» Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:53 am
Though the OP may not even read this, I'll try to actually provide some advice instead of flamerolling, since I know what it's like to get STUCK in a very much loved game.
* Bring a companion, Lydia is given to you in the storyline, and make sure they are well equipped. I prefer melee types simply because they are better at being
a moving target and I can just sit back and shoot/cast/backstab in the meantime.
* Re-examine your character. You may be spreading your points too far out, and what's worse, you may be strictly leveling up non-combat skills. Some enemy placements
are strictly defined by your level (regardless of your combat/magic/stealth prowess and gear) and will eat you alive if you aren't prepared.
* Don't forget to set up the battle. If you are a mage, set up runes like traps around the field. Conjure up an Atronarch to help fight. Get into the perfect stealth mode.
Cast buffs if you have them. Apply poisons. There are just so many options open to you- and while you may say it's otherwise not possible- you have no clue how possible
it can be if you do things correctly.
* Be well equipped. Sometimes the right points, the right allies, and the right setup may not be enough. Don't wander around with low level gear- get some good equipment
that matches your abilities and enchant the pieces if you have the ability.
* Lastly, don't lose your cool. Focus on the fight, make sure every attack connects.
There, I'm done. I hope that does something for you OP, because you've got a long way to go.