. After 2 and a half weeks past release, this isn't a joke anymore. I, for one, could not give two **** if you are having problems or not with the system. When I pre-pay $60 for a game from a company of your stature (or any company, for that matter...having a higher stature only ups the expectations. You should have already been on your toes for that one), I FULLY expect the game to be functional and playable. Not somewhat-functional and somewhat-playable, where you'll probably lose all the information you just gained that session, or you MAY be able to join a game without a problem that doesn't have to do with your personal internet connection. Until you fix this, I spit on you. And even when(if) you fix this, I still will never pre-purchase another game developed by your company again, no matter how "pretty" it looks. It would have to get some massively great reviews from multiple credible gaming sources, as well as a lot of happy forum-goers, to get me on that bandwagon. Team Fortress 2 is FPS enough to hold me down for now, and I have the Witcher 2 coming up next month. Feel free to give me my money back or make an acceptable multiplayer gameplay experience, seeing as how you wanted to go for that and conveniently charge top dollar for it.

When all is said and done, more is said than done - Should be Crytek's official motto, as they seem to live by it. I calls it as I sees it.


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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:52 pm

I agree completely. I just don't think it's fair to allow people to continue to play that clearly have used cheats or level boosted to 50 in a game that features online leveling. To me, because of this this game was ruined from the start. Adding cheat protection two weeks later was too little too late. Most cheaters already boosted to 50. I know it's not a big deal and that I will be 50 eventually, but there's no denying it totally ruined the online experience. There's no reason to focus on the leaderboards, nor to look at your stats when they've been ruined by constant cheaters. I purchased this game expecting to play it for quite some time, but now I'm not even sure I'll be playing it next week. Thanks Crytek.
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evelina c
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:55 pm

Great post. Those reasons and more are why a few lawsuits are brewing right now. There are 3 I know of in the EU and 2 in the US. After all the promises and hype by EA and Crytek what they delivered is not just a horribly made and tested product - its outright fraud. The fact that both companies are staying totally silent and only interfacing with community via low level hacks (CRY_tom..) with no real knowledge or ability to get anything done. Digital download users are up a creek even farther because they can't sell this POS to game stop and get on that actually works. This makes you wonder if EA and Crytek tested this software on the PC at all - they obviously did for the PS3 and 360. Likely they just said "well, it will probably work since there is a bunch of shared code and any specific platform issues with PC can be ironed out after launch with patches. Besides we are developing this game on PC's and we can play, and another thing - they are not our core audience so who cares really. Once we get there money what are they going to do? Sue us....lol"

I'm a programmer. I know whats involved with shipping a AAA product. HUGE glaring corners were cut with this product - how they shipped a product with flaws that normally get ironed out in beta testing blows my mind. The last title that went out the door that I worked on was in dedicated testing for 2 months - almost 50 people and 200+ hardware combinations. Almost 25,000 hours of testing by my studio and our publisher - and that is not counting the endless testing each component was subjected to during development. Shame on you Crytek. Your professionals with VAST resources at your disposal - not a bunch of 1st year CS students working out of a basemant (who ironically would have turned out a much more polished product...)with a shoestring budget. Who knows - EA may have shot the entire discretionary wad on marketing instead of figuring out if the **** worked before selling it. Regardless - no excuses and the silence on there end is mind blowing.
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Katharine Newton
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:24 am

Yes, it's quite obvious that "huge glaring corners" have been cut with this release. I have seen smoother releases with almost every single free-to-play game ever created; the ones that didn't go so smoothly were patched up and working correctly within the first week or less. So what does that say about this release's team and/or the whole of Crytek? It either says that they don't care to give us a quality product with a quality gameplay experience, or it says that, like others have thought up, they just didn't even bother hiring PC-programming professionals to make sure the Multiplayer experience would work.

I mean, my God...Crytek, watch out - Combat Arms might steal the lead from you if you don't get your act together.
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Ruben Bernal
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:55 pm

I agree one. hundred. percent. This is unacceptable. I may only be able to wave my fist in anger and seethe with disgust now, but all of this will come back and bite Crytek/EA in the ass. Whether it be a massive lack of sales on their next title or somebody with balls and time decides to file a class-action lawsuit against them and win, they can rest assured that if massive amends are not made very, very soon **** will go down the drain for them. That is all I have to say.
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Lakyn Ellery
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:20 am

I thought the current litigation surrounding the lawsuit against Electronic Arts were exclusively bound to owners of a Madden-series game purchased during or after 2005. Nowhere in these lawsuits is Crysis 2 or CryTek mentioned. Wish it were included.

