
Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:48 pm

but OP, bethesda DOESNT make games... they make modding frameworks. damn fine frameworks, but it should come as no surprise that they arent very good games on their own.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:12 pm

This is the most hilarious thread I've seen all week. Thank you OP.
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joseluis perez
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:12 am

Difficulty slider... Use it.
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Rachie Stout
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:40 pm

Solved the fight somehow, it turns out that it was one almost naked chick with a one-handed sword was the real problem. Even a regular cross hand slash was hitting for about 50% health if not blocked, solution spam health potions/stamina potions and bash-lock.

Yay. Fun. Can't wait for the compelling gameplay of TES amirite boys? =/

You said you are ragequitting and are done with Bethesda until they find out how to make a real game. Yet you are now back, overcame your obstacle, and are now saying you can't wait for the next game. Ah well, glad that worked out for you :)
Next time try to have a bit more patience before you run to the computer and contradict what you say.
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Jerry Cox
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:53 am

Though the OP may not even read this, I'll try to actually provide some advice instead of flamerolling, since I know what it's like to get STUCK in a very much loved game.

* Bring a companion, Lydia is given to you in the storyline, and make sure they are well equipped. I prefer melee types simply because they are better at being
a moving target and I can just sit back and shoot/cast/backstab in the meantime.

* Re-examine your character. You may be spreading your points too far out, and what's worse, you may be strictly leveling up non-combat skills. Some enemy placements
are strictly defined by your level (regardless of your combat/magic/stealth prowess and gear) and will eat you alive if you aren't prepared.

* Don't forget to set up the battle. If you are a mage, set up runes like traps around the field. Conjure up an Atronarch to help fight. Get into the perfect stealth mode.
Cast buffs if you have them. Apply poisons. There are just so many options open to you- and while you may say it's otherwise not possible- you have no clue how possible
it can be if you do things correctly.

* Be well equipped. Sometimes the right points, the right allies, and the right setup may not be enough. Don't wander around with low level gear- get some good equipment
that matches your abilities and enchant the pieces if you have the ability.

* Lastly, don't lose your cool. Focus on the fight, make sure every attack connects.

There, I'm done. I hope that does something for you OP, because you've got a long way to go.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:18 pm

Entertaining replies so far, if mostly useless. The one bit of advice to 'always dodge power attacks' is absolutely the only thing anyone here said that is of value - everyone else needs to log off the internet and go take a look at their lives if they are spending their time on a message board posting like this. You aren't helping, and it can't be much fun to be you.

Seriously, it should not be necessary to specify that I am blocking, bashing, power attacking dodging etc etc. Within the context of all of that this game is ludicrously easy.

Solved the fight somehow, it turns out that it was one almost naked chick with a one-handed sword was the real problem. Even a regular cross hand slash was hitting for about 50% health if not blocked, solution spam health potions/stamina potions and bash-lock.

Yay. Fun. Can't wait for the compelling gameplay of TES amirite boys? =/

...you were leaving?
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Jessica Colville
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:34 am

Poor fellow...

I have died many times, but I keep going. I lower the difficulty level if necessary to go on.

If you don't like the game, then play something else!

yeh.. many deaths.. like this one time, I was in a Den and this Bandit Chief killed me 10 times in a row.. cos, like I forgot I was supposed to be this sneaky-type thief, and he had this big two-hander, and I was all Conan-speak "fear my dual blades of death" :flamethrower: with my twin steel daggers of fire and none perks in One-Handed and he was like "cool story, bro" one hit impaled me on his Greatsword of PwnNubs

To the OP.. contrary to several self-entitled posters wishes, not all instances con blue, and the drops aren't always epic.. ;)
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Cash n Class
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:29 am

i find stupidity the biggest factor in this game i hear mario or donkey kong is easy if 2 hard perhaps a nice game of go fish if u cant read numbers im sorry out of ideas
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Erin S
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:06 am

I can totaly relate to this situation this individual is describing.
I too have staggered what seems to be a ``[censored]-all``encounter with several, in this case, bandits and a bandit leader.
I′+m playing at expert as a pure Dual wield Nord Warrior and the difficukty can be so godamn insane in the way it changes.
I′m aware of that bethesda has implimented diffrent code for what level the dungeon you enter will be and other related implimentaions to that.

Try nuke the difficulty down and start moving around a whole lot more``if your not doing this allready``
I had insane problems with most of my difficult encounters on expert untill I started playing jumping jacks and runn around like a godamn crazy.
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Kate Norris
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:56 pm

If you are having trouble, maybe turn the difficulty down or has someone stolen your sweet roll?
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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:35 pm

Wow you ragequit in this game? Best not play Dark Souls...
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Chloe Lou
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:15 pm

Wow, while the solution to the OP's problem was clearly come back later/different tactics or even difficulty slider.

Replies read like the playground gang...

The most interesting part of this, I think is that people cannot adjust to a variable difficulty anymore. Some dungeons, opponents harder than others, I just had to do so for the first time, running into a tomb full of draugr deathlords. Disarm shouts aren't fun when you're the recipient!

