Entertaining replies so far, if mostly useless. The one bit of advice to 'always dodge power attacks' is absolutely the only thing anyone here said that is of value - everyone else needs to log off the internet and go take a look at their lives if they are spending their time on a message board posting like this. You aren't helping, and it can't be much fun to be you.
Seriously, it should not be necessary to specify that I am blocking, bashing, power attacking dodging etc etc. Within the context of all of that this game is ludicrously easy.
Solved the fight somehow, it turns out that it was one almost naked chick with a one-handed sword was the real problem. Even a regular cross hand slash was hitting for about 50% health if not blocked, solution spam health potions/stamina potions and bash-lock.
Yay. Fun. Can't wait for the compelling gameplay of TES amirite boys? =/
I wouldn't be complaining about the replies when you've essentially made a QQ thread because you hit a tough spot in the game, in fact, this pretty much invites those types of replies.
I'm glad you figured it out at least. Not everything in the game is a cakewalk. Some parts are incredibly easy, some are challenging, and some are very difficult or near impossible without perfect play. Some dragons I can kill in one landing phase(Frost Dragons), others(Elder) I have to spend considerably more time hiding behind rocks, sniping when possible, or making sure I'm full up on health and get a few opportunistic smacks on the Dragon's behind. If I happen to run into a tough group of bandits or Forsworn, I use the environment for help. You didn't specify what fight you were having trouble with, but I'm guessing you weren't locked in a small room with nothing to hide behind. If enemies can near one shot me, I make sure to dodge everything they have and run/heal whenever I take the slightest bit of damage. The only thing I've found near impossible to avoid in terms of one-shots is lightning attacks since they're instant. Apparently your trouble came from a melee attack, in which case I seriously doubt you were doing a great job at dodging, using the environment, and using spells/shouts to your advantage, which only discredits your claim that the game isn't balanced.
I agree the game isn't perfectly balanced... what Bethesda game is? Your issue doesn't seem to be a balance problem though, just a tactical one. Keep at it, dodge hard hitting melee, kite them around pillars and objects to get distance between them, use your Fus Ro Dah shout to knock back a couple tough guys in the pack and cut up the weaker ones to make the fight easier to manage. Use the ethereal shout if you need to escape. Use the Ice Form shout as another form of crowd control. If you take on multiple enemies and expect to just hack and slash them all upfront and only dodge a couple attacks, you're going to get pwned, and it won't be the game's fault... well, technically it is, but I think you get the point.