EDIT: I agree with everything the OP said. From a consumer marketing standpoint, CryTek is feeding **** to consumers worse than Ubisoft handing out RELOADED's no-dvd crack for Rainbow Six Vegas 2 to its STEAM customers or Ubisoft trying to sell a Torrented copy of the soundtrack for Assassin's Creed Brotherhood.
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Nicole Coucopoulos
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:34 am

Fantastic post and I fully agree with:
And even when(if) you fix this, I still will never pre-purchase another game developed by your company again, no matter how "pretty" it looks. It would have to get some massively great reviews from multiple credible gaming sources, as well as a lot of happy forum-goers, to get me on that bandwagon.
I will no longer blindly trust Crytek like I did with Crysis 2.
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Sophie Payne
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:29 am

I'm glad I am not the only one feeling this way about all of the problems I listed in the first post. I realize I did not hit all of them, but those are the ones I personally had to (still have to) deal with, and what I have read a lot about on the forums. So thanks for the support. I am using this post mostly as a bump, but I thought I would thank you all in the process. I really was expecting a lot of "coolstorybro"s. I'm glad to see some mature, rational thinkers here. Hopefully more people read my post, agree with it, and keep posting their comments, thoughts, and opinions. This way the thread will stay alive through the night with more than just constant courtesy "bump"s! Thanks again, I look forward to reading more responses, as I'm quite sure Crytek moderators are as well...

Ha. Right. Goodnight.
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Brandon Wilson
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:01 pm

LOL AT lawsuits over a video game. I must be playing a completely different game than you nut jobs. It's fraud!! Clearly you don't know the definition of the word fraud.
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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 11:42 pm

Ya i agree **** Crytek, and **** you Borss

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Mrs Pooh
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:26 am

LOL AT lawsuits over a video game. I must be playing a completely different game than you nut jobs. It's fraud!! Clearly you don't know the definition of the word fraud.

WHy lol ? there was lawsuits against McDonald because their coffee was too hot .
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His Bella
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:28 pm

LOL AT lawsuits over a video game. I must be playing a completely different game than you nut jobs. It's fraud!! Clearly you don't know the definition of the word fraud.

It's actually false advertising. It'd be pretty easy to prove that they purposefully mislead their customers.
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:00 am

Damn great post there OP. Personally, I have had no issues with my LE code. But that doesn't hide the millions of other issues I have with this game that I share with this community. I seriously thought Crytek would deliver...but not only did they fail at delivering, they also fail at supporting. BIG TIME.

Its hard to believe that any BETA testing was done. I mean the Nano Catalyst bug was highly unacceptable...and it took roughly 2 weeks to patch. So if I didn't want to lose Nano Catalyst I had no choice but to not play SP until there was an official fix. Wow....plus there's all the MP issues that I'm not going to even get into due to the huge list...but I will say this...Crytek was able to release a game in which any one was able to cheat WITH A SIMPLE DAMN NOTEPAD EDIT on top of pirates being able to log in with random FAKE serial keys? Wow just wow.

Great post. Those reasons and more are why a few lawsuits are brewing right now. There are 3 I know of in the EU and 2 in the US. After all the promises and hype by EA and Crytek what they delivered is not just a horribly made and tested product - its outright fraud.

Hmmm...any source for this? I'd love to do some reading on it...
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Stefanny Cardona
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:37 pm

Very interesting posts, and I'll be fascinated to hear how those law-suits pan out.

Fraud it may not be, but the conduct of EA and Crytek has certainly been misleading and deceptive pre-release and bordering on the suicidal post-release. We can hope this will be very damaging to their reputations among consumers and that it will lead them to reconsider their PR and QA policies.
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:12 am

LOL AT lawsuits over a video game. I must be playing a completely different game than you nut jobs.

I don't understand how you can even begin to THINK we are just coming up with things out of our ass to complain to Crytek about. Take a look around the forums, my friend. In fact, go to "Crysis 2 Platform Discussion" and pick any platform's forum you see. We (PC gamers, as well as just here in this thread) are not even close to the only ones going on about these same exact problems. There is absolutely no way all of this could have been so professionally organized(same problem descriptions for numerous different problems, coming from thousands of different product users at the same time) and made up. Just don't post anything about the topic if the game works fine for you. I'm happy that it works all fine and dandy for you, but for, what seems like, 80-85+% of players, everything that could go wrong does, indeed, go wrong. It's unacceptable for a major release title and a major developing company, like Crytek, and they can't be allowed to leave this mess thinking they got away with it.
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:40 am

Bump. Wanting to see what others think.
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Chrissie Pillinger
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:13 am

I especially want to sue them over the fact that they hid that the game was a crummy copy of COD to the last second! They KNEW everyone would think it would be like the last Crysis Wars.
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Lavender Brown
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 9:46 am

Totally agree with op

this game is so broken.. it's sad.. honestly.

btw Borss... fck off already, will ya? ur not even remotely funny anymore.. I dunno.. do you even try to be? at least try harder if you do...
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Jesus Sanchez
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:33 pm

Yeah, you're right, the game wasn't up to scratch with all it's ongoing bugs and such. But you won't get a refund. None of us who got it digitally will.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but we just have to svck it up. I'm pissed at stats not saving and the likes, and yeah if I was offered a refund I'd take it, but I'm not going to be. So the best we can really do is just not buy any further Crytek games. Spread the bad news like bubonic plague and just don't buy.
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barbara belmonte
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:46 am

Well.. rules apply to everyone.. even to steam or any other digital distributor.