But I look forward to coming back... those deathlords are going to get righteously taken down... oh yes... oh yes they will...
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Shirley BEltran
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:30 pm

Use a lot of strong poisons. Get one hit in, run off, re-poison, and continue until everything is dead. Having time stop when the potion menu is up is a big bonus so you might as well fully exploit it.
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Adam Kriner
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:27 pm

I like it when a game has 'no go' areas. It helps keep you sharp, even when fighting enemies I presume to be weak I treat them as if they were powerful just in case they are

Anyhoo, it doesn't matter how weak the fireball, I still feel awesome when I manage to avoid it by halo-jumping at the right time. That Hargraven seemed to **** a brick after that maneuvre :tongue:
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Chica Cheve
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:10 am

RQ a single player offline RPG and post a dummy spitting rant? :lmao:

Then have a pop at the forumites who show little sympathy. :rofl:

Seriously, most people who aren't power levelling characters have been in your situation more than once, the game has difficulty spikes that take some effort to overcome at times but stops it becoming a cakewalk.

For me it was a cave with 3 cave bears that tore my L20 Imperial Battlemage a new one, sure my build is far from perfect but the build reflects the adventure I am on that is RPG for me, the cave is marked and I will return , oh yes bears you will be getting payback.

Get spanked?

Check , test, adjust, improvise, adapt, overcome. (Yes even run away)

Then scoop the loot. (Unless you ran away)
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Rachie Stout
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:35 pm

There's a difficulty slider for a reason.

Yeah,they actually got rid of the slider and made it much more convenient for us by actually stating which difficulty is which. That is not sarcasm.

I've been in a few fights like this, but I just took down my first ancient dragon about 5 minutes ago, so I am happy now. Two Draugr Deathlords and 3 Scourges is a nasty fight on any level, especially since you need to keep the Deathlords from shooting a bow at you. That means either going toe to toe with them, which is really bad, or keeping them stunned, which is hard to do. I usually just book it out of there when I get into fights like that.
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Amy Melissa
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:55 pm

Yeah,they actually got rid of the slider and made it much more convenient for us by actually stating which difficulty is which. That is not sarcasm.

I've been in a few fights like this, but I just took down my first ancient dragon about 5 minutes ago, so I am happy now. Two Draugr Deathlords and 3 Scourges is a nasty fight on any level, especially since you need to keep the Deathlords from shooting a bow at you. That means either going toe to toe with them, which is really bad, or keeping them stunned, which is hard to do. I usually just book it out of there when I get into fights like that.

Fus Do Rah and wail on the deathlords like theres no tomorrow. You'll take out at least one before they can regroup. But yeah thats a nasty fight right there...
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:27 pm

Yes due to your inability of being able to defeat a encounter, Bethesda failed... :facepalm: :violin:
Decrease the difficulty slider, utulize your shouts, dodge & block, illusion, sneak, conjuration, train your heavy armor, alteration, restoration, impact, ww power attack and the list goes on... all things that either make's you avoid all the damage or heavily reduce's it....
If you fail at that aka if u fail at using your brain, my suggestion is to stick with playing tetris.. or infact dont play tetris because u might nerdrage and blame the game for 'not giving you the right block'.
Just watch TV, and get off the forums with all your qq.
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Erika Ellsworth
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:37 am

Just leave. Level up. Get better gear. Return. Own.

Silly you.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:12 am

Fus! Ro! DAh! is your friend
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Robert Garcia
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:02 pm

another [censored]tard. these whining [censored]es force Bethesda to dumb down the series if they want to earn some profit -_-
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Michael Korkia
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:28 pm

You OP, are one unsavoury little cry baby.

Are you looking for an argument on purpose?

You sad little lad.
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jenny goodwin
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:32 am

Right, getting 2 shot by agile mage opponents now. =/

I would have some sympathy for the idea that 'some fights are just too much for a certain level' if there was ANY way whatsoever of determining that. However, since everything just wears the same gear, and since quite often the unkillable uber mob with a dozen times as much health and damage as all their compadres is located randomly within a regular group, you have no idea until after the first regular attack mows through your block or first fireball takes 40% of your health what you're even facing. It's stupid.

Even MMOs that reuse the same wolf model from level 1 to 100 at least have the decency to paint them slightly different colors and put a number on them when you select.
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Laura Samson
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:29 pm

It's not stupid, it's a very refreshing change from the hordes of 'balanced' games where every class/level/equipment decision becomes meaningless because there's no variation in challenge.

Skyrim gives you the freedom to play the character that you want - that includes the ability to create weak ones or to go up against enemies that you shouldn't for your particular level/equipment/situation. Enjoy this freedom for what it is and use it to help you tell your character's story - a hero is rather boring if they never struggled at some point in their lives. Besides, the Balrog in Moria never had a red name and HP bar hanging over his head! Approach new encounters with caution and test out how challenging they will be while allowing yourself an escape route - summon something and see how long it lasts for example.

If that's not fun for your then drop difficulty level and start over with a more forgiving character build.
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Romy Welsch
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:44 pm

Bethesda I am done with you. Come back when you've learned how to make a GAME.

seriously. come back when youve learnt to play the game...

some areas are harder than others if you keep gettin killed leave, lvl up come back & punish the enemy its that simple.

last night i kept gettin killed by whisps, did i come on here and whine like a b'itch, no i went away leveld up and got on with it.

op if you dont want comments abuseing you then dont make idiotic threads. quite simple reali...
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Becky Palmer
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