
Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:30 pm

Youre the only one to bring up this particular fight and its the devs fault you cant find a way around it?
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Enny Labinjo
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:35 am

Yes it's a pretty game and the art is nice etc etc.

Just died for the nth time to what has turned into a completely impassable multi-opponent fight where a single good power attack from any of the 2handed opponents takes me from 75% to dead. It's not merely that the fight is tough, it's the complete inability to work out what, if anything, I am doing wrong, plus the need to spam healing potions (yay - FUN, amirite?) and the way that mobs which look identical to everything else in the rest of the dungeon that's died in 3 hits are now kicking my ass at will.

This game is literally like driving a ferrari with the engine of a model-T ford. The entire game design is ancient history, stat driven bs, with no thought applied to how it is going to actually play out. While the static environments look nice enough and some meagre attempt has been made to satisify the story/world design aspects, there is no actual GAME anywhere in this product worth a damn. Baldur's Gate and Diablo, for what they were, absolutely massacre this product in terms of balance and enjoyability.

I can deal with the notion of a 'hard' game wherein I am obviously not using the correct strategy or failing to hit the right button at the right instant. Skyrim has neither, instead the magic scaler just randomly decides if you are playing on godmode or ultra-insanity for any one encounter, without even bothering to tell you in advance. Even Oblivion has the decency to make everything a skeleton champion or spawn daedric armor.

Bethesda I am done with you. Come back when you've learned how to make a GAME.

Um I agree. But not as bad as you obviously.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:53 pm

My little sister plays this game as well and she loves it. Shes not very good at it and she plays in her own unique way. When she gets into difficult situations she tries a few times on adept, but if she still can't get it she shamelessly lowers the slider to novice difficulty, but afterwards slides it back up to adept.

Its a single player game nobody is judging you. The game has to be hard in order to challenge some of us (and even then its too easy for some) but they realize it is just a game and added a difficulty slider for situations that your character might not be able to get through.

I admire your little sister. Truly.
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Matt Fletcher
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:19 pm

If this game isn't doing it for you, OP, can I suggest something that might perhaps be suited for your temperament? I'd like to suggest Hello Kitty Online. You're not forced into anything stressful and everything is pretty much handed to you. If you do so, can you do me a favor? Visit the boards and tell them, "Whackjob says hello." They'll know who you mean. I think I was the first one to get perma-banned from that game for playerkilling.
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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:05 pm

Umm...I'm sorry but this must be a joke...please tell me it's a joke?

In all seriousness though, keep on trucking. The early game is fairly difficult, but the moment you get past around level 15 - 20, the rest of it becomes a complete and utter joke even on master.
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Sammi Jones
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:01 am

also, who needs to make a forum post on rage-quitting a single player game that you already bought?
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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:04 am

My little sister plays this game as well and she loves it. Shes not very good at it and she plays in her own unique way. When she gets into difficult situations she tries a few times on adept, but if she still can't get it she shamelessly lowers the slider to novice difficulty, but afterwards slides it back up to adept.

Its a single player game nobody is judging you. The game has to be hard in order to challenge some of us (and even then its too easy for some) but they realize it is just a game and added a difficulty slider for situations that your character might not be able to get through.

Let her try Brainlord, its an old SNES game. Offer her a lucrative prize if she manages to beat it.
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Sammi Jones
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:36 am

I think the problem is that the enemy difficulty is completely out of whack. It would be nice if you knew heading into a dungeon that everyone was a bad ass, instead you get 20 push-overs then suddenly some super bad ass comes by and one shots you. That can be frustrating. Conversely, in Morrowind, you usually knew just based on the dungeon you were entering whether you were in for a tough time based on the first enemy who hit you.

I have to take issue with your post and use of bold extra large text however, which is beyond childish. And I'm sure you can agree on this.

But anyway, I think a game posing a difficult challenge isn't a sign of a game being flawed, but that it's simply become challenging, unlike 90% of games today. Game's should keep you on your toes to some extent, and it's good Skyrim attempts that, they just could have done it more carefully.
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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:53 am

Am I missing something? I thought you could only rage quit an MMO. Ina single player game, you just stop playing, no /ragequit needed. Or did I not get the memo that says you have to tell the world you're not going to play the game you bought a couple weeks ago, even though no one else will EVER know or care that you're gone? I mean, really, come one! It's a single player freaking game! If you're gonna quit playing, just stop. No need to inform the world.
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Sam Parker
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:44 am

I had a fight where some 2-handed dude was murdering me.

I left, upgraded my gear, gained 2 levels, and increased my skills.

Came back and took him easily.

Remember, there is scaling, but if you go somewhere and have trouble, that dungeon is now "locked" to the level you were on your first visit. So leaving, increasing your power and returning is always a valid option.