If they publish soft for ppl (example) who live in "europe union" then every single person can "give product back" within 14 days if it's broken or not working as advertised.

this includes every kind of products.. even digitally downloaded ones.

So.. it is basically possible to demand refund and whatnot...

BUT... too much paperwork and time must be spent on it that 50€ game is just not worth the hassle - though person who goes full on about principals.. can get that refund, even if he spends more money on paperwork and "fighting" with publisher.
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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:40 pm

Ya i agree **** Crytek, and **** you Borss

If you want to change a game, buy shares of the publisher of that game. In this case, EA.
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Michael Russ
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:49 am

Yeah, you're right, the game wasn't up to scratch with all it's ongoing bugs and such. But you won't get a refund. None of us who got it digitally will.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but we just have to svck it up. I'm pissed at stats not saving and the likes, and yeah if I was offered a refund I'd take it, but I'm not going to be. So the best we can really do is just not buy any further Crytek games. Spread the bad news like bubonic plague and just don't buy.

Yeah, I kind of came to that ending conclusion, too. And that's part of what the goal of this post is about - to just spread the news and tell others to as well.
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Hayley O'Gara
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:26 am

Yes, there are problems. Yes, it's taking a long time. It's true there seems to be very little transparency as to what's going on their end.

I'm guessing word spread around the Crytek offices that a few weeks after the leak, only about 10,000 people had downloaded the leaked Crysis 2. Great news for them, right? Crytek kept EA from forcing their Online Pass on us and I'm sure a lot of people were happy about that (maybe more on the console side). Sales finally open and (as reported by VGChartz.com here, here, and here) Crysis 2 sells more than a million copies. All very encouraging, right? Now all people do in the forums is complain and moan, with just the occasional poster putting their problems out there with the hopes someone at Crytek or even a fellow customer will be able to help them.

I'm starting to think we're lucky that Crytek employees are employees instead of volunteers donating their time.

No, I'm not having a problem-free experience with Crysis 2. The demos (first 360 and PC) both saw me losing ranks. I haven't seen any of my pre-order unlocks and with the server and cheater problems people are reporting, I haven't bothered to even touch multiplayer in the retail release. I've closed the game and reopened it more times than I cared to just to fix the melee bug before the 1.2 patch was released. On a couple occasions I've also gotten stuck in the environment and had to C4 myself to death to get out of it.

I'm not saying I've had more problems than others--I've just had my share--but how does all this raging actually help anyone?
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Emily Jeffs
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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:26 pm

I'm not saying I've had more problems than others--I've just had my share--but how does all this raging actually help anyone?

It really doesn't. And I don't intend it to. The intention of this thread was to let any Crytek employee reading this to know that more than too many customers absolutely want a refund, think their services are the worst we've all seen from a company in a long time, and that they should be ashamed for what they have done.

Also, it's been 3 weeks and hardly any (IF any) response to these issues has been given or addressed. They obviously do not wish to be productive, why waste our time explaining problems if mods never let us know that they are working on the problems currently, or when an approximated time of arrival is for certain fixes? All they've cared about is DX11, which most likely will not fix a thing. It will be my Multiplayer character getting booted back to "x" level and finding out the weapons I unlocked are now locked again, except in higher quality.

I'm not even enticed to bother playing this game anymore to be quite honest. I haven't opened it up in Steam for about 3 days straight now. I love the gameplay and I wish I could, but I'm literally so disgusted at these events that I think of this game as a trash heap. I wonder why it's even installed on my computer right now. Probably only because I don't want to have to re-download it if ANYTHING changes for the positive.
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Elizabeth Lysons
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:01 am

bloody well said mate, 100% agreed. This is completely unacceptable and a shocking release of a broken/unfinished product.

My biggest issue with the game is, to this day( got the game on release) I have not even played multilayer AT ALL because like me and many others who suffer from the same issue "Incorrect Login Details" and i refuse to make a new account and a new email address, why should i? this is Cryteks mistake for not testing out their game/servers this problem Should NOT even been happening, it was made known to them back when the demo come out and they did NOTHING to correct it..... and just to add, i paid $80 for the Limited edition and i applied my codes, It's been well over 3 weeks and Crytek have giving little to none details on what is going on and they just continue to ignore the PC community like we are just pieces of trash.
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