Just died for the nth time to what has turned into a completely impassable multi-opponent fight where a single good power attack from any of the 2handed opponents takes me from 75% to dead. It's not merely that the fight is tough, it's the complete inability to work out what, if anything, I am doing wrong, plus the need to spam healing potions (yay - FUN, amirite?) and the way that mobs which look identical to everything else in the rest of the dungeon that's died in 3 hits are now kicking my ass at will.
This game is literally like driving a ferrari with the engine of a model-T ford. The entire game design is ancient history, stat driven bs, with no thought applied to how it is going to actually play out. While the static environments look nice enough and some meagre attempt has been made to satisify the story/world design aspects, there is no actual GAME anywhere in this product worth a damn. Baldur's Gate and Diablo, for what they were, absolutely massacre this product in terms of balance and enjoyability.
I can deal with the notion of a 'hard' game wherein I am obviously not using the correct strategy or failing to hit the right button at the right instant. Skyrim has neither, instead the magic scaler just randomly decides if you are playing on godmode or ultra-insanity for any one encounter, without even bothering to tell you in advance. Even Oblivion has the decency to make everything a skeleton champion or spawn daedric armor.
Bethesda I am done with you. Come back when you've learned how to make a GAME.