At 22 my Warrior is nearly unkillable. I don't even have to use my weapon if I don't want, bash them to death and laugh at them with my 350 armor class. Can't wait to move up to Ebony!
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phillip crookes
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:43 pm

Entertaining replies so far, if mostly useless. The one bit of advice to 'always dodge power attacks' is absolutely the only thing anyone here said that is of value - everyone else needs to log off the internet and go take a look at their lives if they are spending their time on a message board posting like this. You aren't helping, and it can't be much fun to be you.

Seriously, it should not be necessary to specify that I am blocking, bashing, power attacking dodging etc etc. Within the context of all of that this game is ludicrously easy.

Solved the fight somehow, it turns out that it was one almost naked chick with a one-handed sword was the real problem. Even a regular cross hand slash was hitting for about 50% health if not blocked, solution spam health potions/stamina potions and bash-lock.

Yay. Fun. Can't wait for the compelling gameplay of TES amirite boys? =/

I wouldn't be complaining about the replies when you've essentially made a QQ thread because you hit a tough spot in the game, in fact, this pretty much invites those types of replies.

I'm glad you figured it out at least. Not everything in the game is a cakewalk. Some parts are incredibly easy, some are challenging, and some are very difficult or near impossible without perfect play. Some dragons I can kill in one landing phase(Frost Dragons), others(Elder) I have to spend considerably more time hiding behind rocks, sniping when possible, or making sure I'm full up on health and get a few opportunistic smacks on the Dragon's behind. If I happen to run into a tough group of bandits or Forsworn, I use the environment for help. You didn't specify what fight you were having trouble with, but I'm guessing you weren't locked in a small room with nothing to hide behind. If enemies can near one shot me, I make sure to dodge everything they have and run/heal whenever I take the slightest bit of damage. The only thing I've found near impossible to avoid in terms of one-shots is lightning attacks since they're instant. Apparently your trouble came from a melee attack, in which case I seriously doubt you were doing a great job at dodging, using the environment, and using spells/shouts to your advantage, which only discredits your claim that the game isn't balanced.

I agree the game isn't perfectly balanced... what Bethesda game is? Your issue doesn't seem to be a balance problem though, just a tactical one. Keep at it, dodge hard hitting melee, kite them around pillars and objects to get distance between them, use your Fus Ro Dah shout to knock back a couple tough guys in the pack and cut up the weaker ones to make the fight easier to manage. Use the ethereal shout if you need to escape. Use the Ice Form shout as another form of crowd control. If you take on multiple enemies and expect to just hack and slash them all upfront and only dodge a couple attacks, you're going to get pwned, and it won't be the game's fault... well, technically it is, but I think you get the point.
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Danielle Brown
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:46 pm

I just ran into a brutal encounter recently. The enemy was some sort of white troll. It killed my nord character in about 3 hits. My character was carrying was carring a two-handed greatsword with frost damage and wearing all leather armor. Lydia was with me, It happened after meeting the greybeards for the first time. I was on level 7. Maybe it was too early to do that quest, but who knows? It seemed unfair to me. I had little trouble getting up there but on the way back it was a different story.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:14 pm

Keep in mind that I am 29 and my "little" sister is 17, shes not stupid she just plays how she wants to play.

For example she gets gold by picking crops and selling them to the farmers, cause she likes that kind of thing. And she dresses down her nord amazon into tattered robes before entering a city to be less conspicuous. :confused:
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Marion Geneste
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:18 pm

sellin crops at 1 gold a piece brutal
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jennie xhx
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:18 am

Stat driven? Thank god, this is an RPG. The COD boards are that way...---->

Or in short. Your doing it wrong.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:30 pm

Only in a game can a person use his inability to defeat several highly trained warriors as an example of imbalance.....
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Melis Hristina
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:31 am

Are we supposed to care? Serious question.
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Theodore Walling
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:06 am

Solution: Level up smithing and become a God with super hulked up weapons.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:52 pm

Your probably not a high enough level. Some dungeons are just simply to hard for low levels.

People whined about level scaling, so Beth modified it.

I admit, it's not always fun to get through a whole barrow and not be able to kill the named hero draugr boss at the end and have to run all the way out, but dammit it's a TON better than the garbage we had in Oblivion.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:03 pm

OP has obviously never played some early console games, like Ninja Gaiden, or Brainlord.

Ninja Gaiden, now THERE's an AWESOME (hard) game.
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Cedric Pearson
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:30 pm

I rage-reload whenever I get that damnable bite-thrash-toss finisher inflicted upon me by a dragon that is one melee blow away from death.

Word of warning: Do NOT approach a dragon at melee range unless you are at full health. If you drop below 50%, retreat and heal, or you WILL get bite-thrash-tossed to death.

Three times it's happened now. :flame:
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Alexandra walker
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:30 pm

This is amazing. The same game is too easy for some people, yet at the same time too difficult for some.
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Jonathan Montero
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:17 pm

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Amber Ably
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:06 pm

also, who needs to make a forum post on rage-quitting a single player game that you already bought?

xD The joke is on OP.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:21 pm

Poor fellow...

I have died many times, but I keep going. I lower the difficulty level if necessary to go on.

If you don't like the game, then play something else!